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Everything posted by stony

  1. Based on recent history, its no sure thing McDermott calls the TO.
  2. I don't think anyone's comparing it to OBJ catches, Certainly not David Tyree. I certainly never said it was a circus catch. But reducing it to a routine catch is misguided IMO. I see guys drop that. All. The. Time.
  3. Funny how a still frame doesn't show anything preceding the exact moment the catch looks "easy."
  4. You can be pissed he dropped it, but that wasn't a "routine" catch by any standards.
  5. IDK if I'm reading TT's quote correctly, but that's pretty close to throwing a young guy under the bus. Edit: Maybe just clumsy wording by TT?
  6. I hate that saying. The NFL is full of cliches, and this is up there as one of the worst imo.
  7. I don't know why, but Zay's routes remind me of Roscoe. Seems to trip over his feet a lot. Doesn't look like a smooth route runner yet.
  8. NBC has the PL contract. ESPN does carry some friendly's via streaming still, and the occasional Cup games like you point out. Personally, I thought their Euro and World Cup coverage was A+, but they lost the Word Cup to Fox which really sucks. Say what you will about ESPN, but Fox's production and broadcast sucks for everything outside of the NFL. It's a big loss for ESPN imo, precipitated by them overpaying for NBA and NFL rights. And to piggyback on the 3rd point, IIRC, the NFL told ESPN they couldn't do the Boomer/TJ highlights during the Sunday night broadcast. So in essence, the NFL drove a spike through the best highlight show, and screwed ESPN in the process.
  9. Most people that pay for it don't find it necessary to go on Twitter or wherever and declare they've paid $2.99/mo IMO. It seems to be the exact opposite for those who chose not to pay. As for ad revenue, I've heard it takes an obscene amount of "clicks" to generate the same revenue for a story that a single monthly subscription can provide. I believe it was the editor of the new hockey site The Athletic that laid out this premise. To those that think paywalls will fail/succeed should focus on that site. They're assembling an all-star roster of writers, too.
  10. Jerry Hughes was nonexistent, not that you'd let that get in the way of a good anti-Dareus take.
  11. I'd shrug my shoulders all the same if the Bills were 3-0 in two weeks or were 1-2 after an a whoopin in Carolina and a truly underwhelming performance by the the offense versus Denver.
  12. Agreed, very quite day. Which is good whether its versus the Jets or Patriots.
  13. Well done!! You even made Skip Bayless blush with that one...
  14. I shared an elevator w/ MD at the Curtis in Buffalo on Saturday night. He was taking a friend/family member up to his room. The guy is an absolute freak of nature, a huge human being. I root for him to succeed. He was quietly effective today. If you're looking for stats, wrong game. If you're looking for a reason to B word about him performance-wise today, how about looking across the line at #64 and his increasing tendency to draw flags on 2 yd runs.
  15. My favorite part... "I could go on for hours why I love Buffalo, buttttt...they ripped up my contract and I got paid." At least he's honest.
  16. Joe Mon-Tayne-ya? It's going to be a long year.
  17. Go USA! Everybody here that wants to squash the imperialistic bastards of Costa Rica should watch some soccer. Pulisic is the real deal! Happy Friday!
  18. Yeah, I hated Whitney Houston's Super Bowl rendition said no Bills fan ever.
  19. Jack Rooney or Willie Beamen??
  20. I would argue that not being able to vote is an institutional barrier. Pick your year, 1870? --When black males could hypothetically vote. It's not like half the nation put in state laws to prevent this from happening, right? Or even 1965, when LBJ made it possible for universal black suffrage. A 200-300 year head start in wealth accumulation is hard to overcome. And given that policy generally affects or creates the socio-economic classes, it's a tough hand to overcome.
  21. It has nothing to do with any innate ability.
  22. Ehhhhhhhhh, I'm undecided on this one.
  23. Ten bucks if Zeke Elliot kneeled, Jerruh wouldn't do a damn thing.
  24. I prefer to only stand for the Canadian anthem. Much better tune in my opinion.
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