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Everything posted by stony

  1. Michigan's are amazing. Used to eat a lot of them during college. In WNY, we call them chili dogs and/or Texas hots.
  2. I went down to Cleveland w some buddies for a game in 2012. I'm pretty sure he got hurt that game, but there was a play he made where we all looked at each other and smiled thinking "we had something." He had a great year in 2012.
  3. Shady, at the pace you post, you guys might be related. Do you know who your parents are?
  4. I'm still curious where I said Lincoln was a Democrat.
  5. Where is this "trading history" part coming from? I simply pointed out the party platforms have changed. Like I said, this is pretty common knowledge. My old man is more red than Mars and he blows a gasket with this "Lincoln was a Republican" stuff.
  6. I like the guy who dropped the pass and blamed it all on the white people.
  7. I thought is was pretty common knowledge the party platforms changed dramatically in the first half of the 20th century and from an ideological and geographical standpoint, Lincoln's Republican politics (Northern, coastal, strong federal government, the income tax etc) more closely resemble the Democrats of today. All while the Democrats of that era and up until the 1960s were southern based, pro-state government, socially conservative. Hardly a re-write. Lincoln also f'ing hated the Know Nothing Party, which one could make an educated comparison to the anti-immigration, nativist elements of the Tea Party of today.
  8. Yeah, all good points. The obvious switch was in '48 w/the States Rights Dem Party. But I think the foundations of the switching of the party platforms was even earlier.
  9. I've been seeing a few freakishly athletic men decked out in Bills gear at the McKinley Wegmans this week. Yeah, this gets me excited. So what.
  10. If the rumors are true that is was LH, as a prominent media personality for PSE, isn't she as culpable in all of this as Russ?
  11. Very well aware. Fulbright was one of the few Southern Democrats that didn't jump ship. Hell, even Strom Thrumond was a Democrat at one point. I'd argue the party platform reversal started in the early 1900s. Most would agree the New Deal was the final straw so to speak couple with Truman's continued efforts towards desegregation.
  12. Come again? Strong Federal government, party centered in the Northeast, his right hand man the epitome of Northern elitism... I come from a lively group of Republican hooligans. We always laugh at this one. No he was a Republican. Just not the current iteration. You know, the whole party platform split thing around the turn of the century.
  13. Ahhhh, Republicans claiming Lincoln as one of their own. Always good for a chuckle.
  14. Because the Bills aren't their clients!!! They have no obligation to either team to paint them in the best possible light. That's what state radio is for.
  15. I think we're arguing different points. You seem to have personal problems with their writers. Did Tim Graham insult you on Twitter?
  16. That's where there's a disconnect for me. It would probably improve the BN's standing with their readers and many on this board. But it shouldn't have any bearing on their ability to work in a professional manner with the team. This isn't just a Pegula thing, either. Billionaire owner's are notoriously thin-skinned weenies.
  17. Gotcha. I think you're right, this pre-dates the Bills/Pegulas. I remember some ruffled feathers w/ the Sabres. I think Terry's whining about the treatment of his team w the media was Sabres-related, too. Overall, I think the relationships with the BN and the Bills has improved. Perhaps this is due to Berchtold's departure.
  18. I'm confused. The writers have asked the Bills to treat them better?
  19. I understand much of the disdain here for a couple of writers on the BN payroll, but expecting them to kowtow to the demands of a team's owner is bush league. That was one of Terry's weaker moments as an owner IMO.
  20. The newspaper guild is a real mother hucker. I'd also give credit to the hires (albeit short-term stays) of Dunne and Martin. They were quality writers, so much so, they were poached relatively quickly.
  21. Except the Times is bringing in nearly $100 million is digital subscription revenue annually. Their stock is at it's highest in 10 years. Hardly a paywall failure.
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