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Everything posted by stony

  1. Hate, hate, hate... To be fair, I think one of him or Shaq might be gone after camp. I just put my chips on AW.
  2. I expect big things from him this year next to a space eater like Star.
  3. Sleeper pick. What's your second favorite?
  4. Thank god there's that internet thing. Wait til Bezos gets bored and decides to buy MNF.
  5. The story of my TBD career!! No harm no foul. Every young US player should go to Bundesliga. Managers actually play youngsters when they don't have the fear of relegation and losing 100 million pounds. Who can blame them? Until then, there's always going to be the Big Sam's, Pulis's etc.
  6. Try the Lindo brand.
  7. This is incorrect. The EPL is the richest league by far, and is oft-criticized for over-paying players. Pogba left MU because Fergie didn't rate him, he came back for the money. As far as the best players going to Barca or Madrid, there's some truth in this. Especially Latino players. They can compete with the spending power in England, and appeal from a language/lifestyle perspective for South American players. It's pretty simple, the best Germans tend to go to Munich, the best Spaniards stay in Spain. The lack of English success in the Champions League is a tough one. Some blame the lack of winter break in England i.e. fatigue, others think the style of play is dated. The influx of foreign managers (Pep, Klopp etc) has kind of muted the latter excuse. To your last point, if Belgium wins vs France, literally their entire team plays in the EPL. Obviously England...
  8. So true. My in-laws love it there. I've slowly steered them towards Mulberrys, but we're at Chef's a few times a year. They like it for the reasons you mention.
  9. I'm in my earlier 30's and just started going back last year. Both to the dentist and the doctor. I eat and drink like Jim Harrison, but overall I was in good shape.
  10. Always active on Twitter, she went AWOL when the Brandon reports came out.
  11. I don't know if I'd go that far, but it's pretty damn average. Big portions still go over well in Buffalo. As Jack Nicholson said, "only in the midwest is overeating still considered an act of heroism."
  12. As Bill Murray might say, "medium talent."
  13. I think I'm one of the few people who doesn't really care for Chef's. But it's freaking awesome to see all the posts about people who love it and have fond memories of the joint. Places like Chefs are why Buffalo rocks.
  14. It still means a boatload to these guys IMO. Just look at the French player's reactions after they won. Row likes to belabor the point (correctly), that the quality of play taken as a whole is below the top clubs and the Champions League.
  15. Yup, Samer loves f'ing with Barstool. Magary and Petchesky are very good. Billy Haisley's a good soccer writer. Not your thing?
  16. Amen. Never got it. I loved that interview she gave where she complained how difficult it is to date being so rich and famous. I'm sure that's a rough hand she's been dealt.
  17. Nah, it's offensive. If you're white, just don't say it. I don't see the confusion.
  18. Just a hunch. I'm not picking. I just like finding out what people don't like about something that I enjoy. Trying to see the "other side" I guess. The way you described Deadspin, I feel the same way about Barstool. I enjoyed their stuff a little bit in the beginning, but not as much anymore. There's a couple of really good writers at Deadspin, but their content gets lost amidst the dick-picks.
  19. Something tells me you're more of a Barstool guy?
  20. Why are they trash? Anything in particular?
  21. You seem to really hate Deadspin.
  22. On our trip to the Outer Banks every year, I make a big deal to eat two Sheetz hot dogs around Lewisburg, and then have to pullover at a Harrisburg Sheetz, to relieve myself. This has happened for the better part of 15-20 years. My dad used to threaten to leave me at the second Sheetz. My wife just thinks I'm a retard. It's the "I know what's going to happen to me, but I'm doing it anyways" allure of fast food that keeps me coming back.
  23. Shady's probably on a pretty healthy dose of penicillin.
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