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Wayne Cubed

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Everything posted by Wayne Cubed

  1. I'll admit I feel the same about the Jags but then it's been that long since they were consistently any good and that was early on in their history when Coughlin was coaching. I remember back then, they were an exciting team to watch. They've just been nothingness for many years now and they don't have the fan base or rich history that many other teams have.
  2. I did at one point and it was dependent on where I was viewing it. Sometimes in browser it worked but then on the App it didn't... All I can say is keep updating. Mine aren't showing now because like others have said I've turned them off.
  3. To be honest it was a super stable App at one point. I've had GP for 10 seasons now and when I first got it, it was glitchy but the company that built it was nice enough to refund money if it didn't end up working, they even ran a Twitter account with updates. And eventually for a couple years it ran really smooth. Then about 4 seasons ago, the NFL picked a new company to redesign the App... and it was bad, really bad. I can't for the life of me remember the companies name but they disabled the Twitter account for GP and then they had to disable their own companies Twitter account. If you had problems with the system if was pretty easy to get a hold of someone and get it fixed... not so much anymore. I think you have to go by email now which, isn't great.
  4. I'd probably also add that they are Billionaires as well, that bothers people with regards to paying for things.
  5. He should start right out of the gate, no point in Dalton starting as they won't get anything from him and Nagy is basically coaching for his job.
  6. I think that's good but it's weird when they only get players from the team that player is on to talk. James Robinson was all Jags players talking about him, which doesn't tell me much. And even with Tre, Devin White was big uppin Tre cause they went to LSU together.
  7. I posted this is the main top 100 thread but it's good here too... I know some Bills fans get bent out of shape each year but it's worth mentioning again how the list is compiled: - Players are given ballot and told to list their top 20 players. They aren't given any stats or any sort of background on who might have played well, which is why you see people who remain on the list despite probably not having a great year. - The voting takes place at the same time as the Pro Bowl balloting, so around Thanksgiving. - The player that they vote 1st gets 20 points, 2nd 19 points and so on. They then tally the total. A tie in points NFLN decide who goes where. - Surprise, surprise most players don't actually fill this out. In 2013, only 482 players returned their ballots or 23.8% of the league. If it wasn't for social media, I think NFLN would have ditched this long ago but much like Madden ratings, it get's the clicks.
  8. I know some Bills fans get bent out of shape each year but it's worth mentioning again how the list is compiled: - Players are given ballot and told to list their top 20 players. They aren't given any stats or any sort of background on who might have played well, which is why you see people who remain on the list despite probably not having a great year. - The voting takes place at the same time as the Pro Bowl balloting, so around Thanksgiving. - The player that they vote 1st gets 20 points, 2nd 19 points and so on. They then tally the total. A tie in points NFLN decide who goes where. - Surprise, surprise most players don't actually fill this out. In 2013, only 482 players returned their ballots or 23.8% of the league. If it wasn't for social media, I think NFLN would have ditched this long ago but much like Madden ratings, it get's the clicks.
  9. It's preseason, game 1. I don't think you can know much right now and I certainly don't think Beane is claiming victory based on 1 game. Did Rousseau look good in limited action? Sure, and then teams/players will counter his strengths and then the regular season starts. Let's also not forget, Beane had no shot at drafting some of those other players so how exactly does he win by getting the player that was available to him at the time he drafted him? Yea, there is overreactions on both sides but the consensus take is probably somewhere in the middle.
  10. Yup, just doesn't make sense to sink $1 billion into a stadium that's falling apart when you can spend $1.4 billion for a new one. This isn't a Solider Field or Lambeau type situation.
  11. He looks pretty good so far, he's settled into the game.
  12. Ole Bobby Foster making an appearance
  13. Still seems to loft the ball and not drive it.
  14. The throws across the field or outside the hashes seem to hang for ages.
  15. Oh I agree, if White goes down, they are screwed on defense at the CB position.
  16. I think cuts are good spot to grab depth for CB and OL, there tends to be surprise vet cuts somewhere and the Bills aren't looking for a starter at CB. They probably could get a better starter opposite Tre just don't think that's their plan. @GunnerBill Is it too late to add Aresnal to the Bad Night 😈
  17. Oh yea definitely, I just don't think there's another city that could offer what Las Vegas did.
  18. The other issue is Las Vegas gave the Raiders $750 million towards the stadium. It would be a case of what can other cities/states offer? Because realistically all the markets where it makes sense to entirely privately fund the stadium are gone. There are no more Los Angeles's where it makes financial sense to privately fund the stadium. The Pegulas, if they aren't dumb, should know that.
  19. It’s tough for both sides really. The only places that make sense for these stadiums to be privately financed, have already been built. LA, NYC/NJ and Foxboro, all privately financed because their owners realise there is money to be made off of them outside of the NFL. Add in they make even less sense now because you are competing against better TVs, cameras with all the angles and being able to relax in your home.
  20. I mean this is how it plays out, nearly every time this happens. Also, currently the county owns 100% of the current stadium, wouldn’t that make sense where you start negotiations? And all of this coming from an “anonymous” source “early” in negotiations.
  21. Think this is a good article to drop in here… https://www.johnlocke.org/policy-position/publicly-funded-stadiums/?__cf_chl_jschl_tk__=pmd_cb651a1d050db8ed66dac2dbfb34e80368b633f8-1627817756-0-gqNtZGzNAjijcnBszQe6
  22. As this is, as the article states, early stages… this seems like negotiation tactics. So I guess we know which side has released these little nuggets.
  23. I just don't get what he thinks he's going to accomplish on Twitter, talking to fans about this. I'm sure there are other players who share his views who aren't taking to a social media platform where most of their fans are to complain. What does that accomplish... it's not going to put pressure on the NFLPA or the NFL. It's a really weird flex from him and he needs to take his own advice about getting off social media.
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