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Everything posted by Peace

  1. Youtube permits video embeding and makes the person who posts the video agree that they give permission for distribution of the video via Youtube. If the poster doesn't want their video embeded, they can turn off the Youtube embeding function. No one will get prosecuted for embeding youtube videos. If the underlying video is copyrighted material, it will get murkier but good luck proving criminal intent if I embed a 40 second clip of Seinfeld on a website. Sorry Tom, ...lybob is probably not going to jail.
  2. Yeah, I heard the CNN interplay this morning. It was probably his dong. What I don't understand is "Who cares?" So he sent a picture of his schlong out? The woman doesn't seem to care. Why should anyone else, besides that it's just kind of funny how base we all are?
  3. I agree 100% and all I read was the thread title.
  4. That's them. The 12 tribes guys. They get all dressed up in their white robes and head-dresses and a few huge black guys stand there with stone faces with their arms crossed. The best part of the show is after it's over and they strip all the costumes off and talk about where they're going to party that night. They go from lecturing about the 12 true tribes to pot-smoking and woman-chasing in 20 seconds.
  5. You talking about the Friday afternoon black power guys? They are awesome.
  6. No. The couple isn't revealing their baby's SEX to others. Gender identity is a psych term. The couple is not revealing their baby's sex so the world does not bias the child's gender identity. Anyway you look at it, it's !@#$ed up, but the baby's sex is what is being withheld from the world.
  7. Sex. Not gender. Gender is a linguistic construct. And also the hidey hole of pansies who fear the word sex.
  8. Wow, you don't know me. There's a guy here in Philly who walks around with a huge cardboard sign taped to his head. IT is filled with block letter sharpie writing. Not a space is unfilled. He also carries a megaphone and talks into it about aliens and government conspiracies. Perhaps I should be more open-minded to him too. While you're living in the Dwight Drane conspiracy land, I'll live my life. (Might I add, as an aside, how sad it is that the actual Dwight Drane's fans and relatives get linked to all of the poster Dwight Drane's drivel when they Google his name. Reminiscent of Steely Dan's (/Winger's) pseudonym.)
  9. Simon says...
  10. OMG. I could never watch the entirety of 2 hours of stupidity. And for you to ask for feedback from only people who do is beyond crazy. The only person who will sit through 2 hours of that drivel is a mouth breathing drivel believer. There's a conspiracy afoot to create a North American Union? RFID chips? Take a paragraph here, a quote there and voila...it sounds like international bankers control everything that happens. Watch this, and pretend you're hearing it in your narrator's high pitched monotone. "A few months ago, Obama said ""Amerca's Bills are overdue." If the US president is on board, who can doubt that this will be the Bills year?" WTC is a controlled demolition? You are CRAZY. Really. Certifiably completely batshit loco if you buy this stuff. Unwell. In need of medication. You need meds too.
  11. Scotty is the most sellable.
  12. Live in the moment man: Gene is not posting and it's glorious. All it really means is that I have one less line of ignored posts but I'll take it.
  13. You make up for it on the way down. Think of all the water wheels it can drive going down 10000 feet. China and Pakistan: Greening the world.
  14. %$#^ you! You're attacking Simon for banning Gene. I'm all about living in the moment.
  15. Tom is rallying to Gene's defense. Simon, you are the Wizard of Oz. Next you'll give ...llybob a brain? Darin a heart? People have accused me of having aliases.
  16. Way to lower the common denominator.
  17. Only a lawyer could understand the limits of power of attorney don't extend to voting.
  18. "TBD always reserves the right to remove posts that don't enhance the discussion on the board." Do us all a favor Simon.
  19. Nice to see you understand power of attorney as accurately as everything else. Your poor mom.
  20. Zombines have taken over communications in the other time zones. They just want you to think nothing's happened in them. Camping's website is down.
  21. Of course. Plane crash is opportunity knocking.
  22. That's OK man. It's just...wait, what... you're a man who's a fan of Kylie Minogue? A straight man? I...ahh...OK, pretty much speechless. Everybody's doing a brand new dance etc.
  23. I play this game twice a day. On the Philly trains, there's a 2 seat row and a 3 seat row. I always choose the 3 seat row and grab the window, thinking that the next person will sit in the aisle, and the 3rd person rarely wants to ask the aisle person to move in or get up so they can get the middle. It's a whole strategy. Still, I end up with the fatass more times than not. Of course, most Americans are fatasses so the odds are stacked against me. The ideal seatmate is a 5 foot tall Asian woman, not because that's my type but because she's likely clean, quiet, and takes up no space. The other day a woman in a seat in front of me had her Kindle on with the font set at about 50 and I couldn't help but see she was reading explicit erotica. It was all sorts of wrong. In case you're picturing the hot brunette from above reading the erotica, I'll not shatter that image with reality.
  24. Umm. Are you a man or woman?
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