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Everything posted by Peace

  1. There is little difference between the average ER patient and Chernobyl survivor. And I'm hugely a fan of modern medicine BTW. I just wish it could focus on largely preventable diseases like say leukemia, instead of blowing tons of research money on heart disease which is usually avoidable if people would just live better. Obamacare's biggest failing to me, assuming I would have to live under its oppression, is that it doesn't force people to take care of themselves. How about this deal: You want the free government health care cheese? You have to workout 45 minutes a day 6 days a week at the government monitored gym. Piss off if you don't like it.
  2. No doubt it's better but comparing the same weeks is not fair. It was the first time the new judges were live and 11 people were being cut. Let's see what happens with the ratings in a few weeks when the shows are comparable and after the "let's see how J-Lo does" effect has worn off. Steven and J-Lo bring more than Ellen and Kara but they still add little.
  3. The "crisis" in health has little to do with the drugs being invented to deal with them and a lot more to do with a lack of preventative medicine. Wow, that is jargonistic. LEt me try in plain English: Americans are a bunch of fat f***s and if they'd get off their couches and eat better, there would not be a health crisis. Everyone bitches about health care problems but if you go to the average ER, 90% of the people are a self-inflicted mess of overeating and drug abuse.
  4. Patents expire 20 years from their application filing date, which is usually 17 or so years from the date the application issues as a patent because it takes roughly 3 years from the day you apply for a patent to its grant. Pharma patents can get patent term extension for the time spent in FDA approval. It's a specific extension granted for pharma.
  5. Are you the guy who choked your co-worker or is that someone else?
  6. No one would dare close this thread. I am the m
  7. Sorry. I like the NFL. I like football. I don't see why my favorite sports medium should be polluted by this awful person. The NFL is a privilege, not a right. HE paid for his crime and for that, he gets to walk free. That doesn't mean I would hire him to hang out at my daughter's sweet 16 party. And it doesn't mean that the Eagles should parade him in front of me every week and expect me to be happy about it. I like the Eagles. I like football. I don't like him. The bad eggs should be tossed out. We can debate where the line is on who's bad enough to get tossed (Moss?) but it's clear Vick is at one extreme next to Ray Lewis. You make it sound like you'd hang out with, watch, and support anyone who's done their crime. If that's you, and you lack the ability to judge people, you've got a problem.
  8. You're much more tolerable as dumb, liberal hippies. Stick with the patchouli and leave the ol fashioned American hatred to the South. I will play the part of Dr. Dankenstein. As you were.
  9. I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.
  10. Of the departing, I only liked Julie and Robbie. But my wife liked Robbie too much so screw him. This season is a lot less about the judges because they add nothing now that the show is live. Steven: "You did great." J-Lo: "I loved it. You moved me." Or "You gave me goosebumps." Randy: "Pitch problems" and contrast beginning of performance with end. 90% chance of mentioning how he saw it differently than Steven and J-Lo.
  11. Apologies: You are smart.
  12. Major? Job? School?
  13. Sorry bbb, you didn't rise to a blip on my radar until your above nonsense quote. I assume we had some argument about John Wooden? If that's true, it doesn't change what you are. Nice to know you think so much of me that you remember me though.
  14. I'm going to take Booster's side because he's in need of allies. You can get straight As and be stupid. And you can be worthless and overpaid. You've proven my first point in your quoted post. There's no proving the second because you're just a faceless name claiming to be rich. Me, I look like Brad Pitt but with Ron Jeremy's schlong. See how easy it is. Wow, I dub thee king of the d-bags for this post. I mean, the assistantship is REALLY impressive though...and also that your pothead friends vouch for your intelligence. For kicks, what is your job and what was your major and what school(s) did you attend. Transcript can be scanned into the photo gallery along with tax return later.
  15. And just like you, he calls it a mistake. A mistake is dropping a ball or misspelling a word. Beating a dog to death with your hands, electrocuting dogs, drowning them, stealing neighborhood pets to train other dogs to kill, rape stands, dog graveyard all on your property...not mistakes. To the people saying he's a subpar QB, you are wrong. He WAS a subpar QB. Last year, he was nothing short of spectacular and deserved the MVP based strictly on performance.
  16. It's like cheering at the special olympics. Just be happy that Eryn's trying.
  17. PPP is this issue in a microcosm. The conners of the world get all the attention.
  18. Driving your own car is a choice. If you choose to drive your own car, the law places the insurance obligation on you. It may not feel like a choice to drive because you have a job or are 3 miles from Tops but it's a choice nevertheless. Health insurance is also a choice. Or at least it is until Motherment makes it mandatory.
  19. You're missing the point. The protests are hard to ignore for the few people directly affected. But if the media and world at large ignored them, they'd go away, or just protest funerals and only bother the families. Not great...but a helluva a lot better than all the attention they get now.
  20. Insanely prude. Insane! Sex is the right word. Gender is the wrong word. Sex is not a bad word. Breasts. Penis. Vagina. Also not bad words. Fuggin prudes. Meanwhile, let's front page a story in graphic detail about putting a baby in a microwave.
  21. Exposing psychics is not exactly cutting edge journalism. Next up: Religious healing myths?
  22. American. Hick.
  23. It's sex. Not gender. Infuriating that we've pruded up the language so much that no one uses the right word. Gender has to do with grammatical rules. Sex has to do with chromosomes. This is not a case of evaluating risk based on grammar rules.
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