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Everything posted by stony

  1. Conspiracies aside, finishing 2nd is wayyyy more advantageous than getting Uruguay.
  2. Thoughts on Mark Geiger's performance today?
  3. Mike Harrington still memorializes the time he made Lindy snap during a press conference in his Twitter Bio. Lindy was/is my favorite Buffalo coach of all time. I endorse this workplace drama if it uncovers what a total boob Harrington really is.
  4. Check-downs to Landry and bombs to Josh Gordon. His two favorite throws. Tyrod might be a sneaky good fantasy option this year.
  5. There's no way to quantify this, but I haven't seen a single person suggest they're canceling their subscription to the Athletic. OTOH, I've seen a boatload of people suggest they've signed up for him.
  6. What constitutes a private message? People post screen shots of their phones pretty regularly.
  7. Agreed. They should be fine. It's a weird team, because their second best player won't play much unless the manager tweaks their formation because he plays the same position as Messi.
  8. The same way the Sabres could tie the Caps if all five players stood no more than 5 feet from the goal.
  9. Great thing about Germany is one golden generation lead into another golden generation. Props to Mexico, but I'd still bet my last $5 on them.
  10. Some of the Stills and Young stuff later on during the CSNY years was magic. So different, but so complimentary.
  11. He most certainly was. So I guess in a roundabout way, he's responsible for my drinking problem. Thanks dad.
  12. Makes too much sense. I get the sense TG mentored these young guys, and would like him to get the gig.
  13. They made the finals in 2010. They're kind of going through the same thing as Italy, at the tail end of a solid generation of players who put together some good runs. Both are moving into a period of uncertainty i.e. no real big stars and talent on the horizon.
  14. No, but he made some public comments about Neil and Pegi's split IIRC. Neil didn't appreciate it. It put the kibosh on any prospective CSNY reunion.
  15. One of many reasons why Crosby and Neil don't speak.
  16. I should be rooting for the underdog, but I'm pulling for Messi.
  17. I had really good seats for the NCAAs back in 2014 in Buffalo. Lo and behold, TG was 10 feet in front of me on press row. I fired off a what I thought was a real solid insult to him (it wasn't) and he laid into me pretty good. I learned a valuable lesson that day...Don't f**k with Twitter.
  18. Gaughan stepped back from the beat by his own accord. If he chooses to come back into the fold, the better for us all. TG was the BN's best writer IMO. Its a big loss for me. Vogl wrote a really solid gamer, which to me is lost art these days.
  19. I have no clue what you're inferring. I said "writer," meaning Tim Graham (singular) effectively decided to leave the BN for a new opportunity. I have no wand, but an educated guess might presume it was because he saw three long-time colleagues resign/take buyouts. Hopefully the BN gets it right, some have inferred they'll hire a few new writers. I have no clue.
  20. I hope so. It was only one/two years ago the BN was hiring Tyler Dunne and Kim Martin. Those were some serious talents. Aside from the obvious fiscal concerns, I believe there's been some rumblings over the direction the new editor has taken...more concerned with the bottom line than the creative aspect. But hell, as you say, I'm all for bringing in young blood.
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