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Everything posted by Peace

  1. True in podunk towns because no one would ever want to live near train tracks. Opposite in big cities.
  2. The "getting on" is not even worth protecting. You can do a ton of damage attacking the rails...I think that's what ETA did 5-6 years ago in Spain.
  3. Tom's point is that the dollar will for the foreseeable future, remain a reserve currency, even if (and it's a solid if" the IMF adopts this SDR idea. It's not like 8 currencies are going to leave the USD in the dust if the SDR idea is adopted. And if it forces us to balance our books, so be it. It's due.
  4. Now the Praetorian Guard chooses the next leader.
  5. When I've called my local Dem Crongressman's office, their first two questions are who did I vote for and am I on their donor list. My "no" answers are the end of their interest in helping. I'd do anything to get Chakah Fattah thrown out but it won't happen.
  6. You were bound to be right on this eventually!
  7. Just because it doesn't make sense to ride a train 2000 miles doesn't mean trains don't make sense on other routes, as has already been discussed.
  8. Typical of both sides, right?
  9. Airport travel on the NE corridor is not faster than the train door to door. Maybe it's faster from DC to Boston but I can't imagine it is any other route. And the travel is no hassle. Arrive. Step on train. Plug in laptop. Make calls. Surf web. Grab a beer in the dining car. Stretch your legs out in seat. Be on time. Clearly it only works in a handful of cities but in those cities, it works. I don't know anyone who takes a plane from Philly to ny dc or Boston instead of the train. You'd have to be mentally impaired to make that choice. Other mentally impaired people drive but that's because some people hate public transport. Not an argument in favor of public Amtrak funds btw. Just saying that we on the NE corridor love it.
  10. Repubs thrilled it was sent to a woman.
  11. I can fly to DC in 45 mins from Philly and the train takes, let's say, 2 hours. But the train is so easy and erases all the airplane hassle. I take the train to the train station so no expensive airport parking. I show up at the train station 10 minutes before the train leaves, walk on the train as it arrives. I can plug in my laptop and work with a ton of leg room. For a longer route (say to Boston) there's food and beer as much as I want. I arrive in a downtown area instead of some inconvenient suburban hub. You'd have a hard time convincing me to deal with an airport in the NE corridor cities (DC, Baltimore, Wilmington, Philly, NY, Boston).
  12. No. Just embarrassed that we can't just get through this BS of outlawing gay marriage to the 100% future point where it's completely legal.
  13. Right. You can do whatever you want. It's at least polite to be quiet and stand but if you don't, your only consequence will to be socially shamed. Like going to Catholic Mass and not going up for communion, putting money in the pot, or knowing all the mumbo jumbo.
  14. http://www.theonion.com/articles/future-us-history-students-its-pretty-embarrassing,19099/ Perfectly done. It is embarrassing now and will be more so the longer it takes.
  15. I think Aikman has the best insights of any color announcer on TV, hands down. He breaks down plays, gives honest and unbiased criticism, and often sees situations as they are happening. Buck and Aikman are the best duo in football right now and we're lucky to have gotten them for the SB.
  16. Jesus, get a grip old fart. Stuckincincy couldn't top this.
  17. Hard to give the MVP to such an obvious steroid guy. Clay will win soon.
  18. like a woman Michael Johns scorned? Our house is definitely into Idol a lot more this year than the last few, where we left early. Last year was a total disaster. And any Kara year sucked. This crew brings more fun to the judging--I hope that when it comes time to do the real performances, the judges give more detailed critiques but I trust that will come after the auditions. Still trying to reconcile Steven Tyler's pedophiliac past with him checking out sub-18 year old girls. I am stunned no news outlet is running that investigative piece. That girls former "guardian" Steven Tyler must have bought her silence at a hefty price. But usually, when a man who has drugs with, gets pregnant, then takes to an abortion clinic. a 14 year old girl, he ends up in jail. Here in the US, he gets on the most popular TV show.
  19. Kolb is mediocre for a team packed with talent and an QB-coaching wundercoach. How do you really think he'd do with the Bills? For a backup if the price is cheap, like a 5th, OK. For more, no thanks. Fitz played very well with limited talent. Top 5 seasons ever fro a Bills QB and he only started 13 games and didn't play with the first string in camp.
  20. It is nice to have a billionaire with cash back in his pocket (Golisano) and a new one (Pegula). I would not be shocked to see a group coalesce around Kelly. Erie County's contribution to a new stadium is going to be a big issue for any new ownership group. No one wants to hear that but there's no way any new group won't make that a big condition of purchase. No one wants to pay for a new stadium...not the owners and not the county. But everyone knows it's necessary.
  21. GAME STATUS POST Selling: Sell 10,000 Shares of NTGMF @.43 Buying: Buy 1,000 Shares of NXG @ 2.63 Current Portfolio: Following Buy/Sell above, now holding in portfolio: 10,000 shares of MERMF at 0.153 1,000 shares of NXG @ 2.63 10,000 shares OXGN @ 0.192 Cash: $ 3,710 Total Current Value of Portfolio: $9,790
  22. Why would you expect it to play out in the same way? He's not a superstar QB.
  23. Yeah, the popularity gap couldn't have anything to do with the fact that the game of baseball sucks compared to football, in the opinion of anyone under age 50.
  24. NSFW Tarantino on Top Gun's homosexuality theme. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lTRFWve0Rc BTW, if you're not laughing at this, you're probably not human.
  25. http://blogs.wsj.com/chinarealtime/2011/01/28/video-cctv-tries-to-pass-off-%E2%80%98top-gun%E2%80%99-clip-as-military-drill/ "Son, your ego is writing checks your body can't cash. [Do you think you're the American government?]"
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