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Everything posted by stony

  1. Id take Spencer over him any day of the week. Now that it's a 4-3, I don't even think it's that close. The best thing for the Bills and Dwan is to cut/trade him quickly so he can find a 3-4 team.
  2. I think Dwan gets cut early in an effort to let him catch onto a real 3-4 team. I really hope Spencer makes the team. He's been out of position the past two seasons. He'll be fine in a 4-3 reserve role. The second and maybe third spot is a crap shoot. Troupe if healthy? Carrington at DT? Heard?
  3. I had great seats for that game as well. Had a bunch of family from Maryland come up for the game too and we were treated to that beauty.
  4. I pretty much agree with everything here, just curious to how someone else has viewed/rated his selections thus far. I tend to look at the 5th round as the cut off as well. Personally, I worry Buddy's 2nd and 3rd rd picks in his inaugural draft might not make it out of camp this year. I would classify Troup and Carrignton as misses up until this point. I suppose you could largely view his whole first draft as a miss up until now, with the exception of Spiller. Unfortunately, injuries have had a hand in this. Really only Spiller and to a lesser degree, Moats has had any impact on the field. Now, his 2011 draft appears to be a different story. We will have 3 defensive starters most likely on day one of the 2012 season. Searcy may be a starter the following year, and Rogers seems to be a great value pick. He also added a borderline NFL starting tackle and a folk hero in Jasper. Draft looking real good.
  5. I disagree with this point. That old idiot had 5 for 79 the first game against the Bills and 4 for 54 1TD in the second including a pretty impressive one hander that kept the Jets in the game. I won't argue about the idiot part, but he's got good red-zone value, something an inaccurate QB like Fitz could benefit from.
  6. Every era has great two-way DEs. I'm just saying Mario wasn't brought in to stop the run.
  7. Yes, but the strength of the DL one might argue isn't even their alleged (because they haven't done this yet) run stopping ability. I'd say it's it ability to get after the QB which is very "New School" considering the era we are currently in. Mario was brought in to get after Brady and Co. K. Williams is a penetrator when best deployed. Dareus does everything. Merriman is a one trick pony at this point. On your second point, I agree and fully endorse this change. I love the spread, but I think the Bills are better when Fitz doesn't have to throw it 40 times a game.
  8. Rob Johnson? Dockery? We traded for him so I guess it doesn't even count but he was a decent contributor on the last 4-0 "mirage" Bills team. He came out w/ a vengeance against JVille that year when Trent led a 4th Q comeback on the road. I think James Hardy had a game winning TD that game which led 99.9A% of us proclaiming him to being the next big thing. Nothing special but not the worst ever.
  9. He's actually only missed 3 regular season games in 3 years if I'm correct. Injury concerns are way overblown IMO.
  10. He wants too much money for a guy who's never had a 1000yd season. Now...with that said, Percy Harvin is exactly the type of player Chan would turn into a 1000yd WR.
  11. I haven't been excited for a 1st rd pick like I am for Gilmore in a long time. Even more so than Dareus. I never compare guys who have yet to take an NFL snap to an elite player, but I see a lot of Revis in him. The low key, never get flustered demeanor he seems to bring to the field. Even his physical side where it never looks like he's moving that fast but he's always right there with his guy. He'll take his lumps like any rookie, but I'm real excited for him.
  12. Not a bad list, but when did hooking up w/ super models and building mansions become frowned upon?
  13. There is definitely truth to this. Funny little story about him, Merriman was hitting on this girl I was out with from work last summer, I mean laying it on real thick. Long story short, she gets his number and he begins texting her pretty frequently about hanging out and how cool he is. She's showing me all these and then during training camp he starts to try and persuade her to meet him out at SJFC (this was the second week of camp). He was telling her how he'd unlock the side door of the dorms for her and how his room was at the end of the hall for easy access. I thought it was hilarious cause he was dead serious about trying to sneak her in. He always used to send her pics of his boat and tell her how good the weather was in SD during the winter here.
  14. Yeah because all the scouts/talking heads said how safe a pick JPP was... He was a raw player that was able to be eased into the best DLine in the league. Even if the Bills did take him, there's no guarantee he'd be the same player for us as he is for the Giants.
  15. I generally agree w/ this but I don't mind it if the guys have some fun as long as they don't get flagged. I was/still am really excited to see the Lights Out dance after Merriman drills Sanchez in week 1.
  16. If Merriman could chip in w/ 5-6 sack this year I would be one happy man.
  17. That's cool. I'm heading down with a group myself, too.
  18. Yup. And they prefaced all their comments with this as well. When they guessed Forte, they even said "well we'll go with the big market selection on this one..."
  19. On NFL Live today, they had fans on Twitter vote for the top 5 RBS in the NFL. They did it in a "Family Feud" style fashion in honor of the late host. The Results were interesting. 1. AP 2. A. Foster 3. L. McCoy 4. Ray Rice and Number five had the hosts guess Chris Johnson, Forte, and MDJ before they finally showed the 5th spot as Freddy. Both seemed kinda stunned at 1st but then went into saying how good he was early on in the season and how good he must be considering it was fans on Twitter voting him in w/ Buffalo being a small market and all. Kind of cool.
  20. I was in Germany was the 2010 Wprld Cup and watched games in a few bars while the national squad was playing and it was insane. Probably multiple that by 1000 and it will be somewhat similar. As for tailgating, I've been to an EPL game in England and most fans seem to congregate at pubs beforehand. Have an awesome time, hopefully some mix of Germany, Spain, and the Netherlands are in your game.
  21. Nothing about the hits, but if my memory is correct, Moorman threw a TD Pass to Denney in the 1st half off of a fake FG.
  22. I hear you, but I think Byrd took a huge step last season and is ready to round into the all-around playmaker most of us prematurally anointed him as after his rookie year. He was our best defender last seaon IMO. As for the lineman, it's a tough decision because you've got two very good players who are ready to enter their primes. Both potential pro-bowlers from here on out. One is hurt a lot, but is the more naturally talented of the two. The other has proven to be reliable and able to play multiple positions at a high level. It's a draw, with the slight edge going to Levitre due to Woods injuries.
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