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Everything posted by stony

  1. Not when you already missed on 1 QB. DW won't automatically get 3 years because he chooses to draft a QB.
  2. Deitsch does routinely excellent write-ups. Doesn't hurt he's a Bills homer, too.
  3. That'll end well. Two curmudgeons (3 w/ TC) who hate dealing with the press. Surprised Marrone was told he was allowed to hire him.
  4. I can get down with this. DW is in full-blown self preservation mode. He just might have what it takes.
  5. I agree, but the groundwork--and ironically the better "hauls" in terms of picks--came from Regier. The rebuild was full steam ahead once Vanek was shipped out. Murray inherited a situation which made losing on purpose much easier due to Regier. Also, as you pointed out, the best piece of Tank move was hiring Nolan which was before Murray was brought on.
  6. Pomminville was traded in Spring of 2013, Vanek in Fall of 2013. Regier had already publicly stated the "suffering" was starting. Miller left in 2014, the last valuable piece before sucking could commence full stream ahead. I'd time-stamp The Tank beginning in Fall of 2013.
  7. Not really. The proliferation of social media posts containing opinions masquerading as fact/detail helped derail traditional news this election cycle. Those in positions of power calling out things they disagree with doesn't help with delineating news going forward. This shouldn't be on the Stadium Wall.
  8. Don't confuse fake news for being a moron. But yeah. it's still freaking annoying.
  9. Go Bills! I root for what they do, anyways. He seems "different."
  10. As long as he can field 11 men on defense. McCoy linked as OC.
  11. Yup. Butthurt Bills fans who like to say "don't judge us on our past, its all changed since Terry bought the team."
  12. Best of luck to him. Lots of cooks in that kitchen all of a sudden, though.
  13. Get Cutler, draft Chad Kelly, then we have the perfect mentor. I've been advocating this for some time.
  14. I'm not giving the players a pass, but missed tackles are often the first/easiest thing we remember when the defense sucks. The Dolphins game (2nd) is a good example. I've agreed w your assessment Whaley is as culpable to the stink around here as Rex was, but Rob's downward trajectory unfortunately followed him to Buffalo.
  15. A head coach should't have to develop a QB.
  16. BB, Carroll, Tomlin and whoever the Bills sign next.
  17. Watson doesn't scare the crap out of you?
  18. Will Gruden get him for the QB special? Or did he play his way out of that? I'm just curious. That would be good TV.
  19. It's a team friendly contract. I expect a rebound year.
  20. Tank, that's what I'm talking about. Good research! On a side note regarding those early years you reference. I always thought it weird that both Eli and Kurt Warner sucked real bad and both will probably be HOFers. Warners career was so weird.
  21. You could look it up, or just add the snark...but I'll do it for ya. Since 1960, he's had 30. This is tied for 6th. While "countless isn't a number" as you astutely pointed out, that's damn near impressive. You beat me to it...
  22. Isn't he paid by the team still? He's generates the excitement each time around the merry-go-round and stokes the fire (respectfully, of course) when things inevitably crap out. Shrewd move by Terry to retain is services.
  23. Never thought Sun Tzu and Doug Whaley would be in the same sentence. Just when I try to stay away from TBD, it keeps pulling me back in. Love it!
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