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Everything posted by stony

  1. BB, I want EJ to succeed so bad, but isn't that a bit of an oxymoron? The myth of the "EJ Long Ball" is starting to gain traction.
  2. Interesting. You think the Dolphins would go for it?
  3. Bold move, Cotton
  4. Meh. I love Freddy. But to say he's not in decline and injured quite a bit over the past few seasons is glossing over the facts.
  5. Probably like 10. Those irrational fans that ruin games for the rest of us.
  6. This crap doesn't get "out there" unless you want it to. Love the honesty, hate the timing. Kind of ironic given that Freddy was one of the most vanilla interviews of the past 5 years.
  7. Two words: roll coverage. He'll get picked on, but it can be minimized by safety help.
  8. His progression will go a long way in whether the Bills are serious about making a competitive offer to Cordy at seasons end.
  9. It's a bold strategy, let's see if it pays off for them.
  10. That would never happen, and you know it. First game of the year???
  11. Are we running a straight option offense?
  12. I'm a fan. My one god-given right is to gripe. Especially on this team. If he's stinking up the joint after four games...off with his head.
  13. Well, I look forward to his induction to the Wall of Fame. Considering some of the names up there, I'd best Fred's will be one of the best ever!!
  14. I used to hate on Schoop and the Bulldog. Then I wondered what it would be like to listen to callers with that drunken Buffalo accent for fours a day. I feel bad for them on certain occasions. In all honesty, they're not nearly as bad as most make them out to be. If you want X's and O's, go read one of the dozens of websites that break down every single play. That stuff doesn't drive conversation or bring out reaction from the majority of listeners on radio.
  15. If it grows in the ground, probably okay to do.
  16. Why do all the other billionaires do it then? The day the team has a new stadium is a perfect time to start realizing this untapped revenue.
  17. Or further proof Rex doesn't know how to handle QBs. Two ways of looking at it IMO.
  18. I don't understand your post. Please explain. Rex has what to do with the past 15 years?
  19. Nothing. I would expect better from ESPN...
  20. He's a hellava QB. Playing for the Cowboys doesn't help his cause.
  21. As the late, great Bert Cooper once said...Who Cares??
  22. I'm betting that Flutie was such an dbag the media decided to support Johnson. Bravo, BV. Couldn't agree more.
  23. According to the media, he's a favorite of the WRs coach. He's actually stayed healthy too, which is always the knock on him. I don't see him going anywhere.
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