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Everything posted by Peace

  1. I'm going to the gym before home. Better be open.
  2. My office on the 18th floor was moving and hopping pretty good. I was trying to see how local it was and the guys I could best see out the window are demolishing the building next door with a dozer-mounted jackhammer. They didn't seem to notice. My office is in a panic of stupidity.
  3. that sentence ends "would be a miracle."
  4. If you can get OCnarcissist to admit he's got anything but superior judgment, you should get your own TV show. He's about as textbook as they come. (The Dwight Drane/Time to Choose persona was there too, but he had some other issues thrown in.)
  5. Bell was OK in pass protection last season, and useless as a run blocker except on plays where he was leading a screen or pulling (because he is agile and with a head of steam, he can push someone). Not watching tonight as I was out but he has a long way to go from last season. As Bill often points out, the guy is athletic but not strong and cannot bull anyone.
  6. Aww, DaveinElma has a crush! Hey, get the hell outta my logic trap.
  7. Put a black guy in the White House and there goes the credit rating, right Dave?
  8. I just won a hot coffee spill verdict today. The take for me pays off my 2d BMW and mortgage. You're my wackamole. Nothing more. When I mention your name, you can't believe your luck. But now you're grounded. Go sit in the corner. I'll ignore you for one week, but you'll still want my attention.
  9. Dip#$%t, I didn't answer your question until you asked twice, so obviously, I don't go around trumpeting my votes. Why I voted for each one is not a discussion that is interesting to anyone but you, my #3 stalker after 3rdnlong and M*(%$. If you guys want to start a Peace Worship board, I'll be happy to answer all your sycophantic questions.
  10. And yet the USA is still one of the most Libertarian countries in the world. Not even really debatable. Civil rights, true. Pre-FDR eonomic downturns, criminals getting away with crime, and elderly care have zip to do with the discussion.
  11. What pussies. Wah. My Poly Sci/English major + JD didn't yield a 6 figure starting salary. Wah.
  12. the !@#$ are you talking about? I love the underlying assumption that businesses are evil and out to do no good. You prove daily that you're clueless.
  13. Son of nimrod, GG wasn't criticizing me. Thanks for playing though boy blunder. I voted for the person I thought best. I also would have voted for Hillary. When that choice was removed, I voted elsewhere. You chose not to vote. You're a non participant. How bold of you. Way to try to make things better.
  14. I was commenting on Tom' contract nimrod. Your name just happened to be in it. You do seem to get wet by me saying your name.
  15. Right, because not voting is the same as voting for someone else. Why the #$%^ would you want to review my presidential votes? I guess if you worship me that much, I'll throw you a bone. I'm not going to justify each one because you barely deserve what I'm giving you. 1992 - HW Bush 1996 - Browne 2000 - Browne 2004 - Crippen 2008 - Barr (gag)
  16. It's his boilerplate contract for granting a license to call 3rd an idiot.
  17. The United States did a pretty good pre-FDR job. On a spectrum of freedom, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Switzerland, USA, Ireland are probably tops. Really no Libertarian country exists. Lichtenstein always comes up in this conversation.
  18. I didn't vote for either of them. Thanks for playing though. And I said "OCinBuffalo...never voted in a presidential election. So grown up." So though you're going to try to make the point that I jumped to a conclusion, I didn't. Except you're a narcissist. I just said that your pride in not voting for president tells me not to care about your bitching like the little priss you are. I do nothing like that but I know you have job envy so keep it up. Maybe someday I will hit you in my car and you can call one of those guys. You seem to have them on your mind.
  19. You found your nut!
  20. I don't read those things, I just write them. Where do I click yes.
  21. We pale in comparison to Baby Boomers, the all time narcissistic generational champion.
  22. Damn it. I have to respect your fist use in commerce. 3rdnlong, you're off the hook for a second day.
  23. You want me to go around following all of your responses to me? Idiot.
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