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Everything posted by flopagamo

  1. Well done Jack! And I'm right there with you dude... that particular Music City Miracle clip drives me nuts every time, b/c it is so freaking clearly forward...
  2. I was there the last time it happened (I think -- it was Reich's win over Miami, right?). Still remember seeing the pieces make their way up to the top... dudes looking over and yelling "look out!" as they were dumped over the side... packs of 10-15 people hustling through the parking lot, all grabbing hold of a large chunk, followed by smaller bits clearly parceled out by some alert fan with a saw. I moved away and haven't been to a game since. Tough to top that one though.
  3. Awesome. We should thus switch to the 2nd place contest entry, the Buffalo Bullets, and use a logo image of a mortally shot buffalo. The standing buffalo image is conveniently already red.
  4. Schefter is another of these self serving NFL 'insiders' who love to stir stuff up and look like they're in the know. Sound and fury signifying nothing. Like Peter King.
  5. Exactly. Sound and fury signifying nothing... for the last 20 years.
  6. I hope Brohm ends up #2 only to make Peter King look more like the fatuous idiot he is.
  7. Quite the setup offered by the title of this post.
  8. RB being a notoriously injury-plagued position league-wide, year after year... Lynch being in his contract year... trading any of these 3 guys has to be the last thing on their minds. Besides, I doubt the FO is completely sold on Joique Bell's long term viability as an NFL back. Seems like every year they have a young RB that looks great (particularly in the 2nd half of the preseason games) and ends up cut or on the practice squad. Shaud Williams comes to mind (although I think he made the roster one year)... who were the Joique Bells of years past?
  9. Completely safe. Who else is going to do Marcus' Mailbag on buffalobills.com?
  10. Now THAT... is a great idea. Emphasizing team, they could all speak as one. "The Herd went for a-buck-sixty-eight and 2 TDs."
  11. Bryan Cox is in a hate class by himself. That said, I reserve the hate for the dirty players (Wilfork), those who run their mouths with antagonism that goes beyond competitiveness (Bryan Cox and Joey Porter), and those tho cry like little girls (Marino).
  12. ORCHARD PARK -- Reports from reliable sources out of the Buffalo Bills organization indicate that running backs Fred Jackson, CJ Spiller, and Marshawn Lynch will be submitting formal name change documentation to their current states of residence. They are initiating the process to change their names simply to Athos, Porthos, and Aramis (respectively), the characters created by Alexandre Dumas in his 1844 serial The Three Musketeers. Reports also indicate that quarterback Trent Edwards is considering changing his name to d'Artagnan, but fears backlash from his father. Of the three ballcarriers, only Fred Jackson was available for comment. "I can neither confirm nor deny any rumors surrounding our names," Jackson said in a prepared statement following practice yesterday. "That being said, I suggest you get hip to 19th century French literature, if you hope to have any idea what my fellow running backs will be talking about in the near future." Head coach Chan Gailey remained distant on the matter. "Hell, I don't care if they call themselves Wynken, Blynken and Nod, if they get in the end zone. It's hard to keep up with what the kids think is 'boss' or 'rad' these days." In other news, rumors of Bills logo-ed puffy shirts being sold in stadium stores have been unsubstantiated.
  13. and Ol' Barry turned out OK. I just hope CJ can take the beating, make folks miss, and know when to initiate contact to spare himself the worst of it.
  14. And Cowher, with jaw protruding, would be slobbering back in his own way. http://www.midwestsportsfans.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/bill-cowher-mouth.jpg
  15. I must admit being fired up by CJ's performance in particular, but doing my share of handwringing about defense & specials just the same (how many opposing team drives will start beyond the 40 yd line?). There are always a few overhyped teams that flame out... could be the Jets to assume that role this year. Must... temper... enthusiasm.... Teams are still tinkering with crap in the preseason, looking at bubble players, and not tipping their hands too much.
  16. Couldn't agree more. Dump the battleship colors, especially the dark blue & white alternates (worst ever). Throwbacks are tight! Simple blue jersey with the white helmet... the grazing red buffalo, just chillin, waiting for people to piss him off. This is just terrible: http://www2.pictures.gi.zimbio.com/Buffalo+Bills+v+Denver+Broncos+5iDNqxf7-Gdl.jpg And these both suck and blow: http://www3.pictures.gi.zimbio.com/New%2BEngland%2BPatriots%2Bv%2BBuffalo%2BBills%2BP-nW-jGAklIl.jpg The opinion is commonly held... so why do we keep our current crap? http://ambassadoratlarge.blogspot.com/2009/09/ugliest-nfl-uniforms-ever.html I was never a big fan of the all-whites, but they're better than what we have now. http://www.dholmes.com/nfl/nfl-bills-super_bowl_xxv_kelly-jim-12-white-1991-stockpic1.jpg So obviously superior: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/photos/uncategorized/2008/12/05/bills.jpg Even the all-whites look tight: http://i.cdn.turner.com/sivault/multimedia/photo_gallery/0910/nfl.afl.throwback.uniforms/images/leodis-mcKelvin.opnh-4580-mid.jpg I'd even advocate going back to the OLD old helmets, face protruding: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3538/3393097885_3d4d14d211_o.jpg
  17. Maybe a little, but our preseason win over the Colts didn't hold much significance in the first place. We also don't fully know what the Colts may have been tinkering with in either game. Can't judge much of anything done by 3rd stringers and guys fighting for roster spots. Plus, the manhandling included 31 second half points.
  18. Awesome. Where'd you find this?
  19. I prefer Chan to those guys you listed, except Marty. Billick is a so-called offensive genius (thanks to having Randy Moss while he was OC in Minnesota), an egomaniac who got his SB win thanks to a defense he didn't really have to coach. Reeves is done, too old school for today's game. Marty has a great track record of restoring teams to playoff levels (just not moving past that)... so Marty would have been a step in the right direction. Tell you what though -- I wish we'd have seen the light on Mike Singletary. That dude changed a losing culture in SF, and still doesn't have a legit QB.
  20. The Bills also led the league in sideline blank stares and un-adjusted game plans last year. (until Perry Fewell took over, anyway) Lots of 3rd down stops -- that's what we need.
  21. Found something else in there: In 2009 Buffalo was dead last in the NFL in # of offensive plays, and dead last in # of first downs. I can't find Time of Possession stats...
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