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Everything posted by Peace

  1. It's hard to post so many incorrect statements in one paragraph. Congrats on being succinct.
  2. You just posted this to see if anyone knew you were gone, didn't you?
  3. OC is concerned that the law doesn't cover who gets rights to the goat cheese.
  4. Now stop saying I'm anti-union.
  5. Says the "fag union" poster!
  6. Hey, you're in the state with all the guys. I'm sure you're there for a reason hanging out on those long winter nights with all your boys.
  7. Good dancing, monkey want a banana? 6 allow marriage. 12 permit some kind of union. I'd made that clear in an earlier post but misspoke in that last one. 12>0 and 6>0. But I guess you can keep saying that homosexuals are making no progress on this issue because you're smart and beat up 30 kids. Keep the delusions of grandeur coming. Booster may not be a shrink but your narcissism is a thing of beauty.
  8. First, they can already adopt and it's a good thing. Second, yes, homosexual marriage is a plot to further indoctrinate people. Hell, once that bill passed, didn't you want to go suck some rooster?
  9. So what? There are always kook outlier dickheads. The majority of homosexual couples will just get married and move on. A few will be douchey. There are marriage douches, anti-police douces, abortion douches, vegetarian douches, anti-gay douches... if we never passed laws so as not to offend the fringes, we'd never pass laws.
  10. Nice out of context quote. I'm sure the Right is eating that BS up but she was just thanking the media for respecting the family privacy.
  11. Logic/emoticon boy, god you're a dolt. It's precisely BECAUSE people like Jefferson tabled making the right decision at the Constitutional convention due to concerns over quagmires and unintentional consequences that slavery became such a huge issue later. Dance for me monkey. Tell me how smart you are instead of demonstrating it. There's a treat for you if you do.
  12. You're trying and really the only champion I can put forth, but in a battle of egomaniacs, OCinBuffalo will kick. Your. Ass. (Now it's time for OCinBuffalo to say that I don't like him because he refuses to apologize for being so mentally superior to everyone and he's the man and the rest of us are just jealous, etc. Maybe another long-winded anecdote about how he won the state spelling bee or sank a 3 at the buzzer in high school or was smarter than all his college professors. Some demonstration of his narcissism is coming and even this parenthetical can't prevent it. Just watch.)
  13. Mr. Spock. None had the laws on the books and none allowed gays to marry. Now there are 11, oops 12, states that allow it. 12>0 And the legion of unintended consequences stemming from this? Still waiting for them. What plans are needed? You want every contingency defined? Two dudes can marry. It's really not that complicated. The parade of evils you're so concerned about hasn't happened anywhere else. Why would NYS be different? Come on logic boy. See through your biases. You're wrong that progress hasn't been made--HUGE progress has been made. You're wrong that gay marriage will lead to legions of unintended consequences. But please, keep telling everyone how logical you are. The homeless guy in Suburban Station that talks into the pay phone often says the same thing. Loves the fantasy of beating up 30 kids with a chair. Way to go Rambo.
  14. Welcome back Cincy, we missed you. Jefferson didn't fight to outlaw slavery during Constitutional convention era, but as such a law would have "unintended consequences" and lead to a "legal quagmire," by your logic, you probably agree with that decision so it's not shocking you follow TJ. Ready to return to an agrarian society? Have a blood-filled revolution? Love the French? Petty jealous egomaniac? You do follow Jefferson don't you?
