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Everything posted by stony

  1. Big fan. Real happy he ended up doing some work at The Ringer.
  2. Fair assessment. As some have pointed out though, there's not a huge financial incentive to release him. So the answer lies in large part to your last question...how much success can he have in a reduced role in a Josh Allen offense? I want to think from a receiving standpoint, there's value to be had in in helping a young QB. Regardless how you project Allen going forward, I think it's reasonable to presume the offense will be a work in progress. If that's the case, I think he still provides value to the Allen/offense.
  3. Russillo's ad reads make me laugh every time.
  4. Keep him. Shady balls hard every time he steps onto the field. The optimist in me says last season was a perfect storm of off-field distractions, Peterman, Allen, a sub-optimal OL etc. I want one more look at him if the from office upgrades the OL and Allen can take a measured step in his sophomore year.
  5. I can't think of a training camp in recent memory where Ben didn't openly ponder retirement leading to weeklong narratives regarding his commitment to the team. Or a season in which he didn't publicly throw a coach, or teammate, or entire position group under the bus.
  6. I've never seen such a whiny beatch get more of a pass than Big Ben.
  7. So who you taking, Team LeBron or Team Giannis?
  8. The American Friend is Hopper's best film IMO. I had no clue it was Ganz until a few years back after wanting to know more about the guy playing Hitler in all those memes. Great performance by Ganz as well.
  9. Arian Foster had his best season after converting to a vegan diet. I remember a boatload of Titans this past season converted to a predominantly vegan diet. It's more common than we probably know. Not buying this one either.
  10. You're an angry one. Are you related to any of the owners? You took it kind of personal that I suggested they could've left a trail of crumbs giving Kaep's legal team a case.
  11. Not sure I follow you. Vick was fun. Never really a good QB.
  12. Pretty much where I come down on him.
  13. I mean, check your grammar before you call me Cletus. But thanks for weighing in.
  14. Addition by subtraction? I wish him well, I think he was a good guy. Knees are probably pretty shredded.
  15. I've never understood how Vick was reinstated into the league and generally accepted back into mainstream society so easily.
  16. I wouldn't put it past the owners to have a chain email entitled "We all agree to never sign Kaepernick, right?" and then all reply in the affirmative. A lot of them seem that stupid.
  17. That's not entirely true. It was pretty widely reported the team reached out to sponsors, ticket holders, community leaders, ex-players etc to gauge any potential fallout of his signing w the team. ESPN even reported Harbaugh and Ozzie supported signing him, but Biscotti was personally resisting the move. I'm not dismissing the on-the-field concerns you've pointed out, they're legit. Just pointing out the criteria of the Ravens expanded far beyond the playing field.
  18. FWIW, Arthur Moats said AB was a great teammate today on One Bills Live. Said it didn't matter if you were a league minimum guy or making 100 million, was one of the guys who treated everyone well. It was only a radio interview, but when asked about L' Bell, Moats seemed to think his situation divided the locker room wayyyyyy more than Brown's. edit: just my interpretation of his comments.
  19. Did you scroll through the thread?
  20. True, but why get bent over an interior lineman signing in February? I've gotta think it's not a contract that'll hamstring the cap if he doesn't pan out.
  21. No such thing as a ridiculous combo if the ensemble includes a Starter jacket.
  22. Or not design something as hideous looking as that.
  23. I agree he's a moron and a horrible owner. These cannot be disputed. He also might have played this perfectly. It's been reported that KP has been quietly shopped all season, so the whole "KP requested a trade out of nowhere" narrative is a bit off. Teams were interested, but obviously had reservations (rightly) over a 7'3" dude coming off an ACL. Secondly, offloading a boatload of salary and getting a nice player in Smith Jr. and two 1st rounders is a nice haul given the circumstances. No doubt it's a gamble. But the tank can ramble on, and now there's two max spots available in an uncertain Eastern Conf.
  24. Bud Light going after big corn was funny. Big corn tweeting their displeasure to Bud Light was even better.
  25. I mean, at this point, why would he? Even if Gronk retires, there's little to suggest they aren't capable of making another run. Think of our division, two sophomore QBs and a team (allegedly) that's going to tank in 2019.
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