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Everything posted by stony

  1. Cool, thanks. Check out The Athletic links I posted above. I don't think the BN is in trouble, but if a competitor came into this market with Buffalo-specific coverage, I'd watch that fight.
  2. Where did you get this from? I'm curious, is this is your opinion, or do you know numbers that indicate their demise is near?
  3. Those are interesting, but all 2-3 years old. I'm curious if the landscape has changed. I still can't find the article I referenced, but this one regarding the Athletic seems to counter the "paywall/subscription" sites will fail narrative. https://www.forbes.com/sites/darrenheitner/2017/01/10/why-2-1-million-was-invested-in-a-sports-news-subscription-site/#499218a415e7 EDIT: The subscription service seems to be working. https://www.forbes.com/sites/carolschram/2018/03/08/the-athletic-will-keep-growing-with-the-help-of-20-million-in-new-funding/#eecf0705369c
  4. Most franchise related stuff is broken by local media. Sale of team, Brandon story as you point out. They do a good job IMO. A lot of player movement stuff is national because of the agent/insider relationship.
  5. I don't have the exact numbers in front of me, but the revenue of a years subscription is worth something like tens of thousands of clicks. It might have been from the editor of The Athletic describing their business model. Can't remember, but the numbers were pretty interesting regarding the amount of ad revenue generated vs a monthly/annual paywall.
  6. To be fair, if Mittlestadt has 35-40pts next season, that will be a success in my book. Our defense is still pretty bad. A return to respectability will be a win in my book!
  7. As soon as Josh Allen throws it over the mountains, I'm IN.
  8. In a league with Pop, Kerr and Lebron as head coaches, I don't think it's a stretch to say he might be the best.
  9. Two of those guys have never played a snap in league. The Celts have multiple top 5 picks in their early 20s playing huge minutes. Tatum, Brown, Smart etc.
  10. Celts have loads of young talent, and quite possibly the best coach in the NBA. I love the optimism, but the Bills have neither of those.
  11. I'm not even sure, I just remember a huge meltdown by the Bengals and the knock-out hit on Brown. I think there were a few more unfortunate events in that meltdown.
  12. I'd imagine his caloric intake is slashed by half, too. Amazing the diet regimen these dudes are on.
  13. That's a good suggestion. I'd like to throw in Gusto, too. I'd be covered with food and sports!
  14. RE: Sully. That's a fair point. But I find it very cathartic reading a Sully column while taking my morning poop.
  15. I disagree with much of this. Buffalo is a unique case study IMO. They're a small city that has two major sports teams. However, unless their teams are winning consistently, the national media pays minimal attention to them (this is mostly directed at the Bills). And while local media is important for all teams/cites whether it be NYC or Milwaukee, its especially important in places like Buffalo. Just look at this thread, there's people that are hate-reading the BN. When they cease to move the needle, then I'd worry.
  16. $2.99 dude. $2.99. Also, unlike many papers, the BN operates in the black.
  17. Interior pass rusher on obvious passing plays? Probably not the return you'd want from a 1st rd pick, but he could provide value there. His flexibility won't hurt his roster prospects.
  18. Harsh, but I fear it's true. Eichel's pretty much a PPG player on a historically bad team. I can't wait until the team improves and the rest of the league see's how good he is.
  19. What's interesting is Mayfield went 1, and the Browns (allegedly) never thought of taking Allen. There are some huge evaluation gaps team-to-team on the top QBs it seems. I'll check back in 3 years...
  20. Yes Chutes and Ladders was invented for kids. Football was not.
  21. By this logic, being a stockbroker or politician is a kids job because they can join DECA or Model UN in High School?
  22. It's not a kids game. It's why there's an age limit post high-school. The rule literally screams "mans game, your body ain't ready for the pounding."
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