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Everything posted by stony

  1. I've eaten a lot of Impossible burgers. They're good. I'd agree with you, best non-meat burger by a mile. Better than the Beyond Burger.
  2. I have two grills. Weber Premium Performer. I think it's the perfect everyday grill. When it wears out, I'll buy the same/most similar model. I also have an Akron Kamado for smoking. It's nice and cheaper than an Egg. But my dad makes fun of me because its not an Egg.
  3. Castillo was horrible. Dawkins' regresseion was noticeable.
  4. He wanted to be the first to 100k. That's the only thing I can think of.
  5. He was actually a good pass blocker. Very bad in the run game. Not sure where all the hate comes from, the whole o-line sucked last season.
  6. I wanna know who he hired to paint his old helmet. The guy had one job and he screwed it up lol
  7. You sound like one of those incels on reddit.
  8. Reasons why I feel entitled to judge Robert Kraft: 1) "Google" Robert Kraft sneakers 2) He owns the Pats 3) "Google" Robert Kraft sneakers 4) "Google" Robert Kraft sneakers
  9. I just watched it and kinda liked him. He's probably the friend we all had that you'd wish would shut up from time-to-time but you like him anyways. He's a little brash but there's some anxiety there, too.
  10. Please, yes. And Facebook for that matter.
  11. Astro's Murph shots are hilarious.
  12. Secret Play: Donkey Sauce Special
  13. Or another interpretation is that even in states where it’s legal, people don’t want to? I fail to accept this is the new normal and the only way to stay safe is by packing heat.
  14. Nothing's perfect. But, I can't see why more screening and background checks would be a bad thing
  15. Plus, given that all Australians are decendents from murderers and rapists born with innate disposition towards violence, I'd say it's an excellent sample. ?
  16. I did a 4+1 program in here in NYS which is effectively an advanced cert on top of a concentration major. If I had continued as a teacher, I would've had 5 years to complete my masters. Career-wise, I have no regrets with what I do now. I enjoy it. But I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss it from time to time.
  17. I had/have a bachelors. Absolutely loved every second of it. I taught for 2 years directly after college and got laid off going into my third year. Took a year off (this was circa 2009, wasn't a lot of history positions open) and went back to school for a finance degree. Talk about a 180.
  18. Hey! I've got one of those, too!!! Is yours as useless as mine?
  19. That's fine and all. But I suppose it's the unnamed tyranny part that tends to give me pause when discussing this. You claim you know tyranny would would be rampant if the populace could not defend themselves. I want to know from what?
  20. I think this a pretty ambiguous way of interpreting the 2nd Amendment in the modern context.
  21. Snap Judgments was a must read when he was with SI. RIP, Don.
  22. Weird trailer, but looks solid. Strong cast, good director.
  23. Also hypoallergenic and really smart.
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