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Everything posted by stony

  1. There isn't one person on this entire football team I want to see less of than Reggie Bush.
  2. Yup. Although Jerry seems to have been buds with him, and that might've been the only guy you couldn't accuse of letting up on that d-line last year. Nonetheless, glad he's not around MD anymore.
  3. ...not yet, just reading through it...oh wait, same as 3 days ago...
  4. Probably when a major party nominee suggests the deportation of all Muslims? That makes a lot of uneducated people presume a a lot of uneducated things.
  5. Word to the wise, stop trying to get on Deadspin and you won't have to take to the web to defend yourself.
  6. He's been up and down for sure this year. No doubt. Darby has been wildly inconsistent as well IMO. He largely avoids any criticism given the large contingent of fans who despise 24. Our secondary as a whole has been blah. Hoping Dareus and Lawson can impact this w/ more pressure.
  7. Talent > game shape right now for Dareus IMO, especially since he'll be introduced in a reduced capacity. Hypothetically, the same for Lawson. Not a bad time to get in the rotation with Jerry and Lorenzo playing well. The residual affect of a better rotation should be felt for the vets as the mid-way point is quickly approaching. Can you imagine a more fresh Hughes in the 4th quarter. Guy never stops, as is.
  8. That was my initial reaction. Smart, clean blocking. Guys could've went for kill shots but laid off.
  9. Their stadium sucks Meth served at concession stands Hard Rock Cafe blows
  10. There is a play every game where Darby or Gilmore is beat for a long TD and the QB overthrows it. This will be a problem when we get into the meat of our schedule.
  11. Looked like Gilmore was thinking low route, and Darby should've taken the the other receiver. Tough to tell. AW looked lost in open field, making me think all three guys f'ed it up w/ some royal miscommunication.
  12. I get the sense we have a very intelligent unit up front. It's also the perfect blend of vets, in-their-prime and younger players who may finally be "getting it." Appears to be good depth too.
  13. I cut him major slack. He's been good throughout his career. But damn, he looks and sounds his age. He was bad on both details and play-by-play. That's a heavy lift for any listener, especially w/ Dielh by his side.
  14. Fox needs to gracefully push him out the door. Consistently poor throughout the game. Diehl brings next to nothing either. Sadly, yes.
  15. How long before Chip Kelly pulls a Bobby Petrino? Over/under week 8??
  16. Ha, that was my pairs analysis. I'm leaning towards Spero and Co right now. Dick Stockton was always one of my faves, too.
  17. The meanest thing I can say right now about this game is David Diehl is worse than Dick Stockton.
  18. Man, lots a bad nicknames throughout the years, but I nominate this.
  19. Meh, nobody ever accused Stephen A of putting thought into anything. Hack.
  20. Coming from a semi-apologist, playing Sammy so quickly seemed like a desperate move from a FO/coaching staff who was starting to feel the pressure to win now. Yes they are. You see so many great basketball players have to shut it down early because of them, too.
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