I'd rather have a meltdown every 20 years than be slave to the middle east. But I guess you like your oil and greenhouse gasses. And wars. Good for you.
Wind power is great but does not give enough power. Deal with that fact.
I have no problem with 18 year olds deciding to rattle their brains and ruin their lives but only adults can be blamed for doing it to the kids. And I love watching football too. If my child (I only have a daughter) wanted to play football, it'd be an easy no. A lot of other sports out there.
I wouldn't. He wouldn't play. Putting your son into football these days is idiotic. The studies are pretty much incontrovertible. IT is really erally really bad and has long term effects, even if the kid only plays as a kid.
There are a million other great sports. Football and boxing are two to skip.
First, Tom: I stand corrected.
Second, many guitar players learn to play with their fingers before ever picking up a pick and strumming. I'm not sure what's so hard to understand about that. It's not the norm for people just grabbing their first $100 Ibanez and looking to play Free Falling but it is not as uncommon as you might think.
I don't think it matters which site you use or what lessons you take or what teacher you use. You just need to find one that you like, for whatever reason...the style, the sound, the short skirt the teacher wears...and then dedicate yourself to it completely. Not to get all Yoda on you, but no teacher can teach you to play guitar, only you can teach you to play guitar. And you will learn just by continuously trying.
Tom just Deaned you, piping in on a topic he has no expertise in...and he's also 100% correct. I learned fingerstyle first, rhythm playing and flat-picking second.
Patents are my wheelhouse but even within that narrow range of expertise, I have no exposure to drug patents, which are their own very specialized beast. I suspect you're right.
Biddog1960, I'm at work so I can't check but does garageband finally have more than 8 lessons? Last time I checked--a year or so ago, they had barely any lessons. Seemed like that hadn't caught on at all.
**Just checked this online. There are now 40 lessons. Not a lot but you're right: Great beginner resource.
Guitar tricks is good. Tons of things on YouTube. There are a ton of resources. The only thing that really matters is the time you put in. No matter what you're learning or practicing, it's worth it.
The ultimate guitar archive is the best source of free music. For beginner, download the highest rated "chord" songs and learn the chords.
If you want singalong folk music,a great book is rise up singing. Lots of songs that are easy to play once you have some basic chord changes under your belt.
Wow, an "immigrants are crappy because ___" argument. This hasn't ever happened before. Not in the 20s, 30s, 40s, 5s2, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s.
Always interesting to see the new targets though. Yesterday's Hispanic is today's Somali!
I am sure people who have visited Bona know the picture. I am not one, nor is 99.9% of the country.
Do you feel like you're on the track of solving who ieatcrayonz is or something? Is that why you're so interested in my name?