And the only thing preventing me is the board rules, which would probably be enforced for using it, although I see you just said it so I'm wrong. !@#$ is a word--when used in the context of calling a black person "!@#$" disparagingly, it is horrifically offensive. When using it in the context of talking about offensive words, I don't see why people get their panties in a bunch.
Comparing the words !@#$ and retard doesn't work for me. I don't see how you can call someone !@#$ and not be disparaging a black person in the worst way imaginable. I wouldn't call a white guy a !@#$ because it makes no sense. Calling a mentally handicapped person a retard would be similarly awful--but calling a person of allegedly normal intelligence a retard--I don't see how that hurts the mentally handicapped person. "Retard" is shorthand for dumb, idiot, moron, etc. !@#$ is shorthand for racial hatred. Big difference.