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Everything posted by stony

  1. LeMond was a beast! I always thought he was bitter, but in the end, it appears he was proven right. I remember reading Lance attributed his climbing ability to slimming down as a result of his cancer. Earlier in his career he was a sprinter, who admittedly was unable to hang in on the tough climbs. RE: Vo2, by all accounts, Lance had a very high score. Perhaps LeMond was comparing Lance's to his own, which was measured somewhere in the 90s IIRC.
  2. He'll probably get suspended again, but I'm sure you'll blame it on weed.
  3. I began watching because of Lance. He cheated like most do in the sport. I don't begrudge him for that. He was unbelievable at his best. I have no respect for him because of what he did to his accusers. Every bad thing that has befallen him is justly deserved. He's a huge POS.
  4. Only until the final. I would counter this by pointing out hockey players are required to go balls to the walls for 45 seconds and then get a breather. Add in TV timeouts and stoppages, and there's a lot of dead time even in hockey. Soccer allows for three subs the entire game. FIFA just introduced the introduction of a fourth sub if it goes into extra time.
  5. And why he appealed to such a large cross section of people. Not sure if this has been discussed, but I thought this tribute from David Simon was proper. https://davidsimon.com/tony/
  6. He was ahead of his time with the azz eating and gift baskets.
  7. He's been very nice. Barca bought him super cheap.
  8. The Calguns Foundation seems like a solid source w/o any agenda to push.
  9. It'll be nice to stop having the unmarked envelops from California delivered to my house.
  10. Don't you worry, and I take no joy in saying this, England will find a way to fudge it up too. They'll beat a tough Colombia and then trip up against Sweden/Switz.
  11. Or build an entire hockey team incapable of winning games to give you better chance of drafting 1st overall...
  12. It'll go to tie-breakers, which as of now, Japan would advance.
  13. I know, Row. You've made this point 20 times in this thread. I watch club football all year long, and the top teams are undoubtedly better. No secret there. My point is, the level of play will further decline with the inclusion of more teams. But hey!! At least the bean counters are happy.
  14. The level of football will take a dip, too. I think a poor advertisement of the 48-team expansion was this past Euros.
  15. Neymar's roll was one of the best I've seen.
  16. It's people like him that make us have to pay the cleaning fee.
  17. A properly fried and sauced drum is the correct answer.
  18. Not me. I'll throw a large rock at Coach if he's repping with the 3s.
  19. Was this right around the time they publicly derided the negative press the BN was giving the Sabres?
  20. My biggest takeaway from this piece is how does Connelly still have a job? Seems he misread multiple situations which led to this "perfect storm" of departures.
  21. Panama is underrated. Qualifying in CONCACAF is hard... Signed, The USMNT
  22. Croatia can lose and still comfortably advance.
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