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Everything posted by Peace

  1. You want to test the fatass limits? Buy an extra ticket. Maybe the first leg of the journey wasn't a packed flight. Maybe the first leg ticket counter person wasn't a god judge of weight. Beats me. The point is that SW has rules and occasionally some person will get called on them. As a tall fit gut who always gets sat next to on the train by a fatass because there's room, I'm thankful to SW for taking a stand on my behalf. I'm sick of rubbing up against side fat. This brilliant guy opined on this topic in a way I agree with 100%. http://www.wespeakthetruth.com/2008_08_03_archive.html
  2. 268 pound person is fat. 6 foot, 268 is fat but I doubt she's 6 feet tall. No debate permitted unless you're under NFL contract. Now, 268 on the way down from her 360+ is admirable but she's still in my lap. I've had folds in my lap far too many times. Maybe you missed the photo: http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2011/05/18/another-too-fat-to-fly-controversy-hits-southwest-airlines/ Car seats are gigantic, especially in the US. They should not be the measure of airplane seats.
  3. "Tiggeman, [a weight loss blogger], who once weighed 393 pounds, is down to 268 pounds...But Tiggeman said she does fit in a seat." No she doesn't. At 268, you're in my seat. Bravo to Southwest and they should not have apologized.
  4. I have zero interest in Lauryn. She's still riding the auditions.
  5. Shouldn't he benefits age be something like 70-72? That way it's not the retirement plan but it's the support system it was intended to be. I don't calculate it in my retirement planning in any scenario but if it's there, it's a bonus.
  6. And she was in the quiet car. Awesome.
  7. Jesus plus country music locks in a lot of votes for him. It's exactly why a rocker can't win.
  8. Really. That gives me an idea: How about if every check came with an optional arsenic capsule? Sure, most wouldn't take it, but hey, for those that did, money savings.
  9. The NFL owners agreed FREELY to set up that system. They have exercised free will in deciding to share revenues. No one forced them to do it at gunpoint. Huge difference.
  10. Of the realistic choices, he's got the best chance because he's a centrist conservative. I doubt the country will be ready to put a Mormon in charge. Mormons believe in crazier **** than Christians.
  11. The Dems cheat on their wives with women usually--good to see The Terminator bangs chicks. All that shaved chest, oiling down, touch of a man stuff had to have you wondering.
  12. Chris Christie. Paul Ryan. Romney is the leading candidate at the moment and I don't think he has a prayer.
  13. He quotes Steven Colbert and Sean Hannity too.
  14. He will win because the Republican field is so pathetic that even they can't beat him.
  15. Yeah, but it took him 8 hours.
  16. Did you respond to yourself whining about a lack of attention after 3 hours? Mom not hug you enough?
  17. VABills couldn't pull off a 1-2 punch like that, even in his prime. Bravo.
  18. At the rate details are leaking, does anyone believe we won't have the helmet cam footage by June?
  19. Footnoting "yet" didn't fly with the PR firm.
  20. Tancredo is quoted "Obama a greater threat to the US than Osama Bin Laden." An aggressive follow-up is: "Are you saying you'd prefer Obama dead?" It's biased for sure but the right will no doubt get its panties in a bunch over it. And then someone on the left will post Foxnews doing a similarly biased story. The wheels on the bus go round and round.
  21. I like this oldie better.
  22. And the only thing preventing me is the board rules, which would probably be enforced for using it, although I see you just said it so I'm wrong. !@#$ is a word--when used in the context of calling a black person "!@#$" disparagingly, it is horrifically offensive. When using it in the context of talking about offensive words, I don't see why people get their panties in a bunch. Comparing the words !@#$ and retard doesn't work for me. I don't see how you can call someone !@#$ and not be disparaging a black person in the worst way imaginable. I wouldn't call a white guy a !@#$ because it makes no sense. Calling a mentally handicapped person a retard would be similarly awful--but calling a person of allegedly normal intelligence a retard--I don't see how that hurts the mentally handicapped person. "Retard" is shorthand for dumb, idiot, moron, etc. !@#$ is shorthand for racial hatred. Big difference.
  23. WAHmbulance. So many people claim words nowadays as the equivalent to the N-word. It's retarded and gay. First, giving any word--including the N-word that you're nto even allowed to say when quoting a person's use of it--that kind of power is stupid. Second, it's arbitrary. Why does the anti-"retard" lobby pick retard to be against over cripple or challenged or idiot or moron (right DC Tom?). I don't care. I don't care that LeBron doesn't care.
  24. IT's amazing. I go across the Canadian border, I dunno, 5-6 times a year and my parents cross 30-40...and we hand over the passports and EVERY time, they ask our citizenships. Shockingly, every time, we simply answer You Ess. And it's not a big deal. But she decides to give them lip. This isn't racial profiling, it's a--hole profiling.
  25. Don't sweat it. It's the same guy with two different logins.
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