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Everything posted by stony

  1. Yeah, I agree. It's pretty serious to accuse someone of being an addict but IF this any traction whatsoever, I feel its gotta be something more sever than weed or even painkillers (which is a horrible addiction in its own right).
  2. You know what sucked even more about the Bills taking Maybin was the fact (if you were watching it on ESPN) we all knew the Bills were taking Aaron Maybin even before the words were voiced from the commish's mouth. The best part of the draft for me is the "with the 3rd pick of the 2011 NFL Draft, the Buffalo Bills select..." and then the anticipation/surprise of 3+ months of mocks draft, trade-up, trade-down, BPA scenarios. Instead the cameras cut to Maybin a good 15secs and show him crying for joy already. I was indifferent, but still was like F@!K Me!!
  3. I tried to be funny, but sometimes when you do so, you realize you might just be speaking/writing the truth. I'm the biggest optimist, but this would just be too funny/sad if a similar situation came to fruition.
  4. Yup. Something tells me that we're not even going to have to worry about Buddy taking him. I was thinking that someone trades up to #2 and gets him though. It would just make more sense, Buddy sitting in war room, huge smile on his face knowing the Broncos have Tebow and were unable to trade Orton because of the CBA, 38 seconds left, Goodell walks up to the podium, Buddy already submitting Cam's name hoping to break last years record time of the Spiller pick, and bam...Miami trades up to get him. Buddy then decides to take J.J. Watt, despite the fact Fairley, Dareus, and Bowers all are on the board (AJ Green the suprise #1). It is later revealed by Chris Mortensen, no less than 8 teams tried to trade up with the Bills but weren't quick enough. Ladies and gentlemen, your 2011 Bills draft.
  5. IDK. Can he really expect to get anywhere near that? I feel like he's looking at a Merriman-like "I've gotta prove I can stay healthy" type deal.
  6. Smart, versatile, and career backup on what is considered a strong offensive line. Kind of reminds me of a black Geoff Hangartner.
  7. Sherman would have even said this was going too far.
  8. This quote from Ralph made me laugh... concerning Cam Newton, "Well, he's very athletic. But it's the intangibles. We've had a number of quarterbacks that could throw the ball 100 yards and right into your stomach. But then they got into games and threw it 100 yards into the other team's stomach."
  9. Good. We want FAs to make rash decisions and not think over their options if they're going to decide to come to Buffalo. Just remember, we're talking about an aging, somewhat expensive, systematic non-fit here. I think some people are unfairly putting the blame on Buffalo here. Can you honestly say you expected more from Stroud next season then someone like Carrington. Both didn't do much, but I'll take the younger, cheaper, more athletic guy. Maybe they're saving money because they plan on trading up in the draft or plan on signing a quality RT in FA.
  10. There's a big difference in cutting an expensive, aging, tough-to-peg-position player in our defense with a young linebacker who had had little help up front or beside him in our horrid defense.
  11. Too much money for his production. Or as Brad Childress might say, he was a "programmatic non-fit" for the 3-4.
  12. Totally agree with your points. Maher is best when he interviews and has a panel to discuss the issues with. His monologue and ending riffs are decent but nothing special. His knowledge is broad and is very capable of holding his own over a broad political spectrum, something Miller does not do. Dwight, it's a bit ironic to call Maher an elitist when half of Miller's words require a thesaurus for translation. Being elite is good, this was a principle America used to push on everyone. Now it's something people pick on and has taken on a negative connotation.
  13. I would really like him in the 2nd too. Here's to hoping Chan and the staff got a good feeling for him and his possible character concerns @ the Senior Bowl. Nothing wrong with Shepperd in the 2nd either if they think he's their guy. BPA at 1, Shepperd in 2, and trading back into the 2nd for the best possible OT would make me very happy.
  14. I'm all for it. EPL jerseys are sweet IMO. It might help solve the revenue debate.
  15. I'm w/ Kelly....Dog on this one. Went through his projections way more then people have given him credit for. Did you know Sam Bradford had blitz calls and defensive formations yelled into him before the snap? They literally told him where to throw the ball. It looks like he'll turn out OK. It's pretty common, especially w/ the spread offenses in college.
  16. Oh no, not saying I want him in a Bill's uniform. Was just inferring that that he would have to go before the 50th pick if I were to win my bet (which has no prize BTW). If I were to give you one reason, I suppose it would be ego. Coaches always think there're the one who can fix what's broke. I would take him over Edwards though. Roger that.
  17. Ha. Well played. I'm just thinking some team will think they can correct his ills and make him successful. The only knock on the guy is accuracy (a hazardous one, yes), but other than that, he's got the tools to be very,very good. I certainly don't buy the "he's stupid argument" some posters are throwing out there. He's always been composed and articulate in all the interviews I've seen. It's his leadership and intangibles that will help him succeed. A lot of people want to trade up and get a guy in the 1st, I want to trade up and get him in the 2nd. Before 50 of course.
  18. IDK, I'll still make a wager he's gone in the top 50 picks.
  19. He is aging, but he's only 29yrs old. He's got 5 prime years left. Why rid ourselves of an asset that makes others around him better for a younger, unproven asset? Now that he's only on the book for 3mil, his numbers should surpass his price-tag. Not sure if your past was sarcasm or not. Ha!
  20. Is that you Mike Mayock? Remember what you said about me, that I'd be good, that I'd be a star. Signed, Robert Ayers Saying you like Mayock over the likes of Kiper and McShay is just preferring the lesser of two evils. Anyone with time to waste can go and compile a list of of studs and busts they missed on.
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