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Everything posted by Peace

  1. Rules: (1) You have $10,000 to spend on any stock traded here in the USA. That includes ETFs, index funds, Pinks, and OTCs. (2) You can buy and trade as much as you want but must record the buys and sells here. All buys and sells must take place when the NYSE is OPEN only. No after hours trades. (3) Every buy and sell should be a reply to your last buy/sell post so you can keep a running total. (4) You must record the buy/sell price at the time of your post. You can't say, "I meant to sell this yesterday when it was up %400." I guess you can "say" that but you can't actually record that transaction in the game. (5) Everyone is on the honor system for prices. (6) You can make your first purchase in the New Year. (7) You MUST make your first purchase before 2/1/2011 to enter. (This is to prevent someone coming in in December, making one trade, and winning the game without participating in trash talking.) (8) You MUST make at least 1 trade worth 10% of your current value per month. (This also prevents someone from making a single trade and then exiting...although of course, the savvy trader can just trade ultraconservatively if they do get the blockbuster return.) (9) All buys and sells must be made in the format of the STATUS POST shown below. If you're confused by what goes in the brackets, you can stop reading now. (10) Rules are subject to change by me and you can B word all you want but the game is mine and I'm putting up the prize. PRIZE Whoever has the most money as of the close of the market on 12/31 wins a new Kindle (model, color, options TBD). If the monkey (random picks chosen by me) or I win the prize, I will donate the Kindle to a local charity. FORMAT OF STATUS POST: GAME STATUS POST Selling: Sell_#__ shares of [stock] at [price] Buying: Buy _#__ shares of [stock] at [price] Current Portfolio: Following Buy/Sell above, now holding in portfolio: _#__ shares of [stock] currently at [price] Cash: $_______ Total Current Value of Portfolio: ___[sum of holding in portfolio + Cash]______ *************************************************************************** Here is an example first transaction post for the "monkey" random picker. THIS IS FOR THE MONKEY (RANDOM PICKS) not me and would technically violate rule (2) because the market isn't open yet but I've posted to show an example. GAME STATUS POST Selling: Sell 0 shares of N/A at N/A Buying: Buy 500 shares of LDF at 19.17 Current Portfolio: Following Buy/Sell above, now holding in portfolio: 500 shares of LDF at 19.17 Cash: $ 415 Total Current Value of Portfolio: $10,000
  2. Brohm is not Fitz. I believe the Fitz-bashers took one on the chin today. Fitz makes a team better. Brohm is Edwards minus the checkdowns.
  3. Saw 0.0 minutes of the game. I thought of something listening though. The Johnson fumble (which I saw on replay) makes me wonder why you don't like this guy more. He's the Jason Peters of WRs. Talent coming out his eyeballs. 10 cent head that causes him to do completely boneheaded things.
  4. Maybe the mind. But it goes to show the value of anecdotal evidence.
  5. This is my second post in this thread. I find the opposite to be true. The ungodly are much kinder both in both action and mind, although they sure do lecture about it a lot less. There's my unscientific poll.
  6. It offends modern sensibilities to think aliens would travel light years and overlook bacterial infections. Wells was a visionary. In the 2005 movie, Speilberg needed to change the ending. Maybe a weak spot in the mothership? Cloverfield was great as was District 9.
  7. Maybe the aliens will all die from the common cold? /War of the World
  8. Stealing from Independence Day would be great. Interstellar spaceship with tiny weak spot that allows the entire thing to blow up. How original. Especially in science fiction. HAs that been done before? I think it's going to turn out just fine when they realize that if they just throw water at the aliens, they die. I mean: They mastered interstellar space travel but forgot their downfall is that they travelled to a planet of water and forgot their rain coats. Oh, and they can't figure out how to turn a doorknob. /Signs
  9. You mean when Johnny Utah tackles that guy on the beach?
  10. Whom because you use whom for objects and who for subject. In "important to whom," your subject is the implied topic of your discussion. On a more helpful note, I've heard grammar geek extraordinairre Bryan Garner describe whom as a creaky old uncle...almost done but still lingering about. Whom's days are just about numbered. It will soon join thou and whilst in the dusty attic of the English language. Basically, use "who" unless you want to sound like a pinky lifting douche. That would work 100% of the time.
  11. Good review as always but...Jets are not playing for anything this week. They are in the playoffs and a win sends them to Indy, a loss to KC.
  12. You should hang out with Eryn.
  13. With a good line, any RB looks good. Not a priority or care this off-season. Spiller has no chance unless the Bills address the OTs.
  14. Being in tune is huge. I use an iphone app to tune my guitar.
  15. Fast Eddie is always good for a quote. Even as governor, he did a local post-game show on TV about the Eagles. The guy loves Philly sports.
