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Everything posted by stony

  1. By how the report was detailed, it appears he was blasted out of his mind with no malicious intent. However, I don't doubt it was him. He'll be lucky to keep his job though, because NFL front offices are full of pussies who who keep women beaters over pot heads.
  2. It's annoying because a) it's demonstrably false and b) it's a fair assumption this is the same line of thinking the Pegulas have based on their first two hires as HC.
  3. Does he believe it, or does he think fans want to hear this in Buffalo? It's Buffalo, not Patagonia. Someone show him some film of the offense in the 90s.
  4. If a tree falls in the woods and no one’s around. Does it make a sound?
  5. If true, it's actually my favorite part of the Pegula's approach to franchise ownership.
  6. Yup. Ivory ran the ball effectively, Anderson had more than enough time to pass. His fumble was because he's old/slow/rusty and was a half-step too late stepping up into the pocket.
  7. This game showed me the o-line isn't the problem. Anderson had time to throw. Hopefully JA learns this from the film.
  8. I'd prefer we seek to emulate the Kelly offenses of the 90s and not chase some misplaced stereotype of weather-beating run-first teams that never existed during those years. I'm not really sure Rex or McBeane watched any of those teams with the way they talk.
  9. Nah, he's largely been very good this season. One 'off' game doesn't diminish his body of work imo.
  10. What is wrong with this? The owner has the right to dictate what goes on his/her property.
  11. Yeah, but I'm thinking he had a little premarital sex with the missus. You know what I'm saying...wink..wink..
  12. They are deeply "reactive" owners. Every hire appears to be the exact opposite of the person they are replacing. This limits the pool of hirable candidates.
  13. Darnold was the "guy" all along. I refuse to believe anything to the contrary. The Jets stole the march on us.
  14. Absolutely nothing. And the people whining about it being a late hit should probably watch baseball.
  15. Don't be such a boy scout. You don't get to RFA status around here if you don't slander or defame ones character.
  16. Fair enough. Still think we're an interesting proposition for an unsigned backup come week 5.
  17. So all these backups are holding out week 5 for a starting shot and more money? Stupid agents...
  18. He's been an easy target for scorn, but he's got a future here. Been the least of the offense's problems this season.
  19. If he's listening to an afternoon drive time program, it doesn't bode well for the future.
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