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Everything posted by Peace

  1. As it should. The only free trade advocate running now is Johnson. The GOP and Dems have both moved further left on that issue because protection works damnnit.
  2. Who prefers the route of continuing to spend money and lives while we remove the band aid slowly...and then let Iraq erupt into sectarian violence once the band aid is off. Ron Paul may be a whacko on many things but he's had Iraq right for a long time. We walked in. We can walk out.
  3. The gov't laid out 3B in incentives to a multitude of companies that produce parts used in the Volt. Not all of these have been or can be claimed. But if it all were claimed, and all of these went into making the Volt, the article took the 3B and divided it by the number of volts sold to date, or something like that since the math doesn't even work when you do that, to come out with 250K/Volt. By that article's reasoning, the first guy got a 3 billion dollar Volt. And the next guy's Volt isn't worth 250K, but $42 less. That article is idiocy by numbers. The author brags about his methodology "I added the known state and federal incentives that have been offered and divided by the number of Volts sold. If GM has additional information to add to the public data on the use of taxpayer money, I look forward to seeing it." Not that I'm a fan of this but on the scale of government waste, I'd rather the government spent money on technology and infrastructure than health care, Iraq, Afghanistan, war on drugs, etc.
  4. If you win, I'll donate your Kindle. It's not in my power to give you anything. BTW, on the donation twist I mentioned earlier, I'll write a check in the amount rather than donating a Kindle. Not exactly doing someone a favor giving them a Kindle they then have to link to a credit card to buy ****. I know they work in libraries but let's be practical: The needy don't need kindles.
  5. So what's the final tally as we approach the finish. John Adams has $10,000, as he's fond of telling everyone. Who is higher? I have a Kindle ready to ship.
  6. Not so much in his Buffalo crime stuff. That was dreck. And the Olympos books were verbose journeys to nowhere.
  7. Nothing like doubling down on your ignorance. Neither goes with "nor," not "or," both in the last two centuries and this one, dumbass. "Neither [used with] or. This phrasing is either a serious grammatical lapse or serious typographical error." Modern American Usage, 2010. You and 3rdnlong are in the same circle jerk around that cookie idea. You fellows enjoying yourselves?
  8. So you want me answer he-whose-nickname-cannot-be-named's moranic question? That's what gets your rocks off and counts for you as a win when I refuse to do it? You are a smart little monkey. Keep insulting what you believe is my job. I'll let you know when it bothers me. Be thankful that I don't go to your job and knock the dicks out of your mouth. Wouldn't want to distract you from your calling. This thread is more retarded than you. Logic trap.
  9. Neither goes with nor, 5th grade education. Relax Freddie. I already posted as to the clip. Is Michelle Obama skeptical of her country? Sure. So are you.
  10. Wow, someone was naked. Yawn.
  11. She of dragons will take the throne in two books and end it. That won't take more than 1600 pages..
  12. Did you come to this conclusion as a great epithany, you illiterate moran?
  13. Is up down today? BTW, you guys are insane. I believe she did say "All this to fold a flag," and shook her head as if to say, "Wow." I saw no disapproval in either her or Barry's face.
  14. But who is The Telephone Pole? Sounds like a hack programmer, and not a particularly imaginative one. Software won't cure the ills OCnarcissist.
  15. No idea that Card was a lunatic. Ender's Game didn't do it for me but I liked some of the follow-ups in that series. Really, aren't all Sci Fi/Fantasy writers a bit off? As a kid, I read Xanth books (could not in any way recommend those to anyone over 13). Recently was talking about those books with someone and it turns out that Piers Anthony is still writing them. I went to his personal website and found that he also writes fantasy-set erotica. "Ooh Mr. Unicorn, what a big horn you have." I stand corrected. Interesting.
  16. Agree. Just want to point out The Dark Tower series is over. In the light reading context that people are talking about, I nominate Dan Simmons's Hyperion series. Well-imagined science fiction universe. A touch less light but still a good time are Patrick O'Brien's Aubrey Marturin books, the first of which served as the basis for the Russell Crowe movie Master and Commander, of the same name. I read a couple of those a Summer--love them for beach reading. Other thoughts in this vein of light but interesting: Sherlock Holmes stories(free on Kindle). I throw down one of those whenever I need a break.
  17. Things cost money. People die. I am fine with Paul's answer. We must spend more money adding 2 awful years of life to people than I'm sure we spend caring for them in the first 60 years combined. It's idiotic.
  18. Is that an epithany?
  19. I use the Kindle to get away from the Interwebs. I like that its connectivity is limited. I find that when I use my iPad for reading, I read a few pages, then surf over here. Then read a few more, check my email. I lose book immersion. Think of it this way: Only get a pad if you're not distracted by shiny objects. Tablets work much better for anything with graphics like scientific journals and maps. The Kindle blows if you need to read a map.
  20. That's great to hear. All I want is a working product. I stopped trying for the Bills in the 3rd Quarter.
  21. There's a kindle thread in the consumer forum. I love it.
  22. $25 credit. They can keep the 25 if they just fix it.
  23. If you play for the Bills, that's fine. But I'm a fan. I don't have to gameplan next week. I can enjoy the empty seats, parking lot, etc.
  24. Btw...much better now. Still skipping back some but stream is improving. No need to watch at 41-7.
  25. At the same time...it's only week one. Just saying for those who purchased, it has gotten better other years. The vid quality is promising even if the streaming is a wreck.
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