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Everything posted by Peace

  1. Not interested in its movement. Fewer people is fine.
  2. I watch every game. I have ready many articles. The offensive line coach's nickname is not something that I felt the need to know.
  3. They have a supporters group that sells for $25 but you have to join the suppoters organization (like $40/year) and then you have to stand for the entire game and never stop (literally) singing and cheering. It makes the Union games a blast. Those people, the Sons of Ben, are a riot. This is what they do for every opposing goal kick at their end. (Link below slightly unsafe for work as fans say A-hole). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDO_KoKfx9M
  4. Who in the hell is Kuges?
  5. How in the hell did Brunnell laugh that off? Guess when you're getting paid 1M/year to sit on the bench, you don't mind the tissue box treatment.
  6. County commissioners will fix health care.
  7. Revising Rules to encourage players and not eliminate people who sleep on their trades. You still need to make your first purchase by 2/1/2011 to enter! Rules: (1) You have $10,000 to spend on any stock traded here in the USA. That includes ETFs, index funds, Pinks, and OTCs (eliminated the OTC/Pinks because it can be abused...if anyone already did this, no sweat...just no more going forward). (2) You can buy and trade as much as you want but must record the buys and sells here. All buys and sells must take place when the NYSE is OPEN only. No after hours trades. (3) Every buy and sell should be a reply to your last buy/sell post so you can keep a running total. (4) You must record the buy/sell price at the time of your post. You can't say, "I meant to sell this yesterday when it was up %400." I guess you can "say" that but you can't actually record that transaction in the game. (5) Everyone is on the honor system for prices. (6) You can make your first purchase in the New Year. (7) You MUST make your first purchase before 2/1/2011 to enter. (This is to prevent someone coming in in December, making one trade, and winning the game without participating in trash talking.) (8) You MUST make at least 1 trade worth 10% of your current value per month. (This also prevents someone from making a single trade and then exiting...although of course, the savvy trader can just trade ultraconservatively if they do get the blockbuster return.) (9) All buys and sells must be made in the format of the STATUS POST shown below. If you're confused by what goes in the brackets, you can stop reading now. (10) Rules are subject to change by me and you can B word all you want but the game is mine and I'm putting up the prize. PRIZE
  8. MLS tickets in Philly start at something like $40.
  9. At the same time, if the Cosmos trademark owners had had their stojan together a few years ago, they'd have gotten the MLS team then. Turns out they didn't. So the NY team went out and got a real sponsor worth money and got their team. I'm a Philly guy so I'm bound to hate the NY Red Bulls but the Cosmos are more of a PR thing at this point than anything resembling reality. RE Rochester Rhinos: Don't you think Rochester would have a hard time supporting a 20,000/game soccer team? I don't know but at $50+/ticket, it doesn't seem likely Rochester could generate that much juice. Maybe some of you former Rochesterians can let me know. (I grew up there but haven't lived there in 15 years.)
  10. That category helps. I read a fair amount in that genre. Here are a few books that I enjoyed in the last few years. Team of Rivals (Lincoln). I'm not a Civil War buff but it made me appreciate Lincoln more than I already did. Amazing story of Lincoln's political genius. First Man in Rome. I am not a fan of historical fiction but this book (one of about 7 in a row through Augustus's reign) was great. The autor, Colleen McCullough wrote the Thornbirds (FFS!) but her real passion in life was studying Roman history. This is NOT a heaving bosom book but a pretty interesting account guessing at some of the gaps in the known Marius/Sulla history. The Big Short. One of my favorite authors (Liar's Poker and the Blind Side) takes on the 2008-9 crash. Excellent book that makes the crash obvious with hindsight. BTW, for one of the GREATEST reviews of the History of Rome, there is no easier resource than The History of Rome podcast. This guy is up to 123 episodes (at about 20 mins each) and he starts with the founding of Rome, working his way up to the eventual fall (not there yet). He does it just about strictly chronological, although he occasionally breaks to explain something like how the roman Phalanx improved on the Greek or certain political side issues. I'd say the early podcasts are interesting but unfortunately, there is little record (As he explains) so he is often recounting the myths. Once the first Rome sacking passes, the historical record is much better and the podcast really hits its stride. I've listened to all 122 podcasts and it's a gem.
  11. And that's nice but I don't care about what happens in some dumb business. I do care about what happens in the government because it's my GD money. Instead of saving it, they just want more.
  12. I agree with OC. There is no better way to fix fraud than put health care in the hands of the county commission. Wait...what? OC: That's the first specific proposal I've seen from you and it's great to see all those years of experience and data-gathering paid off.
  13. Worth repeating this story. I used to work for a company that did billions in DoD contract work. When we went overbudget we got paid 100%. When we saved money (sometimes in huge chunks), the DoD rep in charge of our contract would freak out and meet with us to come up with a plant to spend all the money they had set aside. Basically, we'd make up work to do. Why? Because if they come in UNDERbudget, that arm of the DoD (in this case, LANTDIV) would get less money the next year. To summarize, if we went overbudget, DoD covered all of our fees. If we cam in underbudget, DoD came up with any project it could to spend the money we went overbudget. The DoD has loads of waste.
  14. The clock is ticking on when a major news outlet runs the Steven Tyler emancipated a 14 yr old girl, got her pregnant, aborted baby, returned her to parents story. Shocked that Fox hired him with this in his past and teen contestants and that demographic. BTW, did not know that story until recently.
  15. And yet he didn't get fired for any other reason than his ratings were crap.
  16. No. You tip waiters, delivery people, cleaning staff in hotel, barber, taxi driver...and that's about it. Cable guy makes plenty scratch.
  17. MLS soccer attendance per game is higher than NBA, NHL. MLS only plays a 36 game schedule but factor in that two stadiums only seat 10k fans and that's impressive. http://www.scoresreport.com/2010/04/18/mls-average-attendance-higher-than-nba-and-nhl/ New York has the Red Bulls. The Cosmos will face an uphill battle. Right now it's hype associated with owning the Cosmos trademark.
  18. "I am the man. Doctors make poor managers." doesn't add a lot. How about specifics?
  19. The only people watching Olbermann were Rush's and Hannity's producers. Those guys put more eyes on Olbermann than he got himself.
  20. The real question: Who cares?
  21. Great. Sensible savings. Now how about cuts to SS and especially, how about cuts to defense for FFS. You cannot tell me with a straight face that the DoD can't be cut.
  22. I don't know that there was a better way. Artificially keeping people down and then removing the barrier was never going to be easy. And it's still not. I am anti-affirmative action but setting African Americans so far back from the starting line will take forever to cure, if the cure ever comes.
  23. What a bunch of f__king p--ies. No defense cuts. No Social Security cuts. Can we just try...for once...to put the country's welfare ahead of party BS? I like that list a LOT. But let's gore the right's sacred cows too. BTW, one these, AMTRAK, will affect me a lot. But oh well.
  24. That's a far cry from saying that in 1968, blacks didn't have the right to vote. He's just saying that there was a lot of anger over being denied rights, including that one.
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