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Everything posted by stony

  1. What does this have to do with him being a bum teammate? Did they go 3-13 specifically because Flutie left? Did it have anything to do with a new coach? New GM? Significant roster change?
  2. But more importantly, what were their ACT scores?
  3. I loved watching him here too, but his win percentage shouldn't obscure the fact he could be a crappy teammate. Like I said earlier, he played the PR game better than most. In a town like Buffalo, we ate that scrappy underdog crap up (literally, F'ing Flutie Flakes).
  4. Doug Flutie is/was the master of PR. He destroyed that locker room but always put his smile on for the cameras.
  5. a) It was a good draft b) It was a bad draft c) We overspent to trade up d) I can't believe Beane didn't trade up e) (Insert 5th round pick name here) Will be a steal. Day 1 starter.
  6. I wouldn't trade our new rookie QB's #1 safety blanket.
  7. The Snozzberries taste like Snozzberries!!
  8. Isn't that what they're going to do?
  9. I'm 100% sure the only mandate Terry & Kim gave to the new regime was to go out and get their potential franchise QB. Playoffs in year 1 basically bought them an extra season of good faith, too.
  10. Top four looks right. Let's hope we've got a gentleman's agreement with Cleveland to give us a head's up in case other teams are offering legit packages come draft night.
  11. Very true, regarding WSJ. Surprised Murdoch has let it happen.
  12. It's been suggested the Jets wouldn't take Rosen because Woody Johnson was appointed as ambassador to the UK.
  13. People say that City Hall finally is helping spur downtown development. I always laugh at this. One of the reasons TP gets a free pass from me is his willingness to put his money where is mouth is. The "plant sod in a vacant lot to make it look better" story is a reminder Buffalo politics are still lacking in sanity.
  14. Benjamin sounds a little butt-hurt.
  15. I hate to be the guy that says this, but it's not even that close. Unless you're really into cars, maybe? Otherwise, Munn all the way.
  16. I'd prefer the team keep a quota when it comes to Bama players. They're very cliquish. Kind of like how the Sabres avoid Russians. Based on Beane's moves thus far, he seems to agree with me. Two out the door, with only one brought back in. It'll force McCarron to mingle.
  17. When my wife comes home from work and asks if I've been drinking and I've already had a half bottle of Pinot, I tend to laugh. It's my tell.
  18. I'd feel bad for Gordon, Odell's antics might make him start drinking.
  19. Yessir. Further proof IMO they'll be doing whatever it takes to get that guy this year.
  20. I'm in the minority which thinks accuracy can be improved. But the whole "stare at the guy I'm going to throw it to" thing is what's gonna make me say he'll suck ass.
  21. Lotta lost beer revenue there. Cheap skate owners will push back on that one.
  22. They're my favorite part of draft season. I'll admit, I bite hard. I think it's possible, but you're correct, there needs to be more on the back end in 2019 and 2020.
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