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Everything posted by stony

  1. Mr. Heitz, I agree with most everything you post. Especially about food! When I'm in Waterbury next, beers on me!
  2. Regret is actually tequila spelled backwards! I'll be watching too. If it goes sour quickly, I usually punish myself by going to the office to make-up all the work I didn't do after wasting my time here!
  3. Nah. Most of them play well. All of us little people just like to point out when guys making millions don't live up to our imaginary expectations.
  4. Anthony Lynn's "simplification" of the passing game is a built in excuse for Tyrod having to only look on one side of the field. If I was a WR knowing he's going to pick his matchup pre-snap, and I'm not that guy, it's gotta suck knowing there's very little chance the balls coming my way.
  5. The Shady "run" when he zig zagged the entire field leading into 3 crackback block opportunities is a perfect example. Each guy could've done what Landry did but ultimately held off. Didn't affect the play one bit.
  6. I 100% agree. Especially with Shaq, RR and MD out, they need those plays even more.
  7. +1 for you summarizing my thoughts, w/o me having to actually say them. Next beers on me!
  8. My least favorite argument from pundits/posters is when they say "we only won the game because so and so picked off ________." Well yeah!! No s!@t The Rams game and Robey's play is the perfect example of this, and as you point out, Meeks missing the chance to make an impact. Games can be lost from a million papercuts, but it's generally a couple of haymakers that seal the deal.
  9. It be a bad argument, but that's never stopped anyone.
  10. Beyond moronic. I was on record saying to sit him for NE, but bye week wouldn't have bothered me either. What's that saying about people not learning from their history are bound to repeat it??? Rex screwed this up, but considering how Sammy was handled it shouldn't surprise me.
  11. Yup. And after 20 carries for TD Mike, our next most-used play should be a Tyrod scramble. Yesterday was the type of day where I felt like that would be the only play that would work.
  12. I think Rex, and not the players, was guilty of looking ahead to next week. Game plan looked a bit stale. Oh well, at least we'll have a healthy Shady next week...
  13. Just like smacking your wife/GF will get you a game, but smoking doobie a couple of times will get you 4. The NFL's discipline policies make no sense.
  14. This is the larger issue at play here. I tend to agree with the players that hits over the middle take place at such a speed, there isn't time for a player to "check down" and hit someone in the ribs, chest etc. This play was not the case. He had a bead on him from the snap and could have neutralized him without targeting his head. Bush league play. He chose to inflict the most damage on the play, and aimed for the head.
  15. Well, now that you work in sales, I'm sure you sometimes quote the wrong price. Mistakes happen.
  16. Run lost of slants to Clay and maybe Hunter. Use our size. We did this early against the Pats with great success. It allowed us to sustain some long drives when their D was clearly playing the run. They made adjustments in 2nd half and we went away from it. I was surprised Lynn didn't dial up some double moves when the Pats started to sit on the routes. I think these will be there against the Fish. Go Bills!
  17. Does anyone know where Rex ended up buying his house? Just curious if he ended up in the snowiest place on earth.
  18. How many mg's of Oxy do pros from 5, 10, 15, 30 years ago need to get through a day because they decided to rough it out? I get it, different times, different thoughts. But I generally follow the "wheelbarrow theory" in all life scenarios.
  19. Miami coming off a win, Bills banged up. If we win the first half, no way we give up the lead in the second. Bills 28-21
  20. Didn't think of that, but good point. USA Today of all papers, too.
  21. Liar. I was there last week and there was plenty left. But they did say some some Webster Guy did his best to drink the town dry!
  22. Holy hell, this guys sounds like he understands the bigger picture. Refreshing. If we beat Miami and hear he's 90-95% next week, I'd hold him out of NE too.
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