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Everything posted by stony

  1. Thx for these posts. My memories of the Bills don't really kick in until SB Loss #1. Nice to hear some of the earlier history of Ralph's reign.
  2. Give me 20 more threads of this instead of one more trying to convince me Rudolph throws a better deep ball than Rosen.
  3. Nope. I just have nightmares of 25yd ropes to Gronk up the seem. He makes every throw look easy. Even the 60 yard ones to Moss.
  4. Brady had a cannon. Everybody loses a little off their fastball when they hit 40.
  5. I loved Tyrod overthrowing him this past season.
  6. Dez really isn't a #1 anymore. Neither is KB. But if you put them together, we've got our #1 for Baker/Josh1/Josh2/Sam.
  7. Sometimes, even when the store is closed, if you're a friend of the owner...IDK, I suck at analogies and went to spend all my chores money.
  8. It's a fair point, I just tend to give more latitude to these guys. At the end of the day, they're 21-22 year old guys having every word of every sentence dissected. I often struggle to make it through one post on TBD without a run-on sentence or misplaced comma. And whether my politics agreed or disagreed with his, I'd still be impressed with is thoughtfulness and ability to string together complete thoughts, un-littered with cliches and coach speak.
  9. Why is Rosen skinny at 6' 4" 226lb, and Darnold is fine at 6' 3 3/8 and 221?
  10. Rosen's already rich. Are we still holding that against him?
  11. Pretty much a microcosm of the candidates for 2016.
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