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Everything posted by stony

  1. He has, and it isn't an insult. He's changed his game and excelled in different ways. He'll have a less skilled surrounding cast, but he'll be fine because the overall level is below La Liga.
  2. My earliest memories of soccer were the red/black Opel kits. Still up there w my all time bests. I got into the game because I "remembered" who Rijkaard was when he managed Barca. Started watching around that time. Serie A sounded like a blast then.
  3. Agreed. Nothing will happen. I actually like the move for him. He's lost a gear, which means he'll still be faster than everyone in Serie A ? I still think a league title there is as worthless as Munich's is every season. I wish I was old enough to have watched the late 80s into the 90s when the league was the best.
  4. I'd classify her as "buffalo hot." That's a pack per day face.
  5. QP w/cheese Shake Shack Toss up between Spicy chix at Wendy and Chik-fil-a Wendy's nuggets Frosty
  6. Rumor has it, Fiat will pay a large portion of it through some special sponsorship w the club. Which is slightly confusing, because the owner of Juventus owns Fiat (I think).
  7. Spoken like a true fan!! It is reactionary, no doubt. But Richie has acted at a consistent level of a-hole his entire life.
  8. I understand it just fine. I'm curious if his moniker the Anal Destroyer was an affectionate nickname. I grimaced and clenched my cheeks when I read it.
  9. Just like you blamed all of Ruben Foster's bad decision making on a woman. I think Stephen A Smith tried that one, too.
  10. The one where Shady and his buddies got jumped by those off-duty cops who were wasted on bubbly.
  11. Fair enough. I've assumed nothing. I abhor the internet mob.
  12. To be fair, how can you tell with her face like that?
  13. Interesting, I've always had you pegged as a Craigslist guy.
  14. From what you can remember, at least it sounded fun.
  15. Good idea, but eventually a bridge would be formed across the moat. Most likely made with the remains of thousands of broken folding tables.
  16. Pretty psyched. Sweet. Let me know what they said.
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