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Buffalo Billy

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Everything posted by Buffalo Billy

  1. Dude, we just BEAT a championship team and still lined ourselves up for a great draft pick. I'll take my moral victory.
  2. Stevie: "WTF God? This is how you do me?" God: "What are you talking about, I had Fitz drop it right in your hands!"
  3. I think we found the source of that mysterious "illegal contact" penalty.
  4. The defense's complete and utter lack of ability to stop a third down is whats up with that.
  5. Well he mentions several details about the pass all of which match the deflected INT and not the overtime drop. Most importantly the fact it was picked off.
  6. For the record, I'm pretty sure he's talking about the INT by Troy, not the dropped pass in overtime.
  7. Yes, multiple chances. I'll count some. Drop #1 by Stevie. Drop #2 by Stevie. Drop #3 by Stevie. Drop #4 by Stevie. Drop #5 by Stevie. Drop #6 by Stevie. The defense wasn't a gem either. How many third down conversions did they stop? How many rushing yards did they give up?
  8. I never heard his name once through the entire broadcast.
  9. The Moats "tackle" was just a freak accident, nothing to freak out over. And sure, lets not put ALL the blame on Stevie, but once you clear a half dozen drops in a single game including the game winner, that deserves at least most of it.
  10. We are 0-3 in overtime because... 1. A questionable non-call on lack of forward progress leading to a fumble. 2. That stupid freezing the kicker tactic, after Lindell made the first field goal. 3. A dropped perfectly thrown TD pass.
  11. So did the ref who called that phantom "illegal contact" on apparently Marshawn Lynch playing defense for the Bills to take away our fumble recovery. Wow, run on sentence. If you follow his statistical trends, he was due for a bad game this week, and a good one next week. He's been on an up-down pattern since the bye week.
  12. My point exactly. I was pointing out how your response was irrelevant and inflammatory. Considering he started his post with "Seriously", and started it with several lines of blatant negativity, I think my response had the correct amount of dickbaggedness. But you're the guy who called for the banishment of kickers from the game, and resorts to petty attacks when presented with logic. Pick a new target to flame.
  13. Man, you really have a terrible grasp of logic. Are YOU trying to say young players CAN'T make mistakes?
  14. One drop, maybe not. But six, maybe.
  15. No. Young players make mistakes. Take off the tinfoil hat and go get some fresh air.
  16. Steve Johnson, my digestive tract thanks you.
  17. How many Bills fans' souls does it take to buy a win?
  18. I used to have an egg or two with my ramen, but I have to be careful with that. At some point I developed a sporadic sensitivity to poultry. When it's active the ramen/egg combo can put me out of commission (and onto the commode) all day.
  19. Does it have to be ONLY ramen? Can't I just at least consume ramen at some point in each day? Even that would be bad enough for my digestion...
  20. Do we need both full AND half backs? Do we need both centers AND long snappers? Do we need both wide receivers AND tight ends? These are professional athletes for gosh sakes...
  21. Man, we have a lot of drunks on this forum. *edit* By the way, I had that game recorded. Thanks for telling me who won and in what fashion.
  22. I'd be crapping funny for a month if I ate that much ramen, otherwise I'd be with ya.
  23. There aren't millions of people cheering you on on national television, expecting perfect punctuation on your business report with multimillion advertising contracts on the line if you dot every I and cross every T.
  24. Meh, I thought the song was pretty lame. Not nearly as good as the songs for Jauron or Edwards.
  25. Ya our RTs are the real reason we allowed 30+ points 5 games in a row. And they're responsible for Edwards starting the first couple games.
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