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Everything posted by Peace

  1. This "they" you talk about is "you."
  2. At least they passed on the Don't Ask repeal.
  3. When you make a stupid decision without thinking it through, you pay the consequences. That's that. Do you think every DWI is someone "thinking it through?" Do you think texting and driving is a stupid decision? Both are and both have consequences. The kid should be suspended. The kid may be charged with battery. Those are the consequences for acting like that. After the fact, everyone is full of regret and remorse. That and 99 cents don't get you a dollar.
  4. Look, I already agreed with VABills today. Don't make me want to hang myself OK? Why does TBD space out the letters in e v a l?
  5. This season was good. Another sloppy note was Lumens fiancé. Pointless dead end character. He probably had a role that ended on the editing floor. Right where he should have stayed. Also though a good idea, I never felt convinced by Chases motivational hold on the men.
  6. This post makes the thread worthwhile.
  7. Damn you: I was just dropping in to note that I would never have guessed such a stupid thread would get to 3 pages.
  8. Frogger, you're courting 2 people. You need to win both of their love and you need to be in this ONLY for long-term (ie forever) interests. You don't screw and leave a single mom and her kid because if you do, you leave a dual trail of wreckage behind: one hers, one the child's. Go slow and be sure of things because you can only approach this as a potential father to her child. To approach it in any other casual way will hurt the kid.
  9. Yes. I will make that clear in the final rules. I guess I can't make the thread editable BTW. But people can't go back and change anything but the last post.
  10. I'm posting this now for discussion re rules. I'll start an uneditable running thread once 2011 starts. Rules: (1) You have $10,000 to spend on any stock traded here in the USA. That includes Pinks and OTCs. (2) You can buy and trade as much as you want but must record the buys and sells here. (3) Every buy and sell should be a reply to your last buy/sell post so you can keep a running total. (4) You must record the buy/sell price at the time of your post. You can't say, "I meant to sell this yesterday when it was up %400." I guess you can "say" that but you can't actually record that transaction in the game. (5) Everyone is on the honor system for prices. (6) You can make your first purchase in the New Year. (7) You MUST make your first purchase in January. (This is to prevent someone coming in in December, making one trade, and winning the game without participating in trash talking.) (8) You MUST make at least 1 trade worth 10% of your current value per month. (This also prevents someone frmo making a single trade and then exiting...although of course, the savvy trader can just trade ultraconservatively if they do get the blockbuster return.) (9) All buys and sells must be made in the format of the STATUS POST shown below. If you're confused by what goes in the brackets, you can stop reading now. (10) Rules are subject to change by me and you can B word all you want but the game is mine and I'm putting up the prize. PRIZE As long as I do not have some financial disaster in 2011, winner gets a Kindle. If I back out on the prize, winner gets my undying admiration. But make no mistake, I intend to try my best to actually award the prize. Why not? This makes it fun. If the monkey (random picks) or I win the prize, I will donate the Kindle to a local charity. Format of STATUS POST: GAME STATUS POST Selling: Sell_#__ shares of [stock] at [price] Buying: Buy _#__ shares of [stock] at [price] Current Portfolio: Following Buy/Sell above, now holding in portfolio: _#__ shares of [stock] currently at [price] Cash: $_______ Total Current Value of Portfolio: ___[sum of holding in portfolio + Cash]______
  11. Only 2 participants in that contest but the results are clear: Magox IS smarter than a monkey. The monkey picks returned $25 or 2.5% to Magox's 6.6%. Well done. I will start another thread like this shortly for a calendar year game with rules that allow buys and sells. I will do it myself but also let the monkey play too.
  12. Setting aside accuracy problems, her appearance is relevant how? Do you see your remarks as sexist? Did what she say relate to her "fat kitty and pig face" as you say? M Obama gets an appearance e v a l but Barack does not? Or other male politicians?
  13. Fantastic. As if the Lennon McCartney duo was Weezer.
  14. Disagree completely. On Amazon, used books are a click away and VERY easy to buy for sub $5 including shipping. With that level of convenience staring me in the face are used books.
  15. I LOVE the Kindle for all the reasons stated and also: (1) It has few "extras." I want a reader. Not an extra distraction. So please, Amazon, keep it a reader. If I want an iPad, I'll get one. (2)All the books I buy are also on my wife's and daughter's Kindle if they want them, and vice versa. We're all under my Amazon account umbrella so we share the books. Nice. (3) Lots of things available for free or near free if they are out of copyright. Dickens, Shakespear, Doyle, etc. If you like classics, you can keep them all with you and spend very little. (4) If you have the 3G version, can buy a book anywhere and it takes no time to download (usually less than a minute). (5) No messy periodicals. Get the paper delivered every day to your kindle. Screw the inky mess. That said, here are the cons (or suggestions for future improvements): (1) Maps suck. If you read non-fiction and care to look at the maps, good luck. The zoom doesn't work and you'll not be able to see small text. This is frustrating as you're trying to track troops or people movements. Not the end of the world but also pretty annoying. (2) Lots of books are not available. I'd say that 1 in 3 books I want to read isn't on Kindle yet. It's a publisher decision but it's still aggravating. For example, my daughter is getting a Kindle for Christmas (shh). She will want to read the Harry Potter books on it perhaps. But she can't. Not available. I run into this too often with books all over the map on popularity and type. (3) The price of ebooks. This one really sticks in my craw. Fuggin' things are usually $10. That is more than I can find them used and it makes no sense (other than the pub makes more money) since they have no distribution and printing charge. No one is budging too far from this price either.
  16. I love a thread with "Paul McCartney is OK but..." People are so funny. As if there is a bigger music legend alive today.
  17. So you're saying Lennon+McCarney > Lennon or McCarney solo. And you're saying that Harrison>Lennon>McCartney solo. Only one of those geniuses is still alive. He was performing. You can make him dead to you all you want but we're so lucky to still have this living legend around. It's not the same that he's not playing with Lennon but it's still great to be sharing the same oxygen he breathes.
  18. And John Lennon's "Imagine?" Is that not the schlockiest song ever written? "Imagine all the people living life in peace." What is that? 10th grade poetry composition? Yet it still works. Not everything has 40 layers of complexity.
  19. If my budget had only room for cable or satellite radio, I'd give up cable in a second.
  20. McNabb overrated (by many). Andy Reid is showing that he can make any QB look good. Reid may be a bad game day coach be he preps n offense and QB better than you may see.
  21. Contradiction. 6-3, 210 is not lean. In our society, 6-3, 210 is svelt but in reality, it's not.
  22. Baby I'm Amazed. The concert was Paul singing whatever he wanted including many Beatles songs of course.
  23. He's been pretty mundane since the Pittsburgh disaster. It's not about to get better.
  24. Helter Skelter Yesterday Blackbird Baby I'm Amazed Hey Jude.
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