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Everything posted by stony

  1. Coming off big injury. I like him, but heard Pats might try to resign him.
  2. Yup, and all the barefoot MMA training has got to be good for it as well. Fingers crossed. IDK, I can only think that all the extra rest can only be a good thing. Every other player/team has to get up to game speed too, so it's not like he's at any severe disadvantage.
  3. IDK, he specifically said the team doctors diagnosed a new injury and treated it. If there's one thing I trust on the Bill's, it's our medical staff.
  4. A couple of problems... Nix hasn't been here for 10yrs, thus, what you speak of is impossible. Concerning Kelsay, we are a hybrid defense now. It has been said on a number of occasions. His deal is over the top, but when he played as a 4-3 DE last season, he was actually quite good. There, I said it. And considering your attitude towards the front office, you'd be freaking out if we gave Poz Jax-type of money. So what you're really saying it that the FO sucks so bad because they did extend Kelsay, but they didn't overreact and overpay for Poz, right?
  5. I'm all for optimism, but the RTs on our roster stink.
  6. I believe he had one at the end of the season, but point taken. Personally I think he got better in run support this year which to me, is a sure sign he is evolving into a better all around player. I think the picks will come, but lets be honest, 4-5 of those were gifts. I think he'll he rebound this year, and we'll see a better tackling, better all around safety.
  7. pretty sure this is endorsed by 95% of Bills fans.
  8. I know you have a cool attachment to him via school, but do you think he is a good pickup?
  9. Looking for biggest deal possible? Same with Donte it seems.
  10. I don't see the need for him. Hypothetically WR is our strongest position. We draft 1st rounders to take care of kick/punt return duties, so there's no need to bring him in for that. I think Buffalo Rumblings mentioned the possibility of the Pistol offense which is crazy because of the shortened time-frame we have to run it in camp.
  11. Indeed it does. Your points concerning Atlanta are true through and through. Even more so, it applies to NBAers. I have two friends that are teachers in Atlanta (not the millionaires you speak of) who absolutely love it.
  12. Can you at least be funny w/ your Ralph/death jokes?
  13. Yeah, if you really read into those stats, he had some pitiful years. 2003, 1TD. A couple of 5TD years even with some high receptions. It's just some very, mediocre TD stats for a HOFer. He was very-good for a few years and I really enjoyed him as a Bill. Just can't make the case for HOF.
  14. Kelly Gregg would be a nice vet pick-up and a good mentor for the young guys. Brings a pedigree and culture of winning too. Maybe he comes cheap and Dwan and he were buddies?
  15. So true. It's amazing to think that (this is wishful thinking) that the additions of Jenkins and Clabo would instantly solidify both lines, and turn two weaknesses into two strengths. With that said, I thought Edwards played well before going down. I still think Dareus, Williams, Edwards is a solid line to start with. No way Carrington starts over Dwan as suggested earlier IMHO.
  16. But you still watch the games on TV, in a league where huge TV revenue deals (based on your viewership) line the pockets of the owners. You must be in your own personal hell...
  17. I'll say this again, I hope you're 100% right. However, for you to think what is going on in his head is borderline ridiculous. He lives and breathes w/ every single thing Bill's related. That's why he has been so meddlesome all these years. For all we know, he has a clause in his will that directs his family to cut ties w/ the franchise upon his passing. I'm generally an optimist regarding the future of the Bill's, so don't take this as an a-hole argument. Just trying to provide an opposite viewpoint. As far as his family being hated, I think the 1 billion before taxes they pocket will fix this problem. Rich people move in circles that could care less what happens to the rest. I hope I am wrong, and very well think I am. Personally, I think it's 70/30 Bills stay. It just won't broadside me if it does indeed happen one day.
  18. Trust me, I hope you're entirely correct. It's all hunches at this point. I personally think Ralph thinks his legacy is cemented as the HOF Owner of the Bills. Whatever happens after him doesn't concern himself.
  19. Because he likes the sign on his office door that says "Ralph Wilson Jr. Owner, Buffalo Bills." There's only 31 other owners, it's a tough circle to break into.
  20. Poz gets a lot more respect nationally than his local fan-base gives him. Kind of like how everybody was happy to see London go to the Skins. He gets great props from the national media, but Skins fans will say "all his tackles are 4yd gains." Sounds familiar. I for one, wouldn't be surprised if he puts up huge numbers again, but with a much improved d-line in front of him. If this is the case, and the Bill's improve their run defense, the overall bump the unit would get as a result would bode well for Poz to get some recognition. Couple that with the 1-3 injury replacements, and it isn't even that far of a stretch to say he could make it.
  21. That's cool. I remember a year or two back there was an article about Hangartner and Williams golfing at Oak Hill during training camp and Williams shot something like an 83. Pretty neat stuff.
  22. Define proven. He's bounced around a bit for some bad teams, and now has ended up on the Bills. I'm no GM, but I was very surprised/upset to hear Buddy speak highly of him. That last game of the year he played in was all I needed to see. He's another in a long list of turds the Bills will try to polish before realizing he was a turd all along. I sincerely hope I am wrong, but it just reeks of a stop-gap type of move.
  23. Awesome post. I agree with your sentiments regarding Ralph. God bless him, but time and the way the game is played have passed him by. Even when things were good, he got into a pissing contest w/ the guy who built the 2nd winningest(sp) team of the 1990s.
  24. Why are you so angry. Also, random jokes about Ralph passing or your stupid Denny's cracks aren't very constructive either. The sad thing is, now that there will be a cash minimum required by all teams, cutting Maybin becomes less and less of a reality. Ironically, him being way-overpaid helps the Bill's achieve this cash minimum.
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