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Everything posted by stony

  1. He's exhibited world class douche baggery at nearly every stop of his career. I'm sure a lot of things went into his 'good behavior' with the Bills. But for a couple of years, he straightened up and even made the Pro Bowl. I don't think it's that big of a stretch to suggest Wood was a positive influence on him during his time here.
  2. Eric Wood seems like he kept RI in check while in Buffalo. Sounds like things were already starting to spiral, but guessing Wood's retirement didn't help. The front office might have even know that w Wood gone, the issue was bound to get worse.
  3. Good to here on Stevie. He was a bright spot during dark times. Glad to see he's a good guy.
  4. I'm cautiously optimistic for Sunday. Bills/Pats in Oct of 2016 was the last time I went into a game really thinking we could cause them problems. Our D-Line was introduced last. Mario/Kyle and Dareus all at their peaks. I think Guiness was there trying to break some noise records. Brady never even got hit. Just got rid of the ball so quick.
  5. He's right about Edmunds. Sal usually gives Sully a run for his money but this was a decent breakdown.
  6. Hell hath no fury like a Buffalo women dropping her chicken finger sub.
  7. Depends on what your definition of fat coin is. Not that it matters, as you say, not a bad gig. Just highly doubt he's well compensated for it.
  8. It's going to be tough to score points this week. But if Edelman is out, I think the D can keep it tight. Get into the 4th within striking distance and maybe JA introduces himself to the murderers, rapists and cheaters who make up Pats nation.
  9. Mega Millions here I come
  10. Feelings side, its smart imo to draft CBs and get 4 or 5 years of quality cost-controlled play. I'm a proponent of drafting CBs in every draft. Just not sold on paying them huge money.
  11. We had a hot sauce in college called Da Bomb IIRC. It was the stupid hot variety best used for dares and gags. We were all hanging out one afternoon when my buddy came home w/ it and brought out a few tooth picks for us all to sample it. He told us not to touch it with our fingers or unscrew the cap without a tissue or some barrier between our skin. It gave me hiccups for 1/2 hour. Anyhow, our buddy Mike didn't believe us and dipped his entire finger in the sauce and tested it. It obviously made him miserable for the next hour or so. But the best part was a day later as I walked into their apartment, he was in the kitchen with his di*k in a bowl of milk. Evidently, when he went to the bathroom later that day and touched his junk, it burned pretty bad. Mike wasn't the best listener.
  12. Also insinuated that open container enforcement will be in effect. That’s something I’ve never seen. My favorite part of tailgating is the obligatory beer in hand during the walk to the gates.
  13. He's awesome. Weird to say I've followed his career from The Real World to Jim Rome to GMFB.
  14. If you're a Bonvoy guy, downtown Buffalo has a Marriott (Harborcenter) and Courtyard Marriott down by the arena. Further uptown, there's a Westin and a recently remodeled Residence Inn. All are new or newish.
  15. True. But all things being equal, they'd pay Tre first. Not saying that's right. Personally, I think paying huge money to CBs is dumb.
  16. He was bad week 1. He was excellent today.
  17. Ha. One of my favorite quotes regarding filming on the set of African Queen where everyone got sick except Bogie and John Huston: 'All I ate was baked beans, canned asparagus and Scotch whisky. Whenever a fly bit Huston or me, it dropped dead.'
  18. This is a pretty embarrassing 'streak' if we're being honest. Glad Allen was able to end it. Just pretty amazing with all the QBs throughout the years, not a single one hit a bit of a hot streak.
  19. One of my best friends is a die-hard Giants fan. He thinks it's going to be ugly...Bills by 20+. This kind of scare me lol.
  20. Throw in Wawrinka's 3, too. Five players for 63. Crazy.
  21. Oliver looks like he belongs. Murphy looked good yesterday, too. Can't remember ever saying that.
  22. Here's to hoping it was a seniority thing and is now long forgotten.
  23. Such a tough game to evaluate for Allen. Perfect storm of crap early on. But considering how I felt at 16-0, this W feels great.
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