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Everything posted by Peace

  1. Free pass to all the mean posters! I am reborn! We can all finally agree on something: STUD.
  2. Can pick up a backup QB in free agency. Who cares.
  3. The Bills better pick Peterson.
  4. I called you a birther? Link me to that. What I said is that you're both defending birthers and attacking them, instead of just saying they are nuts. And I didn't misquote you. I quoted you. Now go ahead and name call again. It's your usual MO.
  5. Excellent idea. My entry. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/129559-64-year-old-arnold-schwarzenegger-to-star-in-terminator-5/page__view__findpost__p__2150637 Really, we should make this a daily contest.
  6. How is Exxon "effing us" by following the law? How much did you "give" to the federal government last year beyond what you were legally required to pay? I mean, after you paid all your 2010 taxes, I assume you wrote a check to the federal government so as not to eff it (and us). How much did you pay uncle Sam when you did that? I know that when I pay my taxes, I go out of my way to pay as much as I can and ignore all deductions.
  7. I quoted you. Keep up the name-calling. It's adding to your argument.
  8. "But why is it ... bad... for birthers to question Obama's legitimacy to be president based on a document HE purposely did not release," You said the above. Not me. As to your question, "Why is it bad?" 1. It doesn't matter that he didn't release the original--he released the document everyone in HI gets. 2. Where he was born (HI, hut, south pole) doesn't matter anyways. 3. It's bad because questioning his birth is some sort of bizarre conspiracy mania. Stern was just playing the Fox and Friends morons questioning how the new certificate looks--"You see the green edges" etc. Kooks.
  9. Obama's mama's Americano. The end. I don't think anyone questioned whether his mother was American. And the documents he provided were adequate for everyone but some fringe that you both align yourself with AND defend. Just call them insane and be done with it.
  10. There. Is. No. Issue. Never was. If he was born in in a Kenyan hut, his mom is American and so is he. And he'd already produced adequate proof of his birth.
  11. Why the "poor Exxon" title? Good for them and good for the USA. Or am I supposed to hate profitable companies and cheer the ones in bankruptcy?
  12. His. Mom. Is. American. Where he was born is of zero consequence. And he'd already provided appropriate documentation. So you're a birther. Just like Tom said, even now that's it's produced, birthers will still be idiots.
  13. Heley is a guy? OK. I'll vote for "him" too.
  14. Just you since you put on your usual arrogant schtick only to be so wrong that Gene even corrected you.
  15. NTGMF--bought by me when the rules on pinks were in revision 1, has doubled and held.
  16. What percentage more do I get because my Irish ancestors were discriminated against? What's the Japanese student's cut for their ancestors being put in camps during WWII? Hell, Long Island should be able to get a nice raise for its schools--for the Jewish districts at least. Do your brain cells ever bump into one another?
  17. You see--that's the part of this issue that leaked into my brain. I remember reading something about McCain being born out of country. My god, this really is the funniest issue. Someone I work with--a dyed in the wool Republican attorney--is constantly mentioning Obama's birth certificate to me and wondering why he won't just produce it. No matter how many times I tell him that even in my willful disinterest about this story, even I've seen the Certificate, he continues to question its authenticity.
  18. Now I'm even more confused. Are you saying the birther issue isn't even an issue if he was born in Kenya? I have avoided this story like the plague so I have no idea.
  19. It's not mentioned because the Constitution says you have to be naturally born in the US, ie, you must pop out of your mom's womb in the USA. (I think there is a military base exception or something like that but I could be wrong.)
  20. I'd win the last post wins thread if I didn't round. I'm willing to defend 2/3 as 67% or 70%. .
  21. Magox isn't bright enough to realize 67 is a pretty close approximation of 70. He prefers to shout that he's right before engaging his brain.
  22. CBS-NYTimes poll last week. 1/3 of Republicans believe he was born here. Embarrassing.
  23. Fits is abotu 3% below the average NFL completion rate. That's a pass a game. Care to wonder where his passing percentage might be if Steve Johnson drops 16 fewer passes last year? Fitz is the closest thing the Bills have had to a leader in a decade. How can you all be missing that? Is he Manning or Drew Brees? Probably not. But how about a gritty Jim McMahon type who makes the entire offense better by being so smart? The Bills need defensiev help right now. QB is not a position of need.
  24. I don't believe my car should cost $53,000. I'd be happy and content if it was about $21,000. WHO WILL FIX THIS?!?!?
  25. Maybe no one is seriously voting in the poll because your list sucks. I voted for Palin because she'd be hilarious. I would vote for Tina Fey doing her Palin impression if she was on the list.
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