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Everything posted by tbonestake

  1. How pumped was the maintenace guy who found the earring?! I'm sure he has already blown through the 50 grand on Ocean Dr....
  2. Adam Schefter reported this morning on his twitter account that he is, in fact, a useless tool box. It's a big step for him. Admitting it is the hardest part. Now he can move past it.
  3. If 'IFs' and 'BUTs' were candy and nuts we'd all have a Merry Christmas! Am I right?
  4. I believe literally its translated as "A whale's vagina"
  5. then why did he bite if you know what he was thinking? Who is to say that SJ will not be productive now that he is ON THE FIELD!!! Chad Jackson runs better routes?! What is your basis for this? His hands are brutal and he will contribute but he will not be counted upon. The basis of your argument is dogging Steve Johnson and saying that he has not produced. You are saying that you would rather have a rookie who hasn't done anything in the NFL yet OR a Never WAS with terrible hands start in place of a guy who the coaches trust with the responsiblity of being a #2 type WR. This is all an unknown at this point so we have to agree to disagree. Besides, hopefully they will be using all sorts of alignments and motion so the #2 WR position could be a moot point. Let neither of us pigeon hole the number 2 WR as just that. I'm a basketball guy. If you strictly rely on your PG to handle a press, you're screwed! You need your SG and SF to be able to hold their own and be strong against the press. Sometimes your 4 man needs to step up and possess the ball vs a press. Bottom line, we need SOMEBODY other than Lee to catch some balls. I think we can both agree that with Roscoe's increased role and the use of David Nelson/Chad Jackson/Steve Johnson, we may be looking up in terms of alternative production.
  6. I love your enthusiasm bro but why would you want to LIMIT Spiller's ability by making him a #2 WR? The best thing about Spiller is that he is dynamic! He can play different positions on the field. He can run and catch but you CANNOT limit him by making him a # 2. He isn't a route runner. He is a guy who will go over the middle or out of the slot. I cannot stress this enough. DO NOT PIGEON HOLE SPILLER AS A #2 WR!!! MOVE HIM AROUND ALL OVER THE FIELD!!!! KEEP OTHER TEAMS GUESSING!!!!
  7. I agree. He needs to impress or else he faces the red tag. I don't hate the guy but if he is going to be around he HAS TO contribute
  8. Not reputations-these are charts of the first team reps the players get. What do you think? Anything stand out?http://www.buffaloru...first#storyjump
  9. Who are you referring to? Jackson or Johnson? You lost me. They haven't thrown the ball to Johnson too much and they have been playing well, right? Why rock the boat? Colts game, Johnson runs a crossing route and occupies the safety so Lee is open over the top. Thats one. Bengals game, third down in the 2 minute drill, SJ catches a ball over the middle to keep the drive alive. No penalties for holding on Spiller's long runs as well. What more do you want? More catches? The guy can play and he'll show that during the regular season when he gets more opportunities. It's obvious the coaching staff has confidence in him because he IS the 2nd receiver. You didn't tell me how Chad Jackson/David Nelson would be a better 2nd Receiver. CONVINCE ME!!!
  10. its the same vein that bulges when he wants to disagree with Schopp but doesn't. COME ON BULLDOG! TAKE A STAND ON SOMETHING!
  11. you forgot to add all the mumbling and stuttering by the Bulldog:oops:
  12. Granted Hardy has a basketball body but he hasn't used it in the NFL. If you're going by his combine numbers, you need to live in the now. I don't know if you heard but he blew out his knee and is recovering from it. He also is coming back from a foot injury. He is S.L.O.W....David Nelson is around the same size and much quicker. He also has better hands. Hardy should get whacked. End of story
  13. was thinking that myself. probably working on his PhD thesis
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