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Everything posted by stony

  1. Really? I'm all for a signature FA signing, but let's be realistic.
  2. What happens to Romo then? Say what you will, but he is exactly the type of QB Chan would love to have. He's not elite, but he's better then Fitz. Also, and this isn't directed at just your post, but isn't the draft chart "outdated" and not the end-all-be-all of draft-day negotiations. I have nothing to substantiate this, but I seem to remember that the draft guys note that circumstance and other variables go into deciding the value of trades. Could be wrong.
  3. If Bell gets stronger, which is one of his main weaknesses as a result of not having an entire off-season of S&C, he could transition over to the right side. I'm assuming your suggesting that the RT spot is more of a mauling, aggressive position. IMO, this would be easier to do then switching a RT over to the left side. Here's some articles that suggest it easily possible including some insight from Ross Tucker. My link My link
  4. Ha. I could stomach the pick, but he's not helping out that much.
  5. Yes, he is a FA. Harbaugh recently stated he would like to have him back. For a little insight, go check out the Ravens message boards. I's say it's 80-20 they would LOVE to have him back. They are very down on Oher at LT and would love to see him moved back to the right side w/ Gaither back on the left. Some concerns about attitude, but the biggest concern seems to be centered on his injured back. He didn't do himself any favors by missing the entire season, so IMO the price for him would be lowered considerably. Incentive laden contract w/ playing time as a major stipulation?
  6. The NFLPA has a stable of lawyers that would be all-too-willing to help him with this problem. I don't think it would be an issue.
  7. Steelers all the way. I hold out hope the Bills can replicate the stability and success a small market team like the Steelers replicate year in and year out.
  8. haha, this made me laugh. The best case scenario I suppose is that Buddy assured him that the Bills would be proactive in FA this off-season. This may have been a sticking point for him to sign here. Or not. Just is kind of weird that he's saying this out of the blue w/ no substantial evidence to suggest otherwise. Imagine this, Ralph is willing to open his checkbook big time this offseason and.......there will be no CBA and FA is all but Kaput. Welcome to the life of a Bills fan
  9. Looks like he's doing his best Lebron impression with that first one.
  10. IDK. Treading the waters of mediocrity isn't better then being plain bad.
  11. Oh trust me, I've been saying his name a lot. I agree, he fits an extreme position of need and would potentially have a bigger impact overall on the defense then Woodley. Unfortunately this is correct. But Ralph is weird and he might give Buddy the green light, who knows.
  12. First group definitely yes. Second pairing, Quinn maybe (Orakpo-esque?), Clayborn no.
  13. I Agree. It wasn't nerdy though. It just wasn't very clever either. Every guy in the office told a few water-cooler jokes when they heard about the video. Nothing new here.
  14. Thank you for pointing out the flip side of the situation. We would worship him if he had a Buffalo on his helmet. If people questioned his yapping, we's say it was competitive fire. If they called out his personal life we'd defend him by saying its none of your damn business. The truth is, in a season where Manning and Brees looked mortal, Brady took another step forward and perhaps cemented himself above Manning as the best of his era. If the Pats win, expect to hear considerable debate regarding if he's the best ever.
  15. God-forbid an NFL player talking trash to the opposing team. Big Ben just takes care of business behind the scenes...
  16. No. They Wouldn't.
  17. No racist overtones in his comment at all. I think he was alluding to Wood's undeserved demi-god status for giving Maybin the business in TC. People just fricking love Eric Wood and if he was tweeting, people would spin it as "damn this kid has heart. I wish we could line up 10 more Eric Woods next to Eric Wood."
  18. Ha! That had me spitting my drink out but it's so true. I said something similar during the Whitner thread. It's almost predictable at this point.
  19. Some great quotes in there, "All it is, is your front seven." " A good football coach is like a good player, you can fit them in.” among many others.
  20. Please. Lots of players have switched to smaller shoulder pads to reduce weight and increase speed off the edge. Go look at some of Miller's photos from last year where he wore bigger pads and the old school neck pad. I wouldn't take him at three, but fifth round is one of the most ridiculous things I've read lately.
  21. Nice. So essentially it would be similar to the current set-up w/ Modkins as the OC in name only. George Edwards would retain the title of DC but it would be DW doing most of the heavy lifting. I could certainly live with this.
  22. Really, you're just doing the same by making your point and listing the plethora of players the Bill's missed out on. Also, I'm glad we didn't draft Jason Addai too, wd'd only have 52 guys on our roster and seeing how there's already a talent shortage... Also, it's not merely pro bowls that have people upset in regards to the players you are describing. Go look at Michael Huff's numbers from this year. If Donte had a season like this, the majority of people wouldn't compare the two players.
  23. Sounds like we should just skip the draft altogether? And considering we're not going to be major players in FA (as you suggest we do), we may as well mail in the entire offseason.
  24. It's not that they're 2-3 yr projects, even though many rookies are, it's that they came from smaller colleges where the adjustment to the pro game might be a bit more than the avg. major conference draftee. Also, look at what the other two big time prospects have done this year in relation to where they were drafted. Cody and Thomas I believe. It's not like they whiffed yet.
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