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Everything posted by stony

  1. Williams, Merriman, Dareus. Simple as that. If all healthy, these three will cause fits for the Chiefs, be in their backfield, and disrupt the flow of their offense. The Chiefs will search for ways to dismantle this trio to little avail. They are, Weapons of Mass Destruction. I think Barnett is huge here as well.
  2. True that. At least we won't allow them to run the same play repeatedly like last year. I remember Weis saying something to the extent that they did so and our defense, specifically the LBs did nothing to alter their formations. Sad. But I don't see that crap happening w/ Wanny and our new backers.
  3. Of all the nerve. A human beings health is on the line, and all you can think about is your fan... JK. Exactly my thoughts too. Fitzy is my backup, which in a weird way is kind of reassuring.
  4. I agree w/ you John, but getting a win for this young team might be more beneficial than beating their starters. I always want to beat the best, especially because you know the talkin-heads will say "they beat a banged up Chiefs team...etc", but some momentum going into a winnable home opener is very, very important IMO. Go Bills!! Curb in 17min...
  5. Cassel or no Cassel, beating the Chiefs will come down to stopping the run. Even with him, the Chiefs will look to pound it down our throats all day. W/O, it would be the same just a bit harder for them to spread us out.
  6. Agreed about Levi. He was considered a project last year but couldn't latch on. You'd have thought w/ the offseason training with the guys might have helped, but guess not. I think they feel as if Rodgers simply has more upside than Corner, where he's probably plateaued. Easier to find an athlete at CB than it is on an OL (I think). I for one didn't think Coleman was that great. I'm still kinda pissed w/ what they're doing to Moats. Hopefully at some point they start working him back to the outside as a situational rusher.
  7. After perusing the pages for a minute, this is my take... Ron Burgundy:"Boy, that escalated quickly... I mean, that really got out of hand fast." Champ Kind:"It jumped up a notch." Ron Burgundy:"It did, didn't it?" Brick Tamland:"Yeah, I stabbed a man in the heart." Ron Burgundy:"I saw that! Brick killed a guy! Did you throw a trident?" Brick Tamland:"Yeah, there were horses, and a man on fire, and I killed a guy with a trident." Ron Burgundy:"Brick, I've been meaning to talk to you about that. You should find yourself a safe house or a relative close by. Lay low for a while because you're probably wanted for murder. I'm proud of you fellas. You kept your head on a swivel and that's what you gotta do when you find yourself in a vicious cockfight!"
  8. Yes, 3 catches for 15yd avg. Not good.
  9. My, my. Where does one begin. I mean, holy crap, the fact Spiller was drafted 2 spots before Maybin means he should be like, 20x the player. Right? Please do not ever put Spiller and Maybin together.
  10. Bills make playoffs? Matt Schaub throws 35+ TDs Peyton Manning misses not 1, but two games. Brett Favre leads team to week 12 win and promptly retires.
  11. Great post! I agree with your assessments regarding everyone except Troup. I think he's been OK but the hand-club has got to be awkward and screwing with his technique/performance. Wouldn't be too worried about him. Regarding Spencer Johnson, he just looks like a man who knows he plays for a team perhaps looking to cut some higher-price vets. Playing starter-quality minutes right now. Looks quick too. Very impressed.
  12. Well said. Can't shat on the man, just the system until we see whether or not he is worth it/reformed.
  13. Looks like The Big Cat will pissed...
  14. My view too. He was holding the ball out in case he got pushed out at the 1. Great play.
  15. Your post sums up pretty well my feelings right now.
  16. I agree. People said the same thing about WR too. Having bodies is different than having talent.
  17. I think he's avg at best, but wouldn't be surprised in the least if he rebounds with a solid performance this weekend and everyone forgets about last week.
  18. "Buffalo, Where 1st Round Picks Go to Die...For Real"
  19. OK, I'll bite. Spiller does things that Jackson couldn't dream of. The 15yd(roughly) run the other night is an example of this. He will be good.... But then he outruns his blockers on a perfectly executed screen. I get it. He does some stupid stuff. But if I remember correctly, he was hit instantly on two of his runs for losses. Even Fred "Houdini" Jackson can't escape all the time. This post is contradicting itself kinda like when we all argue over whether Spiller will be good or not. I really think if Spiller gets into a rhythm out there, it will be his path to a breakthrough season. But then again, Jackson has proven he needs touches too. The coaches are obviously going with the guy that can provide the bigger play when presented with the equal opportunity. I don't blame them for that. We need all the big-play weapons we can get. Freddy will play plenty regardless whether or not Spiller "starts."
  20. 1. Regarding Fitz...he wasn't good but oline was still worse. He was getting touched when throwing quick slants. 2. Here, here. He is bad even for "depth." 3. Too early to tell but no one cares because we have a guy as good as or better. He looked good, as did Dareus. 4. +1. Can he play outside on passing downs because he is great in space/coverage? 5. Stevie and a few other guys too. Correct about signing him up. Just get him some help ASAP. 6. Dareus is sweet. Putting it mildly. 7. If Merriman is the key to our defense, please let him stay healthy. I know it's preseaosn, but I hope were not sitting in prevent D during the regular season w/ our slap-ass secondary. Yup, I said it, they scare me. 8. Speedy recovery for Donald.
  21. Regardless of whether or not his assumptions are correct, the pressure came up from the middle just as much as it did from the outsides. Not good.
  22. Yeah, that's just stupid. I love how everyone is picking Spiller to be the scapegoat after the 2nd preseason game. Or is it Leodis. Wait, no. It's the oline. Before everyone wastes their entire Sunday and goes and reviews the game on their DVR play by play to offer their expert analysis, please refrain from shatting on everything that enters your mind. Is it not enough to say that our oline makes it difficult on absolutely everyone involved from Fitz on down to Jackson and Spiller.
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