  16. Part fo the battle early on is to not aim too high. Metallica will not be playable beginning to end for you for a long time nor will GnR but you can make those work. Sweet Child of Mine is a nice easy one to strum if you ignore the solos. http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/tabs/g/guns_n_roses/sweet_child_o_mine_acoustic_crd.htm Also, the Intro to Enter Sandman is not that hard and you should be able to pick it up quickly. http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/tabs/m/metallica/enter_sandman_tab.htm There are some good youtube videos explaining how to play Enter Sandman. Just search for Enter Sandman guitar lesson and pick one that seems easy to follow. Actually lots of great youtube guitar lessons. I often go there when I feel confused. This guy is teaching for beginners (note that at a couple points, he plays differently than the written music but both sound good to me...you will get used to seeing different interpretations of music...just pick the one that feels good to you).
  17. The dummy books are probably fine. There are lots of websites with free or very inexpensive (guitartricks.com) online lessons. The real trick is probably to look to some music you like as guide. Shoot lower than say Eddie Van Halen Eruption solos for starters. Maybe you like, say, the Beatles. Or the Stones. Or Green Day. Whatever. Pick a song by them that seems kind of not too crazy with wicked guitar. Then, go to http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/ There is a search box there. Type in the name of the song. I'll choose one that I know is one of my first super-beinnger songs, the Beatles Eleanor Rigby. Up pops this list: http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/search.php?value=eleanor+rigby&search_type=title For beginner, skip the ones labeled "tab" as they may be more accurate but are also likely much harder. Also skip the ones labaled "guitar pro" or "power tab" as they require you to download a player to read (I prefer these but for a beginner, skip them). Instead find "chords" songs. Pick one with a lot of stars so you have a chance that it's right. HEre's one for Eleanor Rigby that works. http://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/b/beatles/eleanor_rigby_ver2_crd.htm The file you open is someone's interpretation of how a song goes. The good ones for beginners have song lines with the chords positioned above the line. The location of the chord name "A" or "Em" or "C" may not be right above the word that you'd play it over because those files are old. But the chords are generally right. You can see the chords on great files by hovering your mouse over them or clicking "show chord diagrams" and learning how to read the tablature-written chords (which if you find it confusing is SUPER easy and google can explain tablature to you in 2 seconds). Once you have the chords, words, and song...you play it out. That part takes practice and patience. Eleanor Rigby is easy because you can just strum the chord on every quarter note (if you don't know what that means, imagine or listen to the song and concentrate on the pulsing violin at the beginning...that's the sound you can recreate on the guitar...and those are quarter notes). There is a lot to learn but very little needed to get started. Everyone will say the same thing: You need to play play play. It's a clumsy instrument at first and can be hard to get to learn but pick easy songs that you like as starters and you can play music before long. If you want a few links to songs you might like, give us an idea of what music you like. Eleanor Rigby is a beauty for Beatles people because it can be broken down to almost stupidly simple levels and still sounds great. Not all songs are like that but every band has a few you can do that with.
  18. That's like fixing the Bills RT woes by giving Cornell Green mismatched socks. Hey boys, someone needs to touch the third rails at some point or this budget/debt thing will not get fixed. Looks like the Republicans are lining up to p---y out again from real spending cuts. God this gets old. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Slashing-100-billion-from-the-cnnm-2587039707.html?x=0
  19. For having one of the best Bills QB seasons ever with undrafted linemen WRs and RB? Love that the team MVP is a problem worth discussing.
  20. Backup QB having one of the ten best seasons as a Bills QB and he didn't start the season. With that line. And those WRs. Fitz is NOT the problem.
  21. Cheat in a week. Quit by 3.
  22. Second Quiz: right social libertarian. Both numbers something like 7. That map means I'm fiscally conservative and socially liberal both to some fair extreme. Which is correct.
  23. You have to stop comparing a guy who didn't start the year to one of the best QBs of all time. It's making your argument silly. Warner also had one of the best RBs ever in St. Louis and not one but at least 3 HOF WRs to throw to during his career. Fitz has Lee Evans and Steve Johnson. Think that has something to do with his Yds per attempt being down? How about you give Fitz Torry Holt and Isaac Bruce with Marshall Faulk in the backfield and Orlando Pace at tackle? Think his yds per attempt might be up? Or how about Larry Fitzgerald and Boldin? With so-so talent in New York, Warner couldn't even crack the starting lineup.
  24. Do that math. 3 completions extra in every 4 games and Fitz is with the likes of Rothlisbeerger in completion %. That criticism is overused and overrated. The reason Fitz's numbers are lower (compared to the greatest QBs of all time) is because the ball is out in 2 seconds so the routes are usually short. And why are the routes short? BEcause the line (esp tackles) can't be trusted. Fitz is doing a lot with minimal help. Fitz is having one of the greatest QB seasons in Bills history and people are on his case. It's really fantastic.
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