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Everything posted by stony

  1. Your best franchises succeed by having cheap, productive talent. Not by trading them for below market value. We'd never get a first and almost certainly not even a second. So at this point you're selling a young, proven talent for a loss.
  2. Was it me, or did Rex look flummoxed when EJ was driving late and making plays? Now he's got a decision to make in game three. I think he was hoping EJ made it for him. I thought TT looked good, still scared he's going to put himself in harms way too often. EJ looked like a QB last night. Props to him for stepping up into the tire fire that was his pocket last night. Both guys made their reads. Encouraging play from both.
  3. True indeed. But he's a leader and will some day have his name on the Wall of Fame. For PR purposes I don't think he goes anywhere. He's that popular.
  4. Sources: Monetary terms have been agreed upon. Bills unwilling to yield to Dareus' request for lifetime pass at Mongolian Buffet. If this is true, I don't see a deal getting done before Indy. Not good.
  5. Thank god teams still punt!! I'll go with the ST guy when talking about who our 4RB is going to be.
  6. Agree. I thought it would come down to Bryce and Boobie. Boobie is a ST standout, Bryce is not.
  7. Tiki fixed it. Byrce seemingly hasn't. Hope he does, he always impresses when called upon (until he fumbles).
  8. I'm kind of psyched there's four games as most of the RBs should be able to get back by Week 1.
  9. It's a totally innocent article. But the conspiracy theorists will think it's other ploy by the media to shape the QB battle in the favor of their preferred candidate. You know, because Rex is sitting down with Jerry, Joe B. Sal #1 & Sal #2 on Pegula's yacht at the end of the month to see which way he should go.
  10. It's the media's job to ask questions. This was an innocent question IMO given the way the QB battle has played out. EJ is a millionaire athlete, let's stop holding his hand and criticizing others for doing their job. Non story, here.
  11. I hear you , Bill. I'm just questioning the "process" of the QB competition. It's been a bit scrambled IMO. I'll cross my fingers he (TT) puts in a strong showing on Thursday so he can end this. I feel the offense could really benefit knowing who's behind center because each QB offers a drastically different playing style.
  12. You're right, they won't. But it doesn't mean they shouldn't. Cassel's the known quantity. If QB is going to be the shortcoming of the team (and with both, it will be), go for the home run.
  13. I'm starting to wonder why the Bills don't just give him the job. He's been talked up since the start of camp. Let him roll with the 1's and let's see where it goes.
  14. Nice to have him. If Darby isn't cutting it early on, Graham could probably slide over and be replaced by Rambo and/or Co. I don't see the defense being handicapped by this scenario.
  15. TBH, I have absolutely no idea. The first time I watched him play was on Friday and he seemed pretty smart i.e. no unnecessary risks. But all it takes is one freak play like the faux horse-collar tackle. He'll put himself in more situations for guys to take shots on him because he'll scramble way more than the average QB.
  16. It's not the game planning I'm worried about, it's his size. He needs to watch A LOT of Russel Wilson tape and how he slides and avoids hits.
  17. He could of just told his kids those weren't real trophies. Instead, he made a very public point of telling everyone how big of wusses they are for not taking away their kids trophies. I'm surprised he left out the part about loud music and walking 5 miles each day to work in the mines. Has he told his kids not to cheat? What about head-hunting?
  18. I agree he started slowly last season, but you make it seem like it's a conscious decision on his part. Is it his level of compete, or inability to turn his head? Each post of yours details a new flaw of his. I was kidding, but if I didn't know better I'd think getting that 3rd for him would be a steal. First preseason game dude, first game!
  19. Trade him for a 3rd rounder?
  20. I think you make that trade. But as the good Dr. pointed out, it's fair to presume that we never see the Tanny of today if he played for the Bills. Knowing this, I feel damn good about Gilmore and Glenn coming out of that draft.
  21. We ran a base scheme with few blitzes while running straight man. You didn't hear Hughes or Mario's name all night because they just rushed wide, w/o any counter moves. All things being equal, the WR has a distinct advantage in this scenario. I'll hold off on joining the mob just yet.
  22. Cam would be a Bill if Luck wasn't such a nerd and cared about his education...Stupid, stupid, stupid.
  23. I'll admit, Simms looked pretty natural going 0-3!! He's a keeper.
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