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Everything posted by BuffaloBillsForever

  1. Very good mayor. If only he could of ran his personal life as good as he did the city of Toronto. RIP
  2. Isn't it wonderful that the POTUS cares more about appealing to Cuba than acknowledging and defeating radical muslims and radical Islamic terrorism.
  3. I wonder how many sleeper cells that !@#$tard Justin Trudeau let into the country with those 25,000 Syrian refugees? France and Brussels have been on high alert for months raiding everything terrorist related and there are networks still just sitting waiting to attack at will in that area.
  4. The scene were the cousins are on top the rooftop was incredible. Great episode.
  5. That's how Terry Pegula rolls.
  6. A small list of my favorite metal bands (no order) Dillinger Escape Plan Every Time I Die Candiria Isis (has nothing to do with the terrorist group) Poison The Well Fugazi
  7. Yup. Extreme injury prone player on a cap stricken team is never a good idea. Incentive laden or not.
  8. Watched a spring training game with the Pirates yesterday. They are going to be a fun team to watch. I love their outfield.
  9. The fact that he isn't the Browns GM takes away all the funny.
  10. I had pretty much the same reaction. A Hitler body double and the German tunneling system from the bunker to the airport would make it plausible that he could escape Nazi Germany (as a lot of Nazi's did) but it all fell apart after that with the whole U-boat thing to South America. Despite what the show tried to depict with some of the "witnesses" in South America, not a single one was a first hand witness. It was all conjecture and rumors.
  11. Speaking of U-boats have any of watched the Hunting Hitler miniseries on the history channel?
  12. According to the Buffalo News article today it doesn't look like the Bills are in a rush to get a deal done.
  13. An illegal protest and nothing happens to them yet the people that abandoned their cars carefully OFF THE ROAD to go to the Trump Rally are going to have their cars towed.
  14. Just look at how big the structure is for just one large scale hotel and it doesn't require one of Donald, Donald Jr., Evanka or Eric to be there 24/7. It's all delegated. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hotel_manager Each department at a large hotel or resort may normally consist of subordinate line-level managers and supervisors who handle day-to-day operations.
  15. No. It's called delegation and hiring people to run them. These would be people below the top of the corporate structure who have nothing to do with his campaign.
  16. If you look at Trump at his most recent rally in Utah, he would most likely agree with this sarcasm. He is completely run down.
  17. I agree and if you look at Trump the guy is totally sleep deprived.
  18. You are naive if you don't think that the majority of a CEO's daily duties can be accomplished by fax, telephone, email and video conference calls.
  19. Nope, not saying that at all. However, to that point, in today's world of technology off instant access to everything he could get those duties done. Even if there was a problem it could be delegated to another high level employee. 15-20 years ago that would have been a problem for a CEO...not anymore.
  20. Who do you think is running Terry Pegula's day to day operations of his companies outside sabres/bills?
  21. Donald Trump doesn't solely run his business. He hires thousands of people to run his companies and the top of the Trump organization is already partially owned and operated by the kids - Donald Jr, Evanka and Eric are also executive vice presidents within the company. That would be the only change to the company is the very top. They are ready to take over the business at any time. All it needs is a stroke from a lawyers pen. It really is that easy. The transition to turn the business over to his sons and daughter will be a very easy one if Donald Trump becomes president. They have been groomed for this for a decade.
  22. The Trump licensing, business and business interests around the world would be owned and ran by Donald Jr. , Eric and Evanka Trump. The licensing could still remain as Trump but it won't be branded as "Donald" Trump. He will have to give up his business to his 3 grown up children if he becomes president.
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