I saw Bertchold lay into a volunteer staffer (most likely SJF student) at a night practice because he was walking along the outer edges of the track with his cell phone in hand. After he made a scene, he went back to talking to Jim Kelly with a smirk on his face. He's a bum.
I love how Hogan had a big game in the playoffs and it provided two weeks worth of narrative for the Patriot Way. Whaley deserves flak for many things, letting go of a 38 catch WR isn't one of them.
It's unfortunate. Mark Gaughan was the BN previous representative. I remember reading on numerous occasions by Peter King and others that it was Gaughan's persuasion that finally got Andre in as the "log jam" at WR was becoming a problem.
It is. Getting him to come here would be tough, but not impossible.
If the Bills want to break our streak of ineptitude, taking a chance on him would be fine with me.
Imagine Charles Clay would appreciate this move, too.
We said he'd be done 5 years ago. League changed the rules, QBs don't get hit anymore. He's a health nut. He said he wants to play many more years. At this point, I'll take his word for it.
To be fair, he's improved as a intermediate route runner. He'd be open a lot on come back routes and TT consistently threw it to an imaginary Dez Lewis.
Probably the best ever.
It's not his fault his coach is a dbag and spied on rivals.
I really don't care about Deflategate. I wanted him suspended, but it was mostly not to have to play him.