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Everything posted by Peace

  1. Yeah you Luddite. Look up Fischer-Tropsch systhesis.
  2. Afghanistan and ? And aren't the Afghan forces concentrated on the Pakistan border?
  3. The mods have banned conservatives and dems. If I were to guess, they ban people who are ultra-offensive/racist (WisconsinBillzfan, Rich in Ohio, both uberConservatives) and people who can't restrain themselves from starting 4 topics a day (conner). The tenor here is mostly Libertarian-leaning. Socially a "who cares" attitude is in the majority, and it's fiscally small government. There are some religious kooks and some leftist nuts but that's the flavor of the stew here.
  4. Not related. Democracy may be inevitable but blowing out Saddam is not the reason democracy spread to Egypt. It's a cute rewrite to suggest it though.
  5. So it's only Leviticus that is moot. San Diego says you can chuck the entire OT. I am just asking you guys because it all seems a bit confusing. And I'll ask again. What about the letters?
  6. Misspelling is not ignorance. And above, use "who," not "that." Glass houses and all. People don't get fired from government jobs for eff ups of epic proportion. Why the mock outrage?
  7. All I've ever eaten. And rye too. It's great but some are too dry.
  8. He said the OT was moot. Moot. Doesn't apply. Slight difference is exactly right. Yeah. That doesn't answer the question though. The letters lecture far afield from those. .
  9. What? Who can read that babble? OK. so the OT is stuff you don't have to believe. What parts of the NT are you supposed to believe? Just the gospels, which are Jesus-focused, or the letters, which are just a bunch of lectures from individual men who are not Jesus? I don't remember covering that point in McQuaid Jesuit Theology class.
  10. With the exception of the underlined, he is probably in 100% agreement with you.
  11. I like that with "conner from the right" on ignore, I only see your side of this. But I would prefer if your responses didn't even have his quote block.
  12. Waaah. Love that he says he refuses as a matter of faith. What a jackass. As to the argument that she should wrestle only girls, she probably would if there were a ton of girls to wrestle in her class. He lost because he forfeited.
  13. Trolly McTroll. Yawn.
  14. More of the same. The right and left have been spending like drunks forever. Obama can spearhead all he wants: If Congress would stand up to him, he'd be stymied. The Bushes were horrific spenders and no one stood up to them either. The economy is undoubtedly affected by what the government does but the government has less effect than most people think.
  15. Exactly. The president has less effect on the economy than most believe, positive or negative.
  16. Hmm. You see significant cuts in the military, SS, and medicare, do you?
  17. No doubt quite a few people in China have money but in terms of labor rights and people working in terrible conditions--which is what that coal story represented--China is a fuggin' mess. China still has to solve a lot of problems that they are currently putting off. The USA is putting off its spending and debt problem year after year. China is putting off its human rights problem year after year. The good news is that the US debt problem is starting to get something more than lip service, albeit minimally so because both parties ignore the biggest lines on the budget. (Retards.)
  18. They haven't come that far, but a handful have.
  19. The only person more grating and annoying than her was the cocky overweight black woman with the sparkly hair. Her "confidence" is some freakish mind wash built in by parents and not appealing.
  20. 16 years ago... She was about 125...now about 118 I was 172...now 178. Bunch of fatsos.
  21. Yup. Even in the grate bloodbath of 2010, incumbents rolled challengers in Congress with 87% in the house and 84% in the Senate retaining their seats. Ooh, wow, do you still feel the popular momentum? http://www.outsidethebeltway.com/incumbent-re-election-rates-in-the-2010-mid-terms/
  22. He's in the anti-stupid party.
  23. GAME STATUS POST Selling: Sell 1,000 Shares of NXG @2.93 Buying: Current Portfolio: Following Buy/Sell above, now holding in portfolio: 10,000 shares of MERMF at 0.153 10,000 shares OXGN @ 0.16 Cash: $ 6,640 Total Current Value of Portfolio: $9,770
  24. QE is retarded, but only every dollar of it. No one is "dropping us" in 18 months. China is already selling dollars. Other countries will too but it's in no one's interest to drop a currency they hold a shitload of.
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