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Everything posted by tbonestake

  1. I see what you did there. I think Riter does a good job and can be very positive. Schopp has no business talking about football unless its in regard to fantasy or memorabilia junk
  2. Wait wait wait! Tell me what Chad Jackson has done vs 1ST TEAMERS that has been so impressive. He caught 1 ball from Brohm vs. Indy's Grocery Baggers. He dropped a TD vs. Cincy. Did it ever occurto you that they are spreading the ball around a little bit? Do you think that they're going to target our 2nd receiver for 15 looks a game in the PRESEASON? Wait till the year starts and if SJ is consistently bad, put somebody else at #2. He must be pulling one over on the coaching staff because they believe he is a # 2 as well.
  3. YES!!! although i like pizza pauls better
  4. +1 He needs to be in the team photo in between the Johnsons, Levitre, and Wood. Hardy will be gone so we don't. He also needs to be behind Youboty.
  5. Was the producer Ed Wang? Brandon Spikes stars in "Varsity Blue Balls"
  6. You have to get the ball thrown to you to get numbers...It's the chicken or the egg. It's also tough to make catches when you're not on the field. He is there now and when the ball is thrown to him, he makes catches. So you don't feel that Skins play was pass interference? He got two hands on the ball but he had 2 fingers in his eyes 10 seconds before he touched the ball!!! <BR><BR>I'll make you a deal, if Stevie gets the ball thrown his way and he consistently drops the ball, AND/OR our passing game goes to hell as a direct result of him not making plays, AND David Nelson absolutely dominates, make Nelson your 2nd receiver. At this point, why not let Steve Johnson occupy the CB most of the time while having David Nelson work over a Nickel CB, Safety, or LB? It's all about creating a mismatch and we FINALLY have offensive coaches who can exploit the mismatches. Just let it ride for now.
  7. What speed? The guy is like a snail on valium!!! Were you aware that Jauron and those idiots didn't play Steve Johnsonhis rookie year and that every opportunity he got, he made plays? Were you also aware that last year we signed a guy named Terrell Owens and he got a ton of balls thrown his way in a Pop Warner offense? We also had Josh Reed who carved a little niche and did jack squat in the 3rd receiver spot. Steve Johnson is getting an opportunity to play FINALLY!!! Name something this preseason that he has done wrong besides the ball in the Skins game that he dropped and there was no Pass INT. He is the 2nd receiver. He runs a lot of distraction. Go back to the Colts game. If he doesn't run a precise route, the saftey doesn't bite and Lee Evans isn't WIDE OPEN!!! Nelson is showing a ton of talent and potential and is a solid option as a 4th receiver. He cathces EVERYTHNIG that comes his way and matched up against a Safety, Nickel CB, or a LB, I'll take Nelson everytime. Maybe he will end up as the 2nd but he should not start there. Steve Johnson will be solid. Just wait to see it now that he will actually be on the field. Roosevelt for the Roster!!! SJCI BABY!!!
  8. I eat lunch every day and it is needed:thumbsup:
  9. If there are this many responses to cutting Calloway, I can't wait to see how many people respond once Levi Brown is signed to the PS!!!
  10. John Clayton is a jock-sniffing panty-waste who has never competed for anything in his entire life! If he never called out Sean Salisbury he would be back scraping gum off the floor at the Regal! Why his opinion matters I have no idea. Most likely because the Church of ESPN says his opinion should matter. He is joke.
  11. Fargas! He was actually the FedEx guy...the Bizarro Newman but great call none-the-less:w00t:
  12. I agree that the 2 minute drill was very efficient. They even had a little setback when Trent was rushed out of the pocket and had to throw the ball away. They didn't panic and the next play Trent hit Stevie Johnson for a first down to continue the drive. See what happens when you practice these things at FULL SPEED!
  13. I don't think this is wise considering he IS one of out best D-linemen and is a big-time gamer for us. He is also very valuable in the locker room. No a snowball's chance in Hades he gets red-tagged.
  14. Joe Gibbs (T) cut His attempted comeback as a T and not a coach is unsuccessful. I wish him the best of luck in all his future endeavors
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