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Everything posted by stony

  1. But polite enough to tell the whole story. C'mon man. You obviously told the story to shame him a bit.
  2. You are aware how those guys did act off the field, right? Only difference is no social media and message boards to gripe on. Who was the player? You gotta tell now after your little story.
  3. This isn't a negative Nancy reply, but it's one decent game in three. They cut him to make room essentially for Moore and I don't think anyone's going to argue with how that turned out.
  4. Stop Clay. That freaking guy kills us. And nobody knows who he is.
  5. Whatever he says, I would do the exact opposite. Worst announcer ever. And seriously, Spiller shouldn't be getting the ball 30 times a game. That's a great way to ruin the best talent on the roster in two years.
  6. Youre right about not being a No. 2, but new GM/coach or not, he's played himself onto the 2013 roster.
  7. I love it. But hasn't Lindy only been to the big game once crayonz, I mean Canks.
  8. I think Donald Jones has been a bright spot this season all things considered. Don't see him going anywhere especially if Chan and Co. are in command. Also, how are you using the term 'sleeper?' Breakout? To be cut?
  9. What does your response have to do with what the OP is saying? We all get it, you're pissed about the Bills.
  10. Two passes batted down, one of which should've been picked. Half a sack, a tackle for loss. Yes, Dareus has been off this year, no should Spencer Johnson be taking his playing time.
  11. Leodis McKelvin roughly translated means "little to no ball skills."
  12. Since when can't selfmade million/billionaires not have an ego? I'd probably have one. Do you think Terry Pegula pats engineers on the ass when they mess up a job? Someone like JJ would be a godsend for our franchise (except all of his personell ineptness)
  13. Thank you for actually printing the text of the comments. The OP provided his own analysis contrary to the actual quote.
  14. Ha. You're preaching to the choir on this, but its widely known Billick wanted the job and didn't even get a call from the Bills. He's probably the sole reason Buddy proclaimed the Bills job was so desirable. As for Mangini, pure assumption on my end, he just doesn't strike me as the type to end his coaching career quite yet. And seriously, when was the last teen degree weather game in Buffalo?
  15. I'm not defending him. But Rex is in control of the defense, and in his tenure as the coach there, its been very good. Has Rex mader a locker room mess? Yes. But the owner and GM thought it was a good idea to bring Tebow in. Im not putting that on him. His offense is pitiful, but he oversee's the offense as much as Chan does to our D. And its funny how many ex-Rex players go to bat for the guy. Why not Mangini or Billick? Both are retreads and as we know, that's our style.
  16. 1. Not too sure if he's really done anything to deserve this. 2. Rex has certainly made his share of mistakes, no doubt. But you're dislusional to think he's the only reason for the clusterf@#k down in NYC. Tannenbaum has constructed that team with a bunch of me-first morons. Their offense is atrocious, and we all know Rex doesn't do offense.
  17. You're grasping for straws here...looking to do whatever you can to blame him... taking simple comments out of context...
  18. My favorite Leodis quote came shorty after he arrived. When asked on the radio about living arrangements, Leodis replied "yeah man, I'm gonna get me one of them houses." I remember laughing out loud in the car from that one. But in all seriousness, and yes Leodis does butcher the English language, there are millions of people (w/ high IQs) who use twitter and use the same short-form English as he does.
  19. Huh, you never struck me as the PC type. Anyhow, I agree with your scouting approach and my friends and I have had similar discussions. Each time I think Ive found my new team I get a dirty feeling like Im cheating on my girlfriend.
  20. Are we still really using this as an excuse? Let's be honest, Ralph isn't doing too much meddling these days.
  21. Sure will... Aldon Smith is a situational pass-rusher on a top-5 defense. With memories of Aaron Maybin fresh on their minds, we didn't have the luxury of such a pick. Pat Peterson has been a special teams ace, something we have many of. Last week I watched our 7th rd WR abuse him. And just imagine if Fitz hit him the other five times he was open... AJ Green and Watt are studs so I won't go there, but did you or anyone for that matter think Watt was this good. But be lazy and use the hindsight argument... Julio Jones went to a team with an established young QB and a Pro Bowl WR opposite of him. As for Dareus, you make it sound like he didn't do anything last year either, other than lead his team in sacks w/ little help on that d-line and make the All-Rookie team. Has he been disappointing this year? Yes, no doubt. But 23 games into his NFL career with 7 total sacks and you're labeling him a bust makes you look lazy.
  22. Nothing like dilapidated grain elevators as the backdrop of a bllion dollar stadium
  23. Nawww, im quite sure it's more than Mario. And Im quite sure he doesn't lose the team because of this one move.
  24. Yes, because paper bags bring about so much change. For anyone who does, I hope Tom Donahoe personally administers the NFLs reentry exam to you.
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