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Everything posted by stony

  1. My thoughts too, regarding Ms. Pegula. She and her husband don't articulate their thoughts well in public, do they?
  2. With the exception of Harlan, there's really no difference from #3 to #8. Also, god bless Ian Eagle for having to carry Fouts and Washburn every season.
  3. He is all those things. But I find there's a bit of revisionist history when discussing his draft stock a couple years back. Seems many now had him pegged as a can't miss prospect. I seem to remember him having multiple question marks when coming out.
  4. 35 year gig with the Bills, not too shabby. He's one of the faces you recognize year after year sitting on your couch.
  5. Glenn's been one of the better picks the franchise has made over the course of his career. Other than a freak debilitating injury, he's been extremely durable with the exception of the past season when a "normal" injury laid him up. While I'm a firm believer that QB trumps all, I'm a bit surprised he's become such a "toss in" trade candidate for moving up. I know some its salary cap related, but the dude is a hell of a player. I hope the Bills realize this.
  6. The thread in a nutshell...Fred's not the right subject for a roast...you obviously don't know what a roast is...I would never pay money to see this...early reviews are positive...actually, if you went to the roast, please share all the joke with me.
  7. Let's hope they go the "Eli's got a few years left, lets build around him" approach!!
  8. I waited tables at a Tully's during summer months while in college. I can confirm, people of all colors, creeds and background tip like crap!!! Rich or poor, it doesn't matter. But lets not start a debate about proper tipping etiquette.
  9. ESPN did a feature a while back that took a bunch of NBA players, and broke out taxes, agent fees, escrow, minimum 401k etc. It was staggering how much is taken out.
  10. For sure. That's why the whole scenario isn't as ridiculous as it first seemed.
  11. JG and Cousins' contacts are going to be pretty close, too. I don't think its a money thing. It might be as simple as who Shanahan prefers more.
  12. His winery puts out some of the best Cab in the country. So he's got that going for him. My two favorite games of Bledsoe were the Minny game we won in OT, and the snow game in Buff vs Miami, where Ricky ran for 200+. He chucked the ball all over the field in those games. Fun to watch.
  13. Meh, McD fleeced Kraft for a raise. Smart career move on his part. Irsay is a kook.
  14. He's a stud. Imagine if teams didn't stack the box on him 24/7?? He'd basically have said what we were all thinking.
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