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Everything posted by stony

  1. I agree, I thought it was overly positive after free agency too.
  2. So true. I'd much rather listen to Tasker bumble his way through sentences as he seeks that elusive coherent thought.
  3. Jim Rome always talked about Javier's. Loves it.
  4. JA offered to pay, but Croom pulled out Jessie's Black Card and winked.
  5. I'm guessing they got some extra cap space after restructuring Brees and want to add another player. Small window in NOLA.
  6. Personally, it's not Free Agency until I click on that link.
  7. I'm just gonna roll with "it was a smart, well-placed back shoulder throw" that got caught up in the wind a bit.
  8. I look forward to it. Definitely will be fun to follow. He has been to the playoffs. And again, please explain to me the negative impact. Three friends of mine who are Giants fans have texted me with exactly the opposite reaction!
  9. Maybe because the Giants realize they suck and are shipping out all their contracts?? Do the math. Like I said, look up what his teammates thought of him.
  10. That's crap. It's largely been reported his teammates respected him and liked being around. I'd have been pissed if Eli was sucking the life out of my prime, too.
  11. I would presume this is a huge factor in the Bills thinking if they are indeed pursing him.
  12. Oh wow. Thanks for checking. I was way off.
  13. True, but is there one guy signed today that you really wanted? Some crazy money spent on some average talent.
  14. We have tons of $$$$$. There's just a lot of other teams that have a boatload, too.
  15. I just looked at his stats, Yolo. It might be a reach to call him a pass catcher. Either way, this kind of signing doesn't bother me. Big target, hopefully can block. Money seems high, but god knows there's a boatload to be spent.
  16. Per some scouts who were there, it was technique. Slipped during the drill.
  17. EW did a big article on this coming season. I guess the Battle of Winterfell will be longer than Helm's Deep (~40min) from the Two Towers. Same director who did the Hardhome and Battle of Bastards episodes. Speculation is episode 3. So yeah, I'm excited.
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