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Everything posted by stony

  1. Minus the big money contract, sounds like a Bills type of guy. Maybe he renegotiates? He'd be very nice, and right in line w/ the approach Nix has stated regarding building the roster.
  2. I agree with 2-4. W/ regards to #1, Freddy still has a year left in his tank. Don't doubt for a bit that Spiller will make huge strides. Disagree w/ 8-8 though. Just don't have the horses yet to stop the competitive teams on offense. No worries though, this team needs one more high-draft class to plug into the roster.
  3. Pretty sure Travis Henry was expendable after we drafted McGahee. He was very well liked from what I remember. To say the fans ran McGahee out is simply false. He wanted out. Hence him becoming persona non grata in Buffalo after he 'trashed' the city. Yeah, Lynch ran afoul in the court of public opinion, but with his reputation and past transgressions, he loses the support of the fan base in 20 or so other franchises as well. So yeah, you're wrong again.
  4. People like Johnson, don't try to play it off as "Buffalo hates him." People like Lee too, your just conveniently using this to justify your bad logic.
  5. Welker is actually kind of slow. It's his shifty rote running that is so valuable. And Lee is bigger and faster. But that is not relevant, Lee is going to stay on the team. Look for a 60+ season after Chan and Co. have had nothing else to do all offseason other than scheme.
  6. It matters because you decide to crap on every move made by the FO. Just curious, who would you have preferred?
  7. His logic is getting more twisted as the days go on. Impressive actually considering where he began.
  8. Do you honestly think Williams can be someone counted on to set the end and the rush the passer in a 3-4. Lots more space out there on the edge.
  9. I'd say Suh was the catalyst hence the All-Pro selection. That's the real question, and I'm sure we all have a few ideas why. As for the Lions, they remind me of the Browns a few years back where everyone had them finishing 11-5 on making the playoffs. Of course it rests on Stafford's shoulders, literally. But I just don't see them getting in.
  10. Nope, he was very, very good. We remember fondly his stupid penalties. But to say he sucked is stupid. And you'd really rather have Bell last year over Peters? Easy there.
  11. Calm down Dre. I agree that people need to chill about the Bills D, but don't drink the Detroit kool aid. They got Suh just like we got Dareus. Vanden Bosch had 4 sacks last year in only 11 games. Big woop.
  12. Yeah, not really Haynesworth will be as good as Warren was, and you Can pencil in Ochocinco for 80rec 1000yds. Did I mention they were had for 5th and 6th rd picks?
  13. I don't think he's a pro-bowler, but he's better than you seem to give him credit for. Remember, we don't apply a lot of pressure on the QB, our CBs are on an island a lot.
  14. Well...Sanchez, Mangold, Ferguson, Revis, David Harris, Shonn Greene, Matt Slauson, Dustin Keller, Cotchery, and Shaun Ellis. All draft picks. Looks like you might be the one who has no idea what they're talking about. Come a little less strong if you're not going to be right. Yes the Jets spend money in FA. Yes the Jets have drafted very, very well. So well, they can afford a Vernon Gholston screw up. This list doesn't even include Their 1st and 2nd rounders from last year. They might not draft for "average," but they sure do hit some home runs.
  15. Sure, I guess. But don't you want to utilize your players talents in the best possible way? Sorry, but he isn't a 3-4 DE.
  16. I love ESPN and will continue to read and watch it daily. The positives far outweigh the negatives.
  17. I'll second this at the risk of being a Debbie Downer. Way too much talk of our defense becoming among the elite if x, y, and z all happen. We're putting a lot of stock in a 7th rounder's 1st NFL practice.
  18. Five years ago he was elite. At worst now, he is "a very solid receiver." With Brady, he'll put up 80rec in his sleep. And yes, a motivated Haynesworth should scare us. And for the price they got those guys, we'd be campaigning for Buddy as GM of the year.
  19. Jojos is a wine bar/restaurant affiliated w/ Black and Blue. There is one in Pittsford (probably where he ate) and on Sheridan. It's decent, but the fish and it's surroundings was kind of messy and dull. That was no garbage plate.
  20. Coleman did nothing, Moats was horrible at ILB last year (hence the switch to OLB), I love Sheppard, but he is a rookie, and Merriman is an X-Factor to be seen. I don't feel very good about your lineup. What we'll get is Kelsay-Torbor-Davis-Merriman unless Sheppard blows away Torbor in camp.
  21. I think it's safe to say, Donahoe > Levy.
  22. What will you say after he finishes the season with 40rec and 400yds? It seems apparent that w/ the signing of Brad Smith, Chan's offense is going to be quite interesting and unconventional. Don't know if we want a 8mil TE being underutilized.
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