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Everything posted by stony

  1. He's a for-profit university.
  2. Moss is fantastic every time I've heard him. Good hire.
  3. I look forward to these videos every year.
  4. When is the part where you tell me you've watched tons of Ragland film and he's a bust??
  5. Funny, when we look back, it'll be the Bieber concert that keeps him from making a comeback. Not the whole QB'ing thing.
  6. Take a gas mask bong rip, it'll settle ya down.
  7. Fair enough, glad I saw this. He looks slow to this untrained eye. Psyched nonetheless. Go Bills!
  8. Crossing my fingers the Jets take him.
  9. Save your azz mode does not equate to taking a QB who needs a couple of years on the bench.
  10. Sammy knew that posting the photo would bring out all the hot takes from the keyboard army. I hope he's reading this thread with a huge sh*t eating grin on his face.
  11. DM me the directions to this place you speak of. Been looking for a place that serves up some prime, dry aged poop.
  12. Yeah, because I was clearly inferring to past allegations/transgressions and not the video.
  13. Gotta say, he's a moron if he said that.
  14. You think they flipped a coin for the honor of penning that POS?
  15. Yup, just watch Training Day or American Hustle. Easy to get rich being a cop.
  16. Yet Chip kept Riley Cooper. Manning and Brady haven't been in any bar fights that we know of. We do know Peyton stuck his ass in a trainers face when she passed on an invite to hang out, and then used his considerable muscle/resources to shame her repeatedly to the point she had to quit a job. Point is, most people have warts. Not the best to compare pro athletes because we don't know half their stories.
  17. "Bills Finally Win: Positional Needs in the Off-season"
  18. Time and place. Oh, and don't sound like a jackass when you ask something like this. It's a Superbowl press conference, not the Spanish Inquisition.
  19. It is Fitz, but still interesting he "wants" to go to a team with a QB that just threw 30 TD passes. By all means, though, please take him Jets!
  20. good stuff. got 21. Kind of proud, too. Lots of single TD guys that are difficult.
  21. Marrone overplayed any perceived leverage he thought he had. I don't think HC was a blip on Terry's radar until Marrone wanted the extensions. I truly believe Marrone would still be the HC if he didn't put Terry in the position to reward 9-7 with staff-wide contract extensions.
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