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Everything posted by Peace

  1. No one is surprised. Gary M has a habit of being wrong.
  2. So wait Gary: You are glad you didn't watch the president's speech because someone there gave away t-shirts? Well played.
  3. GAME STATUS POST Selling: Sell 0 shares of N/A at N/A Buying: Buy 10,000 shares of NTGMF @ .364 Buy 10,000 shares OXGN @ 0.24 Current Portfolio: Following Buy/Sell above, now holding in portfolio: 10,000 shares of MERMF at 0.182 [unchanged from buy] 10,000 shares of NTGMF @ 0.364 10,000 shares OXGN @ 0.24 Cash: $ 2,140 Total Current Value of Portfolio: $10,000
  4. Nah. You're wrong as usual. Removing that piece of excrement from the planet would only make the world a better place. When his God Hates Fags people are out protesting that 9 year old's funeral, I'd like someone to grab him (and as many of his followers as want to join in) and drive him out of earshot of the funeral, and conserve his (their) oxygen.
  5. We once got a resume from an Italian attorney who in her cover letter described herself as "nubile."
  6. Uhh, no. He's on a bad team and he's been very good. He is in the top 10 Bills QB seasons of all time in yards and TDs in spite of his lack of TE and crappy line and suspect WRs and zip for running game.
  7. I wish you would all ease up on Palin. Those are not crosshairs for a gun: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/10/us/politics/10politics.html?_r=2&hp
  8. I did not read the book but the mini-series is one of the greatest things ever done for TV. The story lent itself to long-form miniseries. It was a million times better than The Pacific, and the end-of-show interviews made me tear up every time.
  9. Keep making your stupid "point" while ignoring this guy. Barack Obama: "If they bring a knife to the fight, we'll bring a gun."
  10. Maybe you've heard of this Dem leader. Barack Obama said "If they bring a knife to the fight, we'll bring a gun."
  11. Barack Obama said "If they bring a knife to the fight, we'll bring a gun." Thanks for fueling the fire of this guy's hate Barack.
  12. Yes let's argue over 2% in completion rate. Less than a catch a game. When everyone knows he has to pass. With no line. No TE. Questionable WRs. Who drop balls. Please. This stat means little unless you're Brees at 70% or someone at 50%.
  13. Who is this straw man who said Faulk is the greatest RB of all time? And why wouldn't I give you stats? 4 times over 2000 yds from scrimmage. 7 seasons over 1000 rushing including his final season. 10th all time rushing. 135 TDs. One ring. Best RB of his playing era. The guy is first ballot HOF. It's not even going to be close.
  14. Faulk has to be a first ballot HOFer.
  15. What's the matter TBD people? Haven't you seen a troll before? This guy is out to get attention. He's not the government. He's not a school district. He's just some dumb tool. Well, congrats that the media and others for feeding him. Now, please debate the God Hates Fags people. Or Al Sharpton. Or Paris Hilton.
  16. And again maybe you don't understand discretion. Make the anonymous poll if you want a truer count. I didn't share my salary when I made 20,000/year and I don't do it now. It's gauche. It's funny that you link those-that-want-lower-taxes with uber-wealthy. I was a lower-tax crusader when I made $10/hour in 1992 and I'm still one today.
  17. That's not an advisor-recommended one and that by all accounts is a lottery ticket not for the faint of heart. That's why I only spent 10% of that portfolio on it. It's next stop could be zero. I have owned it in real life but do not anymore. It's one I watch in anticipation that it will break my heart someday and quintuple in 5 minutes. .
  18. FYI, it's not exactly tactful to talk about your salary. Here are the people who know my salary: My fellow shareholders in my business My business accountant and payroll person My personal accountant My wife My investment advisors And that's about it. When my daughter gets a little older, she'll find out too. That's pretty much how it should be. If you want to do this and maintain anonymity, do it as a poll with ranges. People may lie but you'll get a better read.
  19. This one is such pandering nonsense. Read the Constitution on the House floor under the new regime...as if the new regime or old regime won't continue to abuse its reading and cram every piece of overly broad spending legislation under the commerce clause. The Republicans better keep to these rules BTW. Failure to do so will make them look absurd.
  20. SLV baby. The vampires are coming soon!
  21. You'll have to get off my ignore to get the answer.
  22. GAME STATUS POST Selling: Sell 0 shares of N/A at N/A Buying: Buy 10,000 shares of MERMF at 0.182 Current Portfolio: Following Buy/Sell above, now holding in portfolio: 10,000 shares of MERMF at 0.182 Cash: $ 8,180 Total Current Value of Portfolio: $10,000
  23. From what I read (I am NOT a huge college follower), Mallett will go well after #3. Looks like #3 will be the spot to pick one of the two hot DBs. I don't say that to tease you--it's just how it looks. I really hope the Bills trade out of that spot if a one of those DBs is the guy they have graded that high. Some other team will covet them and while the Bills need DBs, they need other positions much more.
  24. Right. Brohm is a "who cares" guy to me. If he makes it through training camp next year, fine. If he doesn't, fine. He's shown nothing so far but maybe he's the best backup QB the Bills can get. Obviously, if the Bills pick a QB in the draft, Brohm is gone and I doubt anyone (except Simon) will really miss him.
  25. THIS IS FOR THE MONKEY (RANDOM PICKS) GAME STATUS POST Selling: Sell 0 shares of N/A at N/A Buying: Buy 500 shares of LDF at 19.35 Current Portfolio: Following Buy/Sell above, now holding in portfolio: 500 shares of LDF at 19.35 Cash: $ 325 Total Current Value of Portfolio: $10,000
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