  15. That trailer is off the hook disturbing.
  16. Yeah, the massive and unintended consequences of letting you marry ..illybob. Please. Stop it chicken little. This Bill doesn't need 80,000 pages of paper with it. It's not that complicated. Rational people don't need to keep saying how rational they are. The least rational and logical people are the ones who constantly say how rational and logical they are. Sound familiar Mr. Spock? So allowing you and ...lybob to marry is like the War in Iraq? Or like SSI? Those are no doubt obvious extensions of your logical brain. Maybe you can also compare gay marriage to the draft or perestroika. But no, you're not chicken little. I compared it to interracial marriage laws when those were enacted. There might be more similarities there but maybe you're right to compare it with Iraq. They will. Or courts will struggle and strike it. It is thus with every law. This is a minor one. But one that tweeks your nipples for some reason. Shouldn't you be more concerned with putting off the budget woes for two years? Might that not have a few more "massive and unintended consequences?" Quagmire? You think that when two dudes sue to marry in a Catholic Church, it's going to be a "quagmire?" I mean, you're logical and all but that's some choice of words. Makes it sound really dire, massively expensive, and liable to tear apart the fabric of society...when in fact it will be a few lawsuits that get the media in a tizzy and have little actual effect on much else. Spock, are you in that mating season thing where you get all emotional right now? I'm sorry: In how many states could gays get married/unioned before 1993? Oh yeah. None. So that 35 states codify "marriage" as between a man and a woman is a losing statistic that overlooks the union rights that have been codified in many of those states, not a winning one Commander Data. Kirk out.
  17. Species is the word you're looking for when talking about ostriches. Races refer to subspecies, or groupings of the same species with certain common characteristics. Golden Retriever is a different race/sub-species than pit bull, for example. For whatever reason, we tend to reserve race to discuss humans and subspecies to discuss animals but they are the same thing. Maybe some biologist or person who cares to google me can verify that. Humans are not one race.
  18. I am not submissive. I respect the rights of private businesses to make decisions. I happen to applaud the smoking ban. If they banned BBQs, I'd complain and comply. If they banned beer, I'd complain and comply. If they banned women from attending, I would never go again. There's a line they can cross but they haven't found it for me. If this was the government, I'd have an entirely different view but it's not. Complain away to the business owner but you have no recourse but to B word and not attend. for most of us, we applaud pushing the smokers out. If someday the person pushed out is me, so be it. I can only whine.
  19. Gays marry, the sky is falling is your argument? Whenever laws change, there are lawsuits. "Clogging up the system for decades" seems highly unlikely. There are not going to be wave after wave of lawsuit trying to get priests to marry gays in Catholic churches. A few douches, maybe. But no more. As to whether they will be recognized in other states, yes, that will be an issue. But of course, that issue was addressed when states started recognizing interracial marriages while others didn't. I suspect states will easily follow the precedent set by those cases. If not, the states will figure that out too. It's not rocket science and the "unintended consequences" that make you tremble are what...that John and Steve will not have survivor rights in Ohio after getting married in New York? Hardly the stuff of collapsing societies and it will be sorted out in short order. Remove the veil from your weak objection. Some other bias has you arguing so illogically and nonsensically.
  20. We keep going around on this. The "But did you see what Johnny did" argument is besides the point. The Bills banned smoking because it's gross, as you've acknowledged is their right. If they want to ban booze, you might be surprised to find I wouldn't care one bit and would applaud it too, even though I like having a few beers in the lot and at the game. Putting 70,000 drunk people together and letting them drive home is a TERRIBLE idea. Epically bad. Much much much much worse than a smoke cloud. But that's another topic. If I ran an open to the public business, I'd ban smoking. And a-holes. And Cowboys fans.
  21. WTF does that diatribe have to do with me enjoying a retort?
  22. Gay marriage, Bills winning, etc. still don't have anything to do with smoking. They don't want the awful smoke stench cloud so they push it off the grounds. I'd love it if they banned it in the parking lots too. It's not a matter of tolerance of something that doesn't press into your personal space--again, they didn't ban fart/skunk spray but you'd want people who sprayed that kicked out. This is really no different. Cigarette smoke reeks and gets in your clothes even after 15 seconds of passing through the cloud so they banned it. Because it's gross.
  23. Who gives a crap? No one is really not going to games because of this. Bill and 6 other people will skip a game. The vast majority of people laud this private company's decision to ban smoking. The decision will not sell or forfeit ticket sales--it will just make the experience better for a lot people. To not have to walk by or through a stench cloud will make me that much happier. If I can't high five Bill on the way in, I'll just tell him about the game on here. It's his loss, not mine.
  24. Dude, nothing lucky there. Just gross.
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