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Everything posted by stony

  1. Yes, because paper bags bring about so much change. For anyone who does, I hope Tom Donahoe personally administers the NFLs reentry exam to you.
  2. In a recent article in SI about the painkiller epidemic in the NFL, former Jets/Dolphins QB Ray Lucas says he blames no person for his condition/career/injuries/misfortune...EXCEPT...Dave Wannstedt. I dont have the hard copy of the magazine in front of me, but Lucas says if he were ever to come across him in the streets there would be a problem.
  3. I think as fans we read far into things. Also, I don't think he's stupid enough to call out a fellow d-lineman after mentioning his name in the previous sentence. Especially after a subtle reference to him not being 100% healthy.
  4. Wrong, he might have been our best all around defender last season. Turned into a solid run support safety. His INTs weren't there, but his all around play went up markedly imo.
  5. True enough. It's gotta be someone in the game, up-to-date on the current trends, or with a system of their own that is proven. Buffalo doesn't need a Gruden or Cowher to energize the team, just someone that can maximize the talent we have. I refuse to believe the defensive talent is as bad as it seems and that a good coach could right the ship. It seems everyone is yearning for the Wade Philips days, but because that is an immpossibilty at this point, why not go brash and the give the other Ryan a shot. Yes, I just endorsed Rob Ryan.
  6. A lot of the "don't go for two before the 4th" stuff is antiquated. Just like the draftpick value chart. Teams that stick by this stuff get lapped by the rest of the pack. The article points this out perfectly.
  7. 1. Disagree. He just doesn't seem to adjust. 2. Agreed.
  8. He was indeed. And you're spot on with Wilson. Slow, both mentally and phyically. While you're right on Rogers' coverage skills, I have no effing clue what Wilson was staring at on the final TD.
  9. I actually dont mind Mangini as our head coach.
  10. How can you advocate a leave of absense?
  11. Fair enough as far as accountability is concerned. It's a performance based, results oriented league. As for Dareus, I don't think I'm off base. Kid was on the All-Rookie team, led his team in sacks, and played with some questionable talent along that front. But, please don't tell me you're going to blame last season's D on Dareus. As for some of the other players, performance is so often based on circumstance. Julio Jones went to a playoff team w/ a Pro-Bowler opposite of him. No one could predict Watt being Reggies White, and we were changing schemes. Peterson has built his reputation as a punt returner thus far. And unless my eyes deceived me, our 7th rd. WR was abusing him last Sunday, with this only mitigated by the dreadful accuracy of our QB. Green is a flat out stud, no argument here. Smith was a situational pass rusher a team like us didn't have the ability to take a risk on (the ghost of Maybin fresh in the minds of the FO).
  12. I couldn't disagree more, and as you mention, your whole premise is based on "would have, should have." Thats a covienent way to make the case stand that of all people, Marcell Dareus is a bad pick. By all accounts he's had two bad games is year that propelled him to the bottom of a system of rankings. The same rankings that don't take into account a person tragedy that has obviously affected his play. I am the furthest thing from a Buddy apologist and have said on numerous threads he's got a below average resume thus far on early picks. But I won't try to qualify his shortcomings by saying he should have taken the other guy who has performed well thus far. It's too easy and lazy way IMO to go about complaining about a talent on our roster that but 5 weeks ago nearly everyone on this board would agree they'd rather have MD over Von Miller, the reigning DROY.
  13. That's my point. But people will continue to bring him up and compare him to Fitz because "we could have had him." Imagine the would be juggarnaut the team would be if only we had "taken the other guy."
  14. Andy Dalton is one of the most overrated QBs in the game.
  15. Perhaps. But maybe he turns into a good safety. To Buddy's defense, the draft advisory board and many "experts" predicted he was a late first rounder/early second. This wasn't a Troup type of pick where Buddy thought he was smarter than everyone else.
  16. Only in Buffalo man...only in Buffalo. But seriously, CJ needs the ball.
  17. Good, there's only one way to go but up.
  18. Remington Tavern. Located right on the canal. Great bar, good vibe, great seafood.
  19. Ralph is too classy to so such a thing. Besides, my sources indicate he has already paid for a certain particular Bills fan in Arizona to do it for him.
  20. I hear ya on Choice, but you kind of make your case for you. He's got two, very, very, good RBs ahead of him on the depth chart that are already looking for/secretly pissed about the number of carries they are getting.
  21. Actually, believe it or not, I can. Dude is super-intense, but he's a student of the game that unless provoked, wouldn't go out of the way like a Bart Scott would to crap on the other team. EDIT: just saw the Dr. beat me too it. My bad.
  22. Maybe if Chan had a little Lou Brown in him he'd get the man a pair of glasses like he did for Ricky Vaughn dammit.
  23. I'll definitely say he's been great on special teams, so good, that he'd probably be in my imaginay top-5 list of players this season thus far for the Bills. But can anyone really say he's been good on D? He still gets picked on by QBs and was beat out by Justin Rogers for the nickle job.
  24. Agreed. Im hoping when Cordy comes back, Hairston moves over to the right permanently. I don't dislike Pears at all, but Hairston is ready IMO.
  25. True that!!! I almost felt bad for him because everytime Kolb ran it seemed like the cameras caught Kelsay beating his man upfield.